Questions tagged [hyphenation]

{hyphenation} is about controlling hyphenation in (La)TeX documents.

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How to find out if a break occurred at a manually inserted \discretionary?

How to find out if a break occurred at a manually inserted \discretionary? I can't do it by assignments within the arguments of \discretionary—assignments are finished before decision about breaking ...
Jewdokija's user avatar
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Break url in bibliography citation

I found similar issues around, but none of them fitting to my situation. I would like to be able to decide WHERE to break an url in my bibliography. In the examples below, the automatic breaking is ...
kingworld's user avatar
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Add space after period when underfull hboxes occur?

Consider this MWE: \documentclass[10pt,journal,compsoc]{IEEEtran} \hyphenation{veryverylongword} \begin{document} \textbf{The word word word word word.} The word-veryverylongword word word word word. \...
kostrykin's user avatar
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hyphenate even when it creates overfull hboxes

Is there a way to force hyphenation even when it would generate overfull hboxes? I read here ( that when tex can't find a resolution that doesn't overfill the line, it just gives up with a ...
Niles's user avatar
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No automatic hyphenation

I am writing a document in English, and no words are being hyphenated unless I include them in a \hyphenation{*} command. For instance, the word 'government' protrudes into the margin unless I include ...
Ben's user avatar
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Make hyphens appear in an acronym when used as an adjective

I have an acronym defined as \acro{BSM}[BSM]{Beyond Standard Model} which appears the first time as an adjective. I would therefore like it to be hyphenated, so that instead of having: Beyond Standard ...
kingworld's user avatar
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babelshorthand "= does not work with BibLaTeX?

I am using LaTeX with package babel and biblatex regularly in my mostly german language based documents. Recently, I added a similar note to all of my BibTeX entries, whenever the entry referred to an ...
Jan's user avatar
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Do not hyphenate words at an explicit hyphen such as in words starting "non-"

In my document, I don't want to break any words following the text non-, example, non-linear, non-stationary, etc. I'm using Windows7 and 10, and MikTeX 2.9 and LaTeX-dvips-ps2pdf Please advise.... ...
MadyYuvi's user avatar
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What's the difference between `--` and `\textendash`?

It looks like -- and \textendash have different line-breaking behaviour in LaTeX. I'd assumed that they would just insert an en dash character, and then act the same, but it looks like they don't from ...
Alec's user avatar
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LuaLaTeX and hyphenation / left/right hyphenmin

This is my code (run with LuaLaTeX): \documentclass{article} \usepackage{fontspec} \usepackage{libertine} %\usepackage{polyglossia} %\setmainlanguage{german} \usepackage[ngerman]{babel} \begin{...
topskip's user avatar
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How to center header and numbers in a scientific table and hyphen between numbers

I just started to use LaTex and it's an amazing tool. Exposing my limited knowledge on code development, could someone please provide a solution to my problem? I need a hyphen between the age ...
Svein's user avatar
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Hyphenation pattern file format [duplicate]

If I open a pattern table, the first line looks like: 2 2 .aa6l .ab3a4s What does the numbers mean and the rest of the file?
fritz Becker's user avatar
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How do I encourage hyphenation at the end of the next-to-last line of a paragraph?

My question is similar to an inverse of this question. In my document, which is large, there are numerous instances where a long word at the end of the next-to-last line is pushed to the last line, ...
SapereAude's user avatar
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how to auto start a new line when text too long

Today I encount a problem, some words did not start a new line and out of the docs like this: what should I do to make it start a new line automatic? This is my text: 结果发现有2条已经读取但是未处理的消息。...
Dolphin's user avatar
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how to align Armenian text?

I want to align text written in Armenian, but using \justify command doesn't align it completely. There remain some lines which are not fully aligned. How can I fix this ? Thank you
Ani's user avatar
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Hyphenating a word containing a digit/number?

