Questions tagged [front-matter]

The front matter of a document (in particular, a book) contains everything before the main body of text: the title page, tables of contents, dedications, prefaces, etc. For questions about specific parts of the front matter, use the respective tag (e.g. {titles} or {table-of-contents}).

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title page in book

I'd like to make a book with front page this one which I found here. For this specific front page the author gives the following code \newcommand*{\cdiam}{\prec\kern-2pt\succ} \newcommand*{\titleZD}...
1123581321's user avatar
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How do I change numbering from arabic letters to roman letters after ToC and set countering to 1?

I am trying to change the numbering from roman to Arabic after my Table of Contents. So far I found out that I need those two things: \pagenumbering{roman} \pagenumbering{arabic} But I am not quite ...
Fendi's user avatar
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elsarticle frontmatter: Overfull \hbox has occurred while \output is active

Minimal working example % !TeX TS-program = pdflatex % !TeX encoding = UTF-8 \documentclass{elsarticle} \begin{document} \begin{frontmatter} \end{frontmatter} \end{document} leads to Overfull \...
JoKalliauer's user avatar
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Frontmatter and Chapter headings

I'm trying to format my thesis and I got to a pre-textual element (acronyms list) that has two pages. The first page has the correct "plain" heading, but the second page doesn't, because it's ...
Lucas Paiva's user avatar
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How to insert a detailed front page?

I have to write a professional document and I'd like to insert a front page with a lot of basic informations about me (address, phone, etc.). How could I do that? This is a very basic MWE: \...
domi's user avatar
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How to add separate "list of symbols" when "list of abbreviations" is already produced by glossaries? [duplicate]

My University's dissertation class uses glossaries to produces a "LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS". I want to use it to produce a second list, a simple "LIST OF SYMBOLS". Can this be done with glossaries? How ...
Astor Florida's user avatar
2 votes
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Abstract come before title after `\maketitle`, how to correct

Why does come abstract before title in this example? And how to enforce the correct behaviour (title, authors, affiliations, abstract, such as in elsarticle?) \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article} \...
atapaka's user avatar
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Remove blank page after frontmatter and start first chapter page numbering with one

Can anyone help me with starting page counting from one on the first page of my first chapter? I have really tried a lot of approaches but I simply do not get behind what the reason for this strange ...
Stücke's user avatar
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In frontmatter after toc suddenly pagenumbering gets arabic

I can't find why the page-numbering after a chapter (or even toc) in front-matter switches to arabic. I would appreciate any helps and hints to fix this. Here is my (edited) code: \documentclass[ ...
Phima's user avatar
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Putting text and a logo at the same level on a front page [closed]

I want to put text and a logo at the same level on a front page. I tried to use minipage but I had an option clash for package xcolor: \documentclass[english, a4paper, 12pt, twoside]{article} % ---...
Revolucion for Monica's user avatar
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Is there a drawback to using \setstretch outside the preamble?

The setspace package source indicates: Three commands, \singlespacing, \onehalfspacing, and \doublespacing, are for use in the preamble to set the overall spacing for the document. If a different ...
Andrew Dunning's user avatar
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Adjust Front Matter Numbering in User-Defined Thesis Class

I'm challenged with adjusting the page numbering in the frontmatter of my thesis. I downloaded a template thesis given here, which uses the book class as a basis for the newly defined class Thesis....
Mnifldz's user avatar
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Error when citing in the frontmatter (Spanish)

I'm trying to reference an article in an abstract chapter but I'm getting lots of errors that I don't understand. Here's a MWE: \documentclass[spanish]{book} \usepackage{babel} \usepackage[utf8]{...
jlaraval's user avatar
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Hide page number on a certain page of a report, but have it counted

In a report document class, I would like to hide the numbering on a certain page in the front matter, but still have that page counted in the document wide page numbering scheme. Specifically, my ...
kingledion's user avatar
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frontmatter mainmatter and backmatter errors

I have this block of code which is giving me errors when using frontmatter, mainmatter and backmatter. I am getting errors at \maketitle - undefined control sequence, \input{chap2/...
Charlene's user avatar
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How to escape blank pages after chapter*s in front-matter of otherwise openright book

What is the preferred way to suppress blank pages following \chapter*{} in the frontmatter of a book. My book is two sided, and I'd only like to escape the (I guess) openright in the front matter, not ...
nJGL's user avatar
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Remove space between chapter breaks in List of Figures and List of Tables

