Questions tagged [glossaries]

{glossaries} is about creating glossaries, acronyms, nomenclatures and similar lists. A popular package is `glossaries`.

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Creating a dictionary

I'm trying to make a dictionary of terms which can include images or tables. My first idea was to use the glossaries package. I should clarify that I need it's a dictionary and glossaries package ...
Michael Rosales Vilca's user avatar
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Good practises for writing equation-heavy thesis in LaTeX

I'm starting to write my PhD thesis in LaTeX using the yathesis documentclass for french thesis. I will write lots of equations, with many different symbols and I like the idea of referencing them ...
mayonnaise's user avatar
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Glossaries in file with multiple sections

I am working on a thesis document in overleaf using a template because I am at the beginning of my Latex journey. This template works with a thesisstyle.sty file with contains the information on the ...
libviking's user avatar
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How to change hyperlink target for dual glossary entries?

I'm working on my thesis and was initially using the basic glossaries package, and recently switched over to glossaries-extras for its more robust handling of multiple glossaries. I have a list of ...
drmuelr's user avatar
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glossaries-extra remove in-text hyperlinks after first occurrence

Hi there while using glossaries-extra, I could benefit from the extra feature of having links for each first appearance of a new definition/acronym to the respective Glossary or Acronyms section. This ...
Matteo's user avatar
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How can I remove the left-margin of the glossaries "long" style?

How can I remove the spacing (marked red) produced by the long style by glossaries? I wasn't able to find information on customizing the style in the package documentation. \documentclass{memoir} \...
Anna's user avatar
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Adjust predefined glossary style "longheaderborder" of package glossaries

I tried to define a new glossary style based on the defined style "longheaderborder". It works well except that the bottom line of the longtable is missing. What should i do in my code to ...
Ronghua Xu's user avatar
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Glossary - Resize columns widths / space between columns

I am in need of your help. I tried to make a glossary for acronyms. I'm compiling with LuaLaTeX and currently use the printnoidxglossaries with the glossary-longbooktabs package, as the long-booktabs ...
Ei_Si's user avatar
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Compile glossary files individually for testing

Is there a setup that allows importing glossary definitions from another file, while at the same time being able to compile this file in a standalone manner (for testing purposes)? acronyms.tex \...
Hyperplane's user avatar
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Compiling Glossaries with neovim

I am using vimtex with the following vim.init setup: let g:Tex_FormatDependency_pdf = 'dvi,ps,pdf' let g:Tex_CompileRule_dvi = '~/mnt/d/MikTeX/miktex/bin/x64/pdflatex.exe --interaction=nonstopmode $*...
Mstislav Keldysh's user avatar
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How to combine list of abbreviations and list of symbols in the glossaries package?

I've used glossaries to keep one list of abbreviations and one list of symbols. When I print them, they're printed as two separate lists with titles and pagebreaks. How can I print them together in ...
Anna's user avatar
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Is there a way to make glossary entries whitout printing this entry as is in the text? [duplicate]

I am using the glossary to make a listing of symbols in my file, but I got the following problem: some times symbols appear in the text with very specific arguments, one example is the following: $$\...
Felipe Dilho's user avatar
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Left-align Two-column Glossary for English Words

I have used glossaries package in order to produce an English-Persian and Persian-English dictionary, with a style which I found here. But regrettably, the English words are not left-aligned as you ...
mali1234's user avatar
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How homonyms in glossary are mentioned in latex

More than once the same name type entry in \newglossaryentry is not permitted. How do we indicate the homonyms in glossaries then Thanks in advance
Yelluru Nagakiran hs21d021's user avatar
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Sort greek and latin letters in one symbol glossary

I am writing my PhD thesis and create a list of symbols with glossaries and xindy. Here, latin and greek letters are used. The problem is the correct sorting with xindy. If I use english for sorting, ...
Niklas's user avatar
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Acronym within acronym with glossaries

I have been using an acronym within an acronym successfully with Texlive 2022 like so \documentclass{article} \usepackage[acronym,nonumberlist]{glossaries} \newacronym{W}{W}{word} \newacronym{S}{S}{...
Miguel's user avatar
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How to prevent \Gls (glossaries) from sentence-casing "3d" to "3D"?

