Questions tagged [marginpar]

{marginpar} is a command that adds content to the margin of documents.

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Behavior of braces in macros

I am learning about macros to define commands with a variable number of arguments (following this). I saw a behavior that, to me, looks unexpected. If the \newcommand has a brace containing the ...
Ax11's user avatar
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Alternate Flush Right Left in the text block

With this minimal example, the argument (text) of the \position command is placed inside a \marginpar. I would like to have the text of \position within the text block and NOT in the margin. \...
Maronite Monks's user avatar
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Text boxes extending till margin

I want to recreate the text boxes shown in the figure below. This is from the book Doctor Lawd's labyrinth The box starts in the page while extending till the margin. How can this be achieved? In MWE ...
Damitr's user avatar
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Making marginnote to appear in correct side in two column article

I have a two-column article where I need to add margin notes using the marginnote package. I aim to ensure that the margin comments appear on the left side of the column when placed in the left column ...
Ali Aghaeifar's user avatar
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Marginpars inside tcolorboxes

Is there some combination of packages that allows us to get marginpar to work inside a tcolorbox environment?
Mariano Suárez-Álvarez's user avatar
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Where is the `\marginpar` command defined?

I couldn't find official documentation for the \marginpar command. Where is it defined? I looked at the documentation for Standard Document Classes for LaTeX Version 2e. While this discusses \...
red_trumpet's user avatar
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Aligning `\marginpar` with section title

I tried to use a custom defined command, which uses \marginpar, inside \section. According to another SE post, I have to \protect it. But after some trial and error in my custom package, it breaks if ...
Gargantuar's user avatar
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How can I get my margin notes to indent themselves into the text, shifting the text over?

I'm looking for my outer margin notes to be pushed into the text, and the text to flow around them, like the picture below: I'm using scrbook, and I still want to margin notes to have the same ...
ArneHeiko612's user avatar
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LaTeX Formatting - Left Margins for Vocab Words

I recently started working with LaTeX. I'm currently using it to take notes from an old math text. I like the formatting here with the vocab word in the left margin before its definition. I was ...
hylobates's user avatar
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Tabto inserts line break when tabbing into right margin

I wanted to use tabto to insert symbols into the margins of my document. I did this as in the following MWE: \documentclass[11pt]{scrartcl} \usepackage[ngerman]{babel} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \...
Katjuscha's user avatar
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How to place vertical lines in the margin

I want to put a timeline in the margin so the reader can quickly get a sense of the theme of every paragraph. I am accomplishing this with the marpar command. However, I also want to put a vertical ...
JC Denton's user avatar
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Headers and footers spanning both text and margin notes

By default, headers and footers span only the width of the text body, but I need them to span the width of the margin notes and the main text. The closest I've been able to get is the following, ...
mhwombat's user avatar
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Execute LaTeX command at every generated output line

I have a command \point that adds a $\bigstar$ as a margin note using the marginnote package. But I want multiple stars next to each other if there are multiple \point in each line. So Hello \point\...
Survari's user avatar
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Is there a way to eliminate duplicate margin notes in LaTeX?

I'm working on a game manual and I'd like to put page references in the margins for key concepts, for example something like this (from Justin Alexander's Legends and Labyrinths): I can use \...
Tom's user avatar
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Suggestions for a margin notes solution alternative to \marginpar and \marginnote?

I am looking for a powerful and versatile tool for creating margin notes. The way I intend to use margin notes is for clarifying mathematical notation and definitions that are not important enough to ...
Evan Aad's user avatar
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How to add an automatic adornment at the beginning of every margin note?

When the following LaTeX code, which is saved in the file ~/Test.tex, \documentclass{article} \usepackage{lipsum} \begin{document} \lipsum[1-1]\marginpar{\lipsum[2-2][1-1]} \end{document} is compiled ...
Evan Aad's user avatar
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Extend the height of parbox

I have the following command that prints text in the margins: \DeclareRobustCommand{\solutionpage}[1]{\marginpar{% \colorbox{lightgray}{\protect\parbox[t]{\dimexpr\marginparwidth-2\fboxsep}{~Proof ...
tush's user avatar
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Caption doesn not align with graphic in marginpar mode

Want to include a graphic in the margin. Without \centering the graphic is to the left and the caption is shifted to the right and not even fully visible. When \centering is included the graphic is ...
Lasse Karagiannis's user avatar
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Can I have a marginpar with line breaks inside a frame?