Am fightning for space in my thesis ;) Have already been able to remove vertical space between chapter breaks in TOC, but trying to do the same thing with LoF and LoT At present I am using the ...
bsquared's user avatar
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Problem with end{frontmatter} in elsarticle

\documentclass[review]{elsarticle} \usepackage{lineno,float,graphicx,lipsum} \usepackage{titling} \usepackage[table, dvipsnames]{xcolor} \usepackage{microtype} \usepackage{color, colortbl} \usepackage{...
Armin Dolatimehr's user avatar
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How can I vertically center a predefined abstract environment to the middle of text body?

I got a low level TeX code from Define abstract environment in book that defines an environment for Abstract. However, when I put it in my work, I use notitlepage option which results in the abstract ...
Al-Motasem Aldaoudeyeh's user avatar
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Creating the following page in latex

I am done with my thesis. I am trying to replicate the following thesis page in latex. I am having a lot of hard time doing it. I tried the following code but it is giving me the same look $ \...
Illustionisttt.'s user avatar
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\frontmatter and \mainmatter generate unwanted pages with with the text "figurechapter tablechapter"

I am working on a book manuscript with a master document which imports chapters from separate documents. The master document class is memoir. When using \frontmatter and \mainmatter, these commands ...
svd's user avatar
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Frontmatter in roman numerals with \cleardoublepage causes extra arabic number to appear

Edit I am writing my thesis using \documentclass[11pt, twoside, a4paper]{report} and I want the frontmatter to be in roman numerals. I add \cleardoublepage because people said I have to. This ...
Hans's user avatar
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Conditional \if@mainmatter don’t have any effect

I try to make a command who have different behavior depending if it is executed in mainmatter area or not. So I use the \if@mainmatter command as described in the topic Checking the mainmatter But, ...
fauve's user avatar
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Adapting Thesis frontispiece

I am learning LateX for my thesis work and I have already realized a frontispece for that using the following code: %%%% Frontespizio Tesi \documentclass[a4paper,titlepage,twoside]{book} \usepackage[...
michele_ub's user avatar
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front page of thesis

To produce front page of the thesis a separate .tex file should be created? After reading several already asked question regarding the same I found that for the front page a separate \begin{document} ...
Higgs's user avatar
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frontmatter command causing error when used with custom ToC

I've been playing with this pretty ToC, with the goal of simplifying it for my needs. I have successfully done that, but when I try to implement it into my bigger file, \frontmatter seems to cause an ...
AML's user avatar
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How to add an extra line after the Keywords part in Elsevier class

In using Elsevier class, I would like to insert an extra line of DOI: 10.xxxxx/blah right after the Keywords part. What I did is to type this line after the block \begin{keyword} ... \end{...
Thanh Nguyen's user avatar
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I want to put blank pages after title page, acknowledgement, abstract, ant etc

I want to put blank pages after title page, acknowledgement, abstract, ant etc. and also I want to strat a new chapter in a right side page. my codes are below. \documentclass[12pt]{article} \...
Ajith's user avatar
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Using \frontmatter but still receiving "Chapter 0" for acknowledgements [closed]

I am using document class book and in my \frontermatter I have Abstract, Acknowledgements and Table of content. My problem is that Acknowledgements has a "Chapter0" in the header but none of the ...
user125625's user avatar
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How to change vertical spacing on frontmatter chapters

I'm new to latex, and I'm writing a document (book), since vertical space above \chapter is to big I want to reduce it, for chapters in the mainmatter I have no problem, because I use \documentclass ...
JmML's user avatar
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3 votes
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Problem with \corref instruction in elsarticle document class

In the following TeX file which is written based on elsarticle template, I want the second author (author2) be the corresponding author. I put the \corref instruction for author2 but when I run the ...
AbbasKaramali's user avatar
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Problem with \ead instruction in elsarticle document class

I have two identical TeX files written under elsarticle template, with the exception that the names of authors are different. This small difference makes an error for the second code below while for ...
AbbasKaramali's user avatar
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Elsarticle abbreviations footnote before other frontmatter footnotes

In Elsevier articles, the abbreviations are presented as a footnote that appears at the bottom of the first page, before any other footnote related to the title or the authors.It has no footnote mark. ...
Joe H.'s user avatar
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Moving \mainmatter creates error with \index + \footcite