It seems \Gls, which is sentence-cases the argument, believes that "3d" sentence-cased is "3D". If I use \gls{3d} at the start of the sentence, then the output will be wrong ("...
Anna's user avatar
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Vietnamese alphabetical sorting with glossaries-extra

I've got a problem with sorting glossary entries in my paper as follows: đ is supposed to come before p, but glossaries-extra doesn't recognize that. Here is my MWE: \documentclass[12pt, a4paper, ...
trequartista's user avatar
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How can I make the first entry in a glossary bold?

I like to make the first entry bold. However, my approach is not working. \documentclass{article} \usepackage[acronym,nomain]{glossaries} \renewcommand{\glsnamefont}[1]{\textbf{$\mathbf{#1}$}}%\mathbf ...
Thomas's user avatar
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Name of glossary entries containing command defined with \NewDocumentCommand

I defined the following latex command: \NewDocumentCommand{\invokeWithCSV}{m>{\SplitList{,}}m}{#1#2} It takes as input the name of a command and a list of comma separated arguments and invokes the ...
atti6j's user avatar
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How to Retrieve and Use Glossary Entry Value in `fp` Package for Calculations?

I intend to utilize the numerical value 590.98 stored in the glossary entry PClabel for subsequent calculations. My approach was to retrieve the value using \glsuseri{PClabel} and incorporate it into ...
Marco Moldenhauer's user avatar
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Glossaries style=long* messes up table numbering [duplicate]

I am trying to print a list of acronyms using the glossaries package (I also used glossaries-extra with abbreviations). My goal is to have the acronym on the left side (column 1) and the long form on ...
JohnDuhh's user avatar
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Hyphen for compound acronyms

In German language compound words have to be connected using a hyphen. I have some English acronyms not containing a hyphen, e.g. "Machine Learning". If I combine them with another word in ...
Korbinian Hutter's user avatar
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Compound glossaries command with proper sub- and superscripts and custom arguments

I would like to create a macro which helps in combining gls-symbols. Each compound symbol should consist of a body and (optionally) a super and subscript (which are itself gls symbols and get listed ...
Wulle's user avatar
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Glossaries-extra error with utf-8 encoding glossary entry

I use glossaries-extra package to write my Glossary page, and it works well with English however when I insert an entry with utf-8 encoding, it raises an error. Here is my MWE: \documentclass{article} ...
trequartista's user avatar
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Centering acronyms list

I would like to center the acronyms list for a page to be left aligned in the center of the page, however, they are currently left-aligned at the left end of the page. \documentclass{article} \...
Jared Frazier's user avatar
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How to display the name of symbols with glossaries-extra package?

I am trying to produce a document that has a list of acronyms and a separate list of symbols. My problem with the list of symbols is that I can't find how to add a name for the symbol itself. I ...
arielpriarone's user avatar
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Include \dotfill between name and description of glossary list

I am trying to include \dotfill between the name and description of the glossary entries of an acronym list using the glossaries package I've managed to get the output I want with: \renewcommand{\...
nick's user avatar
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Error with IEEE Access template and glossaries package

I'm experiencing an obscure issue when using the IEEE Access template (you can download it from here) combined with glossaries package to make an acronym list. Here is the error message: You can't use ...
elofante's user avatar
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Unicode-math removes kerning from glossaries symbols (or hyperref links) with luatex

I am having problems with disappearing kernings when using unicode-math, glossaries and hyperref. This creates a lot of ugly spacings if not corrected somehow. I tried to correct the kerning manually, ...
Niklas's user avatar
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Enforcing Custom Long/Short Versions in glossaries-extra

I've set up a custom glossaries-extra configuration. I've defined custom commands named customLongVersion and customShortVersion which are being used inside the \glsentryfmt command. However, I'm ...
Highnoon's user avatar
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tabular glossary in latex

I am looking for a command on how to create a table of abbreviations/acronyms as it was done in the picture below
Aid22's user avatar
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Glossaries - hyperlink in acronym rather than page number

