Questions tagged [endnotes]

{endnotes} is about adding notes to a text which are collected and displayed at the end of the document or chapter.

26 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Best package for typesetting critical edition of Greek texts: ednotes, reledpar, reledmac, or ekdosis?

I know of several packages designed for producing critical editions: ednotes, reledpar, reledmac, and, most recently, ekdosis. What are the relative strengths and weaknesses of these packages for ...
Alex Roberts's user avatar
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Prevent endnotes/footnotes from duplicating on beamer when using animations

I am making a Beamer presentation and I use pauses between contents of the slides. I've managed to make it so that the in-text endnote numbers and the appendix endnote numbers are clickable and ...
Cloud Wilmot's user avatar
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How to reference using endnotes, with endnotes grouped by chapter at the end of the book

I'm trying to reference using footnotes, and to have these footnotes displayed as endnotes at the end of my book. Importantly, I want these endnotes to be grouped by chapter. Here's an example of what ...
sdlkgjh45's user avatar
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Separating endnotes from text with enotez

I'm trying to format endnotes with the following features: Endnote text is defined separately from the main body of the text. I will likely pull this into a separate .tex file. Separate endnotes for ...
Perry Elliott-Iverson's user avatar
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Can footnotes be printed on-demand as part of the main text?

Solved with parnotes package. ... Is there a command for printing footnotes as part of the main text? I seem to remember a way of doing that with endnotes, where the accumulated notes would show up ...
user182238's user avatar
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How to only print endnote section if there are any endnotes?

I am using the enotez package and would like to be able to call \printendnotes regardless of if there are actually any endnotes. In the case that there are no endnotes I would either like the \...
StrongBad's user avatar
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Cross-referencing on 2 kinds of end-footnotes (separated and with different coloured numbers)

In the beginning I used parnotes and endnotes to distinguish between the 2 seperated kinds of end-footnotes: Attention: to be able to compile the first "grey box" of trial code, one must download the ...
O0123's user avatar
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Inserting code environment in an endnote

I am currently writing a report in which I have to include many bits of code in endnotes on a different page. Doing every reference manually seems unnecessarily tedious. I found a way to insert python ...
Galou's user avatar
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Broken links when rendering notes as endnotes using sepfootnotes

I'm using the sepfootnotes package to store my notes in a separate file and retrieve them as endnotes. I have a really solid setup, and everything is working well except for one thing: when I click on ...
mtl_zack's user avatar
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How to automatically put URLs in footnotes?

Suppose I have a document with a few hyperref links within paragraphs of text. ...research on related topics. \href{}{\emph{The ...
Lucas's user avatar
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Package clash between enotez and gmverse while using several paragraphs in an endnote

Here is my MWE: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{enotez} \usepackage{gmverse} \begin{document} \begin{verse} foo\endnote{bar baz} \end{verse} \end{document} When I use a linebreak in an \...
fauve's user avatar
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Link does not work properly with endnotes and hyperref when endnote counter is reset

I am trying to creatate circular hyperlinks between endnotes marks and their respective content. I ended up finding this answer that basicaly does what I want. However, in my project the endnote ...
Gabriel Araújo's user avatar
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incompatibility between notes2bib and plos15 style?

I am writing a paper for PLOS that does not permit footnotes or endnotes aside from the references, so I would like my footnotes to appear in the references section. PLOS mandates the plos15.bst ...
Karl Berggren's user avatar
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Splitting Endnotes Into Chapters With Enotez: Issues With Footnotes Out of Chapters

I'm using @cgnieder's code from enotez: listing chapter or section names at the listing of endnotes to split endotes into different chapters. The code works well, but some of the endnotes in my book ...
egarbugli's user avatar
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Problem with enotez and \includeonly

Compiling a latex document using \includeonly and the package enotez may result on a document with uncorrect end notes. For instance, if my document (main.tex) includes chap1.tex and chap2.tex, each ...
Mathieu Lacroix's user avatar
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change footnotes to endnotes, but allow some old footnotes

My question is similar to How can I get two sequences of "footnotes" in one LaTeX document, one as footnotes, the other as endnotes? and also to Is there a way to move all footnotes to the ...
user101089's user avatar
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Using polyglossia's \greeknumeral with the endnotes package

I'd like to number my endnotes with greek numerals. To do this I loaded the polyglossia package and created a command to wrap around its \greeknumeral command. I've found this all works exactly as ...
Trold's user avatar
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Endnotes in two columns: how to have \section in one column?

I have a document with endotes which should be typeset in two columns. This works fine with the code in the MWE below. How can I interrupt the twocolumn-area for the section headings? I want them to ...
michael's user avatar
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Endnotes starting with a quote: Align

In my document, I have an endnote, which starts with a quote. My minimal working example looks as follows: \documentclass[12pt,a4paper,twoside]{scrartcl} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[T1]{...
B.Hueber's user avatar
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Two way hyperlink and raised hyperlink target causing build errors

I have fused two methods to create two way hyperlinks for my endnotes (endnotes/pagenotes from memoir). The methods used for two way links and a fix for links that aim to low. The result: \...
paladhammika's user avatar
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add ancient text citation export endnote to .bib

I am trying to cite classical sources / ancient texts in the original and I would like to create a new entry for it in my bibtex export from endnote. I use natbib. Is this possible? \documentclass[...
billy's user avatar
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pdflatex: How to find out if reruns are necessary?

I run pdflatex.exe from an app (c#) of mine with Process.Start(....). The endnote facility apparently makes reruns necessary. pdflatex does not automatically do reruns, if I'm right. So I want to do ...
Erik's user avatar
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No Heading for Endnotes

I would like to use XeLaTeX to write papers according to MLA8, but for that the automatic heading created by \theendnotes is in the way. There is already an explanation on how to change the heading (...
LajosH's user avatar
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Turn off endnotes after last chapter

In several previous queries, e.g., change footnotes to endnotes, but allow some old footnotes I asked about converting footnotes to endnotes in a flexible way that didn't involve changing the actual \...
user101089's user avatar
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Tabular Endnotes

I am using the endnotes.sty to create the author queries to be printed on all the endnotes article firstpage. I need a tabular endnote format in \theendnotes output. I don't know how to change the ...
CS Kumar's user avatar
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Hyperref endnotes used to create the author queries

I am using hyperref endnotes to create a two way inter linking marginal note and author queries. I am using a lot of environments like vbox and hbox, tables, figure, equations, Box, multicol. But ...
CS Kumar's user avatar
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