I am working with Latex for couple of years now and this is the weirdest problem I had so far. I am using scrbook and I am trying to do the following: I want first two chapters of my book (...
stx932's user avatar
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Start Roman numerals after ToC using memoir

I have the following template for a book using memoir: \documentclass[a5paper, 14pt]{memoir} \usepackage{lipsum} \begin{document} \frontmatter \chapter*{Nothing} \chapter*{Nothing} \clearpage ...
BillyJean's user avatar
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Changing thanks to endnotes

I would like to convert the front matter thanks footnote to an endnote. \documentclass{article} \usepackage[nopar]{lipsum} \usepackage{endnotes} \author{% Abraham Lincoln% \thanks{1600 ...
Tom Price's user avatar
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wrapping figure in line with text on latex

I want to add logo picture in line with text as shown in figure (it is the picture of word document) for that purpose my code is given below \begin{center}\Large { \textbf{University name\\ }}\end{...
sam's user avatar
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remove "Manuscript submitted to ACM"

I am using acmart package manuscript option to write a report not intended to submit to ACM, yet It seems it insists on the output of "Manuscript submitted to ACM", is there any way I can remove it? ...
python152's user avatar
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use of \paragraph in abstract elsarticle

I am using elsarticle class to prepare a preprint. For this, I would like to use structured abstract i.e., use of different paragraph headings in the abstract. However, using \paragraph result in one ...
novice's user avatar
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Prevent frontmatter to reset counting

I would like to keep the same numbering throughout the whole document. But frontmatter and mainmatter are resetting the numbering. How can I prevent this behaviour? \documentclass[oneside,12pt]{book} ...
edkeveked's user avatar
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Page-number-style for Marathi

I am new to this forum. I am facing a problem in page-numbering style. I am using xelatex engine for the document in Marathi Language and in Devanagari script. In book-document-class when I use \...
Sushant's user avatar
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Extract just the front page code from template

This is a template I want to use as part of an assignment. The thing is that I only need the frontpage. But no matter how I try to get only the code for the frontpage by trying to delete everything ...
RandomDude's user avatar
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How to remove two lines around blank abstract in Elsevier final output?

I'm using \documentclass[final]{elsarticle} to prepare supplementary materials for a paper I'll be submitting to an Elsevier journal. Obviously there is no need for an abstract here, but I can't ...
LShaver's user avatar
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BibLaTeX - Backreferencing citations from frontmatter with Greek language [duplicate]

I've encountered a problem with backreferences from my bibliography (biblatex, biber) to the frontmatter of my document when using "greek" as a babel option in my document. The following seems to be a ...
Tim's user avatar
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Formatting front matter title and page number in ToC to be single spaced and roman

I want to achieve the following (ignore the artifacts, it's from a university reference for their thesis style), I have the following MWE, \documentclass[12pt, a4paper, oneside, parskip=full]{memoir}...
Khalid Hussain's user avatar
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How to add a subtitle for a lyx book

I am using Document > Settings > Document Class of Book (Standard Class). The drop-down box for text styles provides (for FrontMatter) choices such as Title and Author, but not a choice for ...
TJB's user avatar
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Latex - article frontmatter [duplicate]

I am writing a report using class article. Since I have already started with article, I want to know if there is any wait to have frontmater and mainmatter like in class book. I want my introduction ...
dmx's user avatar
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How to align manually-typed list of abbreviation table (2 columns)

I try to prepare my "list of abbreviation" for my thesis on a separate frontmatter page (namely "listofabbreviations"), so it will be easy to review and edit. It will have two columns and looks ...
Yvonne's user avatar
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page numbering (frontmatter and mainmatter) problem

\documentclass[a4paper, twoside,12pt, print]{Classes/CUEDthesisPSnPDF} \usepackage[top=5.55cm, bottom=5.55cm, left=4cm, right=4cm]{geometry} %for the author in chapters \makeatletter \newcommand{\...
user1532868's user avatar
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In book class, fancy page heading stumbles with Preface

Thanks, Werner, your suggestion worked nicely. I here provide a minimalist example that works In book class, I define headers and have a Preface: \documentclass[12pt,twoside,openright]{book} \...
Haines Brown's user avatar