By default the hyperlink in the list of acronyms is in the page number. Is there a way to change this such that by clicking on both the acronym and page number it takes you to its first occurrence? ...
amr95's user avatar
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Trying to expand items within a newglossaryentry in a generic function without causing the Improper alphabetic constant

I've looked at both these related topics, but my situation is a little bit different. improper alphabetic constant with-glossaries improper alphabetic constant The first thing I found in the ...
Miraino Hikari's user avatar
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Glossary first use of symbol does not show description (long form) [duplicate]

I'm attempting to generate two distinct glossaries—one for symbols and another for acronyms. However, I'm encountering an issue where the description for symbols doesn't appear on the first use in the ...
Kflo's user avatar
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How to handle ad hoc composites of glossary entries with a prefix, using the glossaries package?

Imagine I have an acronym entry \newacronym{rmse}{RMSE}{root-mean-square error} and I specifically want to refer to the test set RMSE, explaining eg. the concept of cross-validation. Imagine ...
smokee's user avatar
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Table of Symbols using glossaries package

Edit: I think there was a bug in overleaf as the code now prints the table. The table is missing the page number column. The first column of the table contains the name of the entries and not the \...
BrayA's user avatar
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Tensorial glossary entries with extra field for index notation

I am using the glossaries-extra package ( provided by TeX Live 2023 for consistently typesetting tensorial quantities in mathematical equations throughout ...
Paul Hofer's user avatar
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Enforcing the Use of for Acronyms in LaTeX

I am working on a document where I want to enforce the use of acronyms via the glossaries package. My intention is to ensure that each acronym is used properly with the \gls{} command so that I can ...
Highnoon's user avatar
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How to manage the copyright notice for a composite document?

I'm creating several documents in which different sections come from different sources and thus have potentially different copyright notices. I'd like all copyright notices to appear in one place (...
rpspringuel's user avatar
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Create a new glossary

I would like to create a personalized glossary (because I would like to create two different glossaries). I first tried the Overleaf tutorial ( and it ...
Alex's user avatar
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How to eliminate back-to-back parentheses caused by glossaries?

I am using the glossaries package for acronyms. When first using an acronym using \gls{}, the entry is written as long form and the short form follows in parentheses. Sometimes, these are followed by ...
drat's user avatar
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List of acronyms as an input of a separate file .tex and not in the main

I'm trying to have a list of acronyms in my paper, but since it will be really long I don't want to write all the \newglossaryentry in the main. I tried to create a separate .tex file and use \input{} ...
Gin's user avatar
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How to add a sepfootnote's footnote inside entry name field with glossaries-extra and bib2gls?

I use glossaries-extra via bib2gls -g to generate a glossary. Consider the following glossary entry placed in file entriesTest.bib: @entry{test-entry, name={fake name\sepfootnote{A}}, text={}, ...
Linear Christmas's user avatar
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Change appearance of acronym according to grammatical form

I am using the glossaries package with the option acronym as a list of abbreviations. To refer to the acronyms I use the commands \acrfull{}, \acrlong{} and \acrshort{}. Since I am writing in German I ...
DraUX's user avatar
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Typesetting \gls in subscripts and superscript in the right size

Continuing \gls in the subscript has too normal size, running a loop of latex followed by makeglossaries till stabilization on \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage[hidelinks]{...
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\glossaries Package doesn't Work

I'm trying to get the \glossaries package to work but no luck. This MWE compiles but does not display a glossary. \documentclass[11pt]{scrartcl} \usepackage{glossaries} \makeglossaries \...
user26732's user avatar
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Error when combining glossaries and label of description item

I want to use the glossaries package and I want to be able to reference descritpion list items by their name. For the latter problem, I found a solution (Reference name of description list item in ...
Simon Schiff's user avatar
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Exclude page number from list in glossaries for some references of that entry

Is there a way to specify a glossary entry to generate a reference, but not add its position to the location list in the final glossary? I am trying to do some cross-references like this: \...
HenrikWolf's user avatar
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Automatic display of long and short acronyms

Before when I was using acronyms, I was handling the long and short acronym by using \acrlong{} and \acrshort{}. I'd like to know if there's a way that when you call up an acronym, it displays the ...
Dylan Chevalier's user avatar

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