I have seen Force hyphenation for a word beginning with a digit, but I do not think the solution there applies in my case. So, I use pandoc to write Markdown, and to export to PDF via Latex. I have ...
sdbbs's user avatar
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table only automatically breaks multiple words

When creating a custom glossary (nomenclature) with a longtable, the system only uses automatic word braking for cells with more than one word. The column is a p{...}-column and it works flawlessly in ...
Pauluuus's user avatar
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A version of \showhyphens that works with OpenType fonts

In a 2014 post of the XeTeX list, the Great Master David Carlisle gives the following code for obtaining the same result as with the \showhyphens command, but with OpenType fonts in XeTeX: \catcode`\@=...
yannis's user avatar
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(wrong) hyphenation after apostrophe in Catalan

In a document in Catalan that I am writing in LaTeX, some apostrophed words (e.g., "d’expressió") are wrongly hyphenated after the apostrophe (i.e., "d'-/expressió"). I am using: ...
suitangi's user avatar
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Hyphenation in BibTeX

How to disable hyphenation in BibTeX? I know you can disable hyphenation in .bib file, but is there any method to disable line splitting from .bst file or main .tex file. Thanks
Michał Stachurski's user avatar
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Disable hyphenation in Metropolis' frametitles

How do I disable hyphenation in in the otherwise very nice Beamer theme Metropolis? I have tried looking through all of Metropolis' code relating to the frametitle, but I can't figure out what ...
Fredrik P's user avatar
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Better spacing in section title

Consider the following mwe: \documentclass[oneside]{book} \usepackage{fancyhdr} \renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{\markright{#1}} \begin{document} \section{This is a section title with a long final ...
Manlio's user avatar
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chapter heading prevent hyphenation or overflow

In the example below i want the chapter headings to not hyphenate but to be on the next line. I have tried multiple solutions i found on TexExchange. These do not seem to work for my example. Setting ...
Leon Bartz's user avatar
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Forbid BibLaTeX to break URLs at hyphens

By default, BibLaTeX will happily break lines at hyphens in URLs: \documentclass{article} \begin{filecontents}{main.bib} @online{entry, title = {Title}, subtitle = {Subtitle}, author = {Doe, ...
Witiko's user avatar
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Define hyphenation rules in a separate file

I always try to organize my document through the use of dedicated files. I was wondering if there is a way to define the hyphenation rules that are normally part of the preamble in a separate file? I ...
mab0189's user avatar
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How to allow wider spacing between words within justification in order to prevent hyphenation

I have a document which has text in justification format. My text is about explaining something about hyphenation. That is why some examples I give should not automatically be hyphenated to fit the ...
Leanora's user avatar
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The hash function used by new_trie_op

In §944 of TeX, The Program (Volume B of Computers & Typesetting) DEK describes the hash function used by new_trie_op in order to store hyphenation tables efficiently. Quoting him: The hash ...
yannis's user avatar
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3 answers

Hyphenation never working

Do I have to do something special to turn hyphenation on? My texts never get hyphenated. For instance, the code below generates a document that is 15 pages long and not a single word is hyphenated. \...
Miotto's user avatar
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Hyphenate character inside a table

I am generating a long table that has 3 columns. The content of the table contains words that contain underscore such as "ABCD_243_SSD_FCA_SDD" and using the hyphenate package I managed to ...
user237114's user avatar
5 votes
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How may I negate long equality signs?

As an answer to How do I make a long identity sign? @egreg offered the solutions: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsmath,color} \makeatletter \newlength{\longeq@wd} \newcommand{\longeq}[1][2]{\...
Frode Alfson Bjørdal's user avatar
6 votes
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How do I make a long identity sign?

The dash $-$ may usually be prolonged by apposing one or two times in math environment to get longer dashes $--$ and $---$. How may I double or triple the length of the identity sign =?
Frode Alfson Bjørdal's user avatar
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Hyphenation of quote environment in Beamer

Beamer turns hyphenation off. There are good reasons for that (e.g., "if you need automatic hyphenation, you have too much text on your slides"). But I still get hyphenation inside a quote ...
GrB's user avatar
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Package polyglossia Warning: No hyphenation patterns were loaded for `spanish'

The initial error: How to solve this error on macOS? Package polyglossia Warning: No hyphenation patterns were loaded for `spanish' (polyglossia) I will use \language=\l@nohyphenation ...
Alex Arévalo's user avatar
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How to properly left-right justify text

