Questions tagged [luatex]

LuaTeX is a Unicode-capable extension of TeX which integrates the scripting language Lua. Use this tag if your question is about LuaTeX or LuaLaTeX specific problems and is not related to standard (La)TeX. For ConTeXt related questions use {context-mkiv}.

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6 votes
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xcolor breaking ligatures

In some behind the scenes work for spacing reasons, the pieces of a syllable get split up in gregoriotex and then reassembled for printing. Normally this works fine, but we're running into some ...
rpspringuel's user avatar
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Output Devanagari (Hindi) from raw unicode using luatex

I can get the following code to compile, using luatex, with the Hindi/Devanagari characters correctly printed in the pdf: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{fontspec} \setmainfont{Times New Roman} \...
lethalSinger's user avatar
6 votes
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Create test of text direction (luatex)

With luatex there is \textdir to change text direction and tex.textdir which give string representing text direction. I have created this macro to test text direction which supposedly gives TLT ...
Salim Bou's user avatar
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British hyphenation in plain LuaTeX

In plain LuaTeX, how do I get British rather than American hyphenation? \input eplain \beginpackages \usepackage{showhyphens} \endpackages In plain TeX, how do I get British rather than American ...
Toothrot's user avatar
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How do I fix incompatibility of exercise and unicode-math packages?

I wanted to use the exercise package in a LaTeX-document that is processed with LuaLaTeX. In this case, I encountered the problem that numbering and formatting of questions does not work correctly. ...
King Thrushbeard's user avatar
6 votes
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\BbbN vs \mathbb{N}

Following Obsolete comand \Bbb and, though \Bbb seems deprecated, \BbbN is not. It is in unimath-symbols.pdf. Same ...
user avatar
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Can I downsize lua tables generated by luaotfload?

luatex loads a lot of otf fonts at every luaLaTeX run with my custom class (Minion Pro, Myriad Pro, Minion Math, Latin Modern Mono, Latin Modern Math, XITS). This is an extract taken from my custom ...
cjorssen's user avatar
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pinlabel doesn't work after upgrade to luatex 0.95

I use extensively pinlabel package in my project, which I compile with LuaLaTeX. After recent MiKTeX 2.9 upgrade, I cannot compile the project any more, getting numerous errors like ! Undefined ...
Oleg Soloviev's user avatar
6 votes
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Package 'showhyphens' won't show actual hyphenation points for words with ligatures

What exactly does the package showhyphens tell us about hyphenation points? According to its documentation, it "will show all possible hyphenation points". But when the word contains a ligature, it ...
Sverre's user avatar
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Chinese, Russian and English (and Arabic, and Thai, if possible) in LuaLaTeX

following up on THIS QUESTION, I want to embed the solution in a document (Beamer presentation) I compile (in English) with LuaLaTeX, but I just don't find the way. I just want to include a slide with ...
DaniCee's user avatar
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Why does LuaLaTeX's \IfFileExists fail where XeLaTeX succeeds?

I have a series of files that I've been compiling with XeLaTeX. I recently attempted to compile with LuaLaTex and it made a royal mess of things. I traced the issue to the use of \IfFileExists in one ...
Caleb's user avatar
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LuaLaTeX: Replace character "ß" in CMU fonts

The glyph for the character "ß" differs considerably between Latin Modern and the CMU fonts (CMU Serif, CMU Sans Serif etc., which use the same glyphs for ß as cm-super; see this answer): I much ...
Socob's user avatar
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Arrow length in LuaTeX in combination with the unicode-math package

I have a probably rather simple question: Is it possible to use the unicode-math package within LuaLaTeX such that arrows stretch when writing some longer expression above or below it? For example ...
bfc's user avatar
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\'. gives error when fontspec package is used

The following minimal example: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{fontspec} \begin{document} The logo `\TeX\'. \end{document} produces the error: ./test.tex:5: Argument of \end has an extra }. <...
vafa's user avatar
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How to get box dimensions within lualatex

I'm new to lualatex, which looks phenomenal. I wonder what the easiest way is to access the dimensions of a box from within lualatex. I intend to use it in more complicated situations than this (as ...
JPi's user avatar
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Invisible math characters with unicode-math and ntheorem

When compiling this code with lualaTeX (from TeXLive 2011), \documentclass{minimal} \usepackage{unicode-math} \usepackage{ntheorem,thmtools} \setmathfont{xits-math} \makeatletter \newtheoremstyle{...
k.stm's user avatar
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Unicode math with amsmath, new error