I have a command (complements of a contributor here) that puts text in the margin. I would like to frame that text to make it stands out, but when I try to do it I lose the ability to break the text ...
TonyK's user avatar
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How do I center this caption without centering the image?

Here's my code - \documentclass[12pt]{book} \usepackage{mhchem} \usepackage{amsmath,amssymb} \usepackage{physics} \usepackage{geometry} \geometry{papersize={23cm,28cm}, right=9.3cm, left=3cm, top=2....
Vedant Rana's user avatar
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How do I align a marginal note with the first line of the paragraph immediately following it?

I would like margin notes in the left margin, aligned with the first line of a paragraph, similar to this question. Basically these are headings for the paragraph. In the source code, I'd like the ...
Jack M's user avatar
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First word not broken in marginpar

\setlength{\marginparsep}{1em} \setlength{\marginparwidth}{1cm} \newcommand{\sidetopic}[1]{\marginpar{\setstretch{.5}\begin{footnotesize}#1\end{footnotesize}}} and \sidetopic{Grundbegriffe von ...
Zacharias Zarowski's user avatar
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Margin notes in both sides using a twoside option in article

I am trying to create two commands, each to place marginalia on the left or the right side of the page. They work in the documentclass article with the oneside option, but when I use twoside, the even ...
Amaru's user avatar
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Margin note in two column report

I'm writing a two column report. I want to insert a symbol (a large exclamation mark) in the margin, corresponding to an area of text, at various points in the report. I always want the mark to appear ...
MarginGuy's user avatar
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esthetics of reverse-inner margin marginpar?

related to writing on the inner margin . I am typesetting a 750 page book in memoir. (I have certainly had a lot of help from many people on this forum about various problems I have run into---many ...
ivo Welch's user avatar
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footmisc + marginfix + todonotes = error

Feeding \documentclass{article} \usepackage{footmisc} \usepackage{marginfix} \usepackage{todonotes} \begin{document} \todo{test} \end{document} to pdflatex leads to a compilation error: ! Package ...
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How are the command names on the side in CTAN docs typeset

Trying to figure out how they place the command names on the left margin on package docs on CTAN, e.g. I have tried using marginpar, but my text is not properly aligned. Minimal example: \...
Victor's user avatar
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adjust the margin to be 1"

I am working on my dissertation, I am using a custom document class you can find it here I am trying to make the margin 1" from each side. I tried to use geometry but didn't work \usepackage[...
soooleh's user avatar
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Is it possible to get this uneven two column document format?

I'm trying to figure out whether its possible to get a document to have something along the lines of this: where there's like a smaller left (or right) column for notes, whose position can be ...
jeb2's user avatar
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asymmetric layout with margin on the left

The following MWE gives me a margin that is always on the right. Is there a way to have the margin always on the left? \documentclass{book} \usepackage{geometry,lipsum} \geometry{ a4paper, ...
Manuel Schmidt's user avatar
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Issue with marginfigure in twocolumn document

I have a twocolumn document with a large marginpar on right side. When I am including marginfigure it works correctly if it is in the right column. But if it is in the left column, the margin figure ...
Damitr's user avatar
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Conspicuous Marker Not Affecting Anything Else

I want to mark some points in my text with a highly visible symbol and yellow background color without affecting other typesetting. The idea is that there are certain points in my text that I have to ...
ivo Welch's user avatar
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Margin paragraph and head rule are reversed on even pages in twoside book

I am writing a book in Hebrew (which means Right to Left direction of text) using the book doc class together with the twoside option. I enlarged the margin paragraph to be 50mm. Now I want the header ...
tush's user avatar
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How to place two subfigures one above the other in the margin paragraph?

I want to create something like the following: That is, place two graphics in the margin paragraph (I couldn't find a similar MWE in a search here on the website). What I have at the moment is the ...
tush's user avatar
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How do I change spacing between marginnote and body in twosided document?

By default in a twosided document the marginnotes appear in the outer margins of every page. The spacing between the body and the margin note varies from even to odd pages. What is the reasons for ...
PeterStrawson's user avatar
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Top Page Stacked Alignment of \marginpar, \marginnote or \sidenote?

I have tried several variations of moving my footnotes into a margin located at the side of the page. What I have not found in their respective documentations, however, is a way to break their ...
frank's user avatar
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Width of parbox inside colorbox

I want to insert a colorbox into a margin paragraph. parbox is used to keep the line breaks. What value should I pass to \parbox's width so it doesn't get too wide as it does now? \documentclass{book}...
tush's user avatar
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Side commentary (on every page) in two-sided book class separated with a vertical rule

I would like to write a book and have main text with a side commentary separated with a vertical rule on every page. Side commentary should be on outer side of a page (two-sided). I am not sure if I ...
demetrius's user avatar
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Margin note/annotation with vertical text direction in APA7 manuscript

I am using apa7 package in writing a manuscript (\documentclass[man]{apa7}). I am trying to add margin notes/annotation next to (some lines of) some paragraphs that summarize the gist of it, to show ...
psyguy's user avatar
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Remove margin paragraphs from the paper

I have a document that includes no margin paragraphs (\marginpar{..}), and therefore there is no need to give any area on the paper for the marginparsep and marginparwidth lengths. To achieve that, ...
tush's user avatar
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Section/theorem/definition headers in margin

I would like a style in which sectioning headers along with theorem/definitions are in the margin. I particularly like the style used in An Introduction to Kolmogorov Complexity and Its Applications (...
Jeffrey Goldberg's user avatar
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custom margin notes

I am trying to set up a custom margin note command for my lecture notes but I encountered a few problems. First of all, this is how it should look: As you can see in the screenshot above, the margin ...
gyha4's user avatar
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graphics in right margin with caption

I want to place images in the right margin with a caption beneath them. I've looked at some of the questions and answers -- only one looked like my problem but when I copied the answer into my project ...
TonyK's user avatar
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Vertical and horizontal lines for whole page

I have a quick question regarding drawing lines. For practicing, I want to imitate the following CV: For that I would like to ask for some directions when it comes to drawing vertical and horizontal ...
Kiet Hoang's user avatar
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Macro with \marginpar only when in outer mode (loses float)

Related to Can I detect whether LaTeX is in vertical mode? \documentclass{article} \newcommand{\wm}{% \ifinner INNER \else OUTER\fi MODE } \newcommand{\mm}{% (trying margin par)\ifinner(no ...
ivo Welch's user avatar
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marginpar on wrong side twosided first paragraph

I am aware there are a lot of questions about this or related but I cannot find any good general answer to any of them, so: \marginpar seems to use the page number its paragraph start at to determine ...
Erik Itter's user avatar
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Reverse marginpar keeping marginparsep and marginparwidth with geometry

I have the following MWE: \documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{report} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[bitstream-charter]{mathdesign} \usepackage[showframe]{geometry} \geometry{ includeall, ...
ulilaka's user avatar
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Placing listings in page margins

Goal My goal is to place listings in the margins. I want to use sidenotes for this, not snotez, because I also require other functionality present in the former, but not the latter. What I tried I ...
Thomas Flinkow's user avatar
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Can I put a drawing in tikz in margin in book style?

Is it possible to put my graph (tikz) instead of the text in the margin on page 7?? \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{book} \usepackage{marginnote,geometry,tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows,tikzmark} \...
Jakob Kruse's user avatar
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tcolorbox frame + TikZ picture + marginpar

In a reply to another question user leandriis gave code that surrounds a theorem environment with a rectangle that has a TikZ picture in a corner. The following is copied almost verbatim from ...
Evan Aad's user avatar
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