Questions tagged [math-mode]

{math-mode} is about typesetting mathematical content, e.g. tweaking the appearance of spacing and symbols in a formula, or producing specific mathematical constructs. For questions about "wrapper" environments like equation or align, consider the tag {equations}.

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PDFLaTeX starts every time I type in math environments [closed]

Every time I want to type in math environments the MikTeX (2.9) pdflatex.exe starts in a separate console window and stands for a while until it closes and some other consoles appear and disappear ...
fcc7f4a3e545fbf's user avatar
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Square root symbol looking ugly [closed]

Recently I noticed that my square root symbol is looking really ugly: The square root per se is not correctly connected to the overbar. The picture above is with a small zoom factor. When I zoom in ...
Phelype Oleinik's user avatar
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n-base to decimal calculations in LaTeX

I have to make an assignment about converting base-n notation to decimal and vice versa. We are allowed to make it on paper, and send it in digitally by scanning. However, I'd like to send it in ...
O'Niel's user avatar
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A problem with using fancytooltips package

I'm trying to use fancytooltips package to create comments/tips that include mathematical formulas (I use MikTeX 2.9). I acted according to the directions of this guide Mouseover events in beamer: ...
user155457's user avatar
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How to put under-braces at same level? [duplicate]

I'm trying to put two under-braces in math mode: \underbrace{\frac{5000 \times 1000}{\frac{2 \times 1000 \times 1000 \times 1000}{8}} \times 1000}_\text{transmission time} + \underbrace{13 \times \...
Majid Azimi's user avatar
5 votes
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How to change global font size and global math size separately?

How can I change the font size of regular text and the font size of equations separately, but globally? I have a lot of equations in my document, and I want to reduce the font size of all regular text,...
user avatar
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Blackboard Bold i

Although it is not standard notation, I quite like the fact that in Mathematica, a blackboard bold i is used to represent the imaginary unit. Apart from making it stick out, it allows me to write ...
Luke Collins's user avatar
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Truncate numbers in dollar signs

Is there any way to truncate numbers inside dollar signs? I found a solution using siunitx and \num{somenumber}, but I have a very large output with dollar signs. To make things worse, some of the ...
nadavb's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Tag equation in ConTeXt with arbitrary text

Question: Is it possible to tag displayed equations (inside \startformula and \stopformula with an arbitrary tag in ConTeXt? With LaTeX I can do \documentclass[preview]{standalone} \usepackage{...
mickep's user avatar
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problems with \o after redefining \O

I redefined the \O command for math purposes but now it seems to conflict with the \o command, which I need for people's names. So far, the problem seems to occur only in the author entry. Here is a ...
user147646's user avatar
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cmbright and math functions

When using cmbright, the font used for math functions is not the one I would have expected. Is this normal behaviour? What to change to have a consistent font throughout the document ? MWE: \...
Bibi's user avatar
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Getting wrong output with cube root

I am having some problem with the following code. It seems that the cube sign on my square root sign is a little out of place, and the first fraction under the square root is a little small. Looking ...
mt12345's user avatar
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Subscript spacing with mathdesign

I have a rather elaborate font setup in a larger document, were I recently noticed some funny spacing with greek letters and subscripts in mathmode. I verified on a MWE (below) that it's not cmap, ...
Oleg Lobachev's user avatar
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LaTeX: Statistics CDF and PDF

Is there any way to type the CDF and PDF of a distribution on LaTeX similar to how it's done on this site?
angleofaxis's user avatar
4 votes
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\gls in the subscript has too normal size

Let us compile the following code with latex+dvips or latex+dvipdf (there are various reasons for using the DVI format; in my case, it's recompiling and adapting the old code): \documentclass{article} ...
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6 votes
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How can I get a \bar over a subscript?

With this code \documentclass{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \begin{document} ${\bar{S}}_{\text{rel,t}}$ \end{document} I get How can I extend the \bar over the subscript?
Martin Schröder's user avatar
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Modal math font commands in modern LaTeX? (i.e. modal version of \mathrm etc.)

Is there a modern modal version of the math font commands? In modern LaTeX, the use of old font-commands like \rm is quite strongly discouraged, with the commands being removed from the Kernel, and ...
kdb's user avatar
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How do I get something into a rectangle without space for non-existent descenders?

This is what I have: $\begin{array}{@{}|@{\,}l@{}}\hline2\end{array}$ I want it to be very similar, except I don't want the line on the left to descend below the 2. I don't really even want it to ...
RhymeLyet's user avatar
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hyperref + glossaries + latex = bad spacing around math relations

Compile the following input with latex && dvips (which you sometimes have to do for a variety of reasons; my case is recompiling old documents): \documentclass{article} \usepackage[hidelinks]{...
user avatar
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math equation, problem with brackets

Hi i have a problem with "{}" brackets in my equation. \begin{equation} y= \alpha ^{- \int F_1(x)\,dx} \left { \ C- \int_{- \infty}^{\infty} F_2 (x) * \beta^{F_1 (x)dx} dx \right } \end{equation} ...
Julia Orfin's user avatar
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Upright bold Greek fonts with SVMult class

In plain Latex document, we can use simple command \boldsymbol{\mathrm{\Phi or q}} to obtain upright Greek or Roman letter that will look fine. \documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{report} \usepackage[utf8]{...
Maverick's user avatar
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Proper ERT LaTeX Code