After applying the most recent ctan updates, the following MWE does not compile with lualuatex. There is an error given ending with \cs_set_nopar:Npx that I can't make sense of. \documentclass{...
brokemongoose's user avatar
6 votes
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Font name in LuaTeX's fontspec

I have a document using fontspec which works fine with XeTeX, but a the Linux Libertine Initialis O font is not found when compiling with LuaTeX: Here is a MWE reproducing the problem: \...
raphink's user avatar
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LuaLaTeX: Font table with examples of font files (not system or TEXMF installed)

Looking at the answer to the question here, it is very close to what I wanted. What I wanted is to create font table with samples for font files that are not system installed or in TEXMF trees, but ...
KF Leong's user avatar
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Access exact page break via lualatex

I have a journal layout where the first page (with the article title) has an odd 1.5 column layout. The first column which holds the meta data is narrower than the right column with the first few ...
Lupino's user avatar
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Number direction in Arabic using (plain) Luatex

Following the question here, I managed to write in Arabic using Luatex (plain/Optex), but all numbers are also written from the right to the left (and in Western numbers, not Arabic). It seems that ...
user574859's user avatar
6 votes
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Missing number error for using Spy in LuaLaTeX

I have a diagram involving lens and beams made using pst-optexp package for convenience and accuracy. So I had to use LuaLaTeX for compilation. However I would like to use the spy library from tikz ...
SolidMark's user avatar
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Libertinus pdflatex vs. lualatex: Delmiting vertical bars (left, right, middle) do not scale correctly and are too thin

Compile this MWE with PdfLaTeX and with LuaLaTeX: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{libertinus} \begin{document} \begin{equation*} \left\lvert P \left[ b = b' \middle\...
nagmat84's user avatar
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Xelatex vs Lualatex and font substitution

As is known, in the Turkish language the i exists as distinct letters in two versions, with and without a dot (with very different pronunciations): the dotted couple i / İ and the dotless couple ı / I....
user41063's user avatar
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How to get 'alternate 1' using XCharter with Luatex?

I am interested in using the XCharter font with oldstyle numerals and its 'alternate 1'. Using pdftex, this is simply achieved as \documentclass{article} \usepackage[osf]{XCharter} \usepackage[T1]{...
subtlesplendor's user avatar
6 votes
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Producing a document with a lot of almost identical pages in the most efficient way

I want to make a document which consists of, let's say, one page, which has to be repeated 10000 times. On each repetition of a page a unique number will be added on the page (I won't show it in MWE, ...
Michael Fraiman's user avatar
6 votes
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LuaLaTeX: Calculate length in Lua

I apologize if this a rookie question, but I find it extremely hard to find a solution to my Lua problem using online searches and browsing reference manuals. I would like to calculate a length: ...
FlorianL's user avatar
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Kerning against word space in LuaTeX

AFAIK word space in TeX work more or less like a glue instead of a real character. So it is not possible to kern a character with the space, e.g., to make the pair such as f<space>T to stay ...
Yan Zhou's user avatar
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Is this a bug with fancyvrb, fancyhdr and fontspec?

Consider the following (hopefully minimal) non-working example and compile with luatex (TeXlive 2016): \documentclass{article} \usepackage{fontspec} \setmainfont{texgyrebonum-regular.otf} \usepackage{...
cjorssen's user avatar
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Why does the ragged2e package screw up my emphasized text and headings?

I encountered a weird behavior of the ragged2e package. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{blindtext} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{ragged2e} \newcommand{\ir}[1]{_{\mathrm{#1}}} ...
Robert Seifert's user avatar
6 votes
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Remapping Egyptian Hieroglyphs

Please save your time and energy on this question, I also provide a potential solution. Notice: There are much better fonts for hieroglyphs these days, this problem is quite old-fashioned. It's ...
Malipivo's user avatar
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unwanted en-dash ligature with lualatex but not with xelatex

I am trying to generate PDF documentation out of Pandoc Markdown README document. Here is MWE: \documentclass[english,]{article} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{ifxetex,ifluatex} \ifnum 0\...
wilx's user avatar
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\emptyset doesn't work with LuaTex + glossaries + unicode-math (bug?)

The following code doesn't work with LuaTex (I get an "undefined control sequence" error). It works if I either comment out \usepackage{unicode-math} or if I change the glossary name from $\emptyset$ ...
user4811's user avatar
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Kile and LuaLaTeX

After failing to compile some lualatex-code in texniccenter (see here: ForwardSearch: "Cannot execute the command" when using LuaLaTeX), I would like to compile a minimale example in kile. ...
overstack's user avatar
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How to access the quotation marks in Berling font using lualatex?

Here is a small example: \documentclass[11pt,article,oneside]{memoir} \usepackage{fontspec} \setmainfont[ItalicFont={BerlIt}, FeatureFile=myligatures.fea]{Berling} \begin{document} ``Lala la'' \end{...
jonalv's user avatar
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TikZ graphs: is it possible to build a mindmap with automatic node positioning?

I like the mindmap library to make mindmaps in tikz. The issue is that the node positioning is manual (and I am extremely lazy), hence the general question: 'is it possible to build a mindmap with ...
Lorenzo Chiaverini's user avatar
6 votes
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fontspec issue with new LaTeX <2020-02-02> patch level 1

Let's compile this file with LuaLaTeX (or XeLaTeX): \documentclass{article} \usepackage{fontspec} %\setmainfont{Latin Modern Roman} % (or any other font) \newfontfamily\myfont{texgyreheros}[ ...
Daniel Flipo's user avatar
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Reverse direction of writing automatically with RTL script

A new interesting feature with latest release of babel a lua algorithm which detect the beginning and the end of Arabic sentences and revers direction of writing without adding explicit markup (\...
Salim Bou's user avatar
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Automatically highlighting nominalizations (a.k.a. zombie nouns) as a writing aid

To improve my writing, I want to reduce the number of nominalizations (a.k.a. zombie nouns) that I use. For that purpose I would like to have all nominalizations automatically highlighted in the ...
davitenio's user avatar
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Automatic box packing

I have a number of say, subfigures, of varying shapes and would like to waste less space displaying them; their order doesn't matter, and rather than having them all lined up on the same baseline I ...
pascal's user avatar
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LuaTeX readline encoding

Must LuaTeX's \readline use latin-1 encoding? In the example below, I first store é in a file (well, and ^^J) which works well. Then I read it back in, using \readline and get two characters é (and ...
Bruno Le Floch's user avatar
6 votes
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Getting the filename of the current input from within "show_error_hook"

In the luatex reference guide, status.filename is described to return "the name of the current input file". The luatex wiki describes how to use this along with show_error_hook to produce better error ...
davidg's user avatar
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Can one kern math font euler.otf using lualatex and fontspec?

I am at it again... :) Using the font, can one kern distance between T and P with Lualatex? Clearly, my attempt does not work... Could ...
jonalv's user avatar
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More than one width of a glyph in LaTeX or LuaLatex

I don't know where I can ask about it. I have font with 2 or 3 versions of letter 'a'. How I can put this information to LuaLaTeX, LaTeX etc.? When the paragraph are breaking/making LaTeX made ​​...
Pankracy's user avatar
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Letterspacing titles with LuaLaTeX

I'm using LuaLaTeX to write my thesis and I've been learning about typography thanks to Robert Bringhurst's "The elements of typographic style". Problem is I can't replicate the letterspacing used in ...
Aldo Borrero's user avatar
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Fonts appear in different sizes

I try to use my own font loader with LuaTeX and some fonts give me trouble. Perhaps others have come across the same problem and can help me. These three fonts (Texgyre heros, Inter-Roman and Deja Vu ...
topskip's user avatar
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Filling an empty slot in a font with another glyph from the same font

I am trying to use an existing glyph from an OpenType font to fill an empty slot in the same font using LuaLaTeX. fontspec.pdf (v2.6g, part VI) shows a hack that can substitute already existing glyphs ...
gnucchi's user avatar
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Strange output with LuaTeX’s fontloader library

I am trying to debug a much larger problem, but the smoking gun is some (apparently) strange behavior with LuaTeX’s fontloader library. Minimal Example Here is file backmap.tex: \directlua { tex....
vyom's user avatar
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pgfplots external with large dataset (lualatex?) [duplicate]

I have fairly large datasets with densely strucutred data that i cant downsampe much without loosing structure. I use TexMaker on Ubuntu 14.04LTS. I use \usepackage{tikz,pgfplots,pgfplotstable} \...
Jonatan Öström's user avatar
6 votes
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Changing concrete preamble from pdfLatex to Lua(la)tex

I got an example handout which was written for pdflatex but since I use lualatex i'm pretty sure that I have to make some changes to the preamble. From there Frequently loaded packages: Differences ...
rapus95's user avatar
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