As you can see in the image below some of text falls into the margin for some reason i am using \RequirePackage[none]{hyphenat} this package to prevent hyphenation and i assume this must be causing ...
hall_ma's user avatar
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Disable hyphenation for proper nouns in Romanian language

I'm not sure that my question is related to hyphenat package or to Romanian hyphen pattern that are loaded in LaTeX. According to Romanian grammar definition: Proper nouns name objects of the same ...
Mafsi's user avatar
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Modify hyphenation behavior for texts in monospaced font

I'm using a monospaced font and with some effort I got it hyphenated. However the hyphenation behavior is quite strange and the right side of the document is ugly. Is there a way to force it always ...
Jinwen's user avatar
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word not getting broken to new line

In the first paragraph of the following document, the word mathematical is not getting broken across lines and this produces a misalignment with a wrong justification of the text. I know I can force ...
Francesco Boi's user avatar
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Need an alternative for \usepackage[none]hyphenat

I have a problem. When i want to use hyphenat package, the breaklines=true on mmacells package will not working. But it will work if i delete the hyphenat package. And i don't want to delete my ...
user516076's user avatar
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lualatex hyphenation issue in fancyhdr, with gregoriotex and multicols, latin text

The problem presents as each word in the header becoming hyphenated with each syllable on its own line, making the header unreasonably tall. The problem is intermittent, not occurring on every page. ...
Rob LEduc's user avatar
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Hyphenate a word that contains a diacritic used in Romanian writing

The words are ilocuționare and funcțiile \documentclass{report} \usepackage[romanian]{babel} \usepackage[margin=2.5cm]{geometry} \usepackage{hyphenat} \hyphenation{i-lo-cu-ți-o-na-re func-ți-i-le} \...
Mafsi's user avatar
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How to avoid the consecutive hyphenation in a para

i am getting the consecutive hyphen at the line end in a paragraph (more than 5 consecutive hyphen), in a two column format, I already used \doublehyphendemerits=10000, but not solved the issue. how ...
RCV's user avatar
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List hyphenated words on log

I would like to review words that were hyphenated in a very long document. Looking at pdf output is too error prone. So I like to get a entry for every hyphenated word on compilation output or log ...
Miguel V. S. Frasson's user avatar
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Hyphenation exceptions specified by \hyphenation hyphenates some words differently

following the book Mathematical Wrinting in English by Nicholas Higham §8.22 in the third edition, I am trying to add hyphenation exceptions to my LaTeX template. However the \hyphenation macro doesn'...
dumbledore's user avatar
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white lines in paragraphs

I need the pdf resulting from my compilation to show all the spaces occupied by the characters with a gray background, the goal I am pursuing is to visualize the white lines that form between words in ...
Alberto Moyano's user avatar
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Lyx hyphenation not splitting concatenated words

I have a document here of document class "Article(Standard)". And as you can see in the image below, Lyx is not splitting long concatenated words and therefore they are reaching out on the ...
wewa's user avatar
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13 votes
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Avoid Three Consecutive Hyphens

I need to suppress occurrences of 3 consecutive lines of text that end in hyphenated words. How to solve this? My LaTeX Source Code is: \documentclass{book} \usepackage{luacode} \begin{document} \...
Balaji's user avatar
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Right-align broken word ending after hyphenation in RaggedLeft

I have some text that is RaggedLeft (that is right-aligned). If inside that text there is any hyphenated word, the rest of it is left-aligned, like: |Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing ...
Dr.Kameleon's user avatar
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Why does hyphenation orphan combining accents?

While testing a package I was writing to map Greek beta code to Unicode, I discovered a bug in both Babel and Polyglossia, running under either XeTeX or LuaTeX. The packages will happily insert a ...
Davislor's user avatar
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Why does the original LaTeX need hyphenation patterns for German, Coptic, Greek, Ukrainian, and Russian in order to process a file?

I have been experimenting with the old pure LaTeX engine. I have noticed that for a very simple file with absolutely no language requirements whatsoever the old pure LaTeX engine will display an ...
ltcomdata's user avatar
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LaTeX set up automatic line break not to stretch previous line

I am sure this is some basic LaTeX document formatting, but for the sake of me I just can't find the right place in the documentation on the proper way to achieve what I want. Consider the following ...
D. Petrov's user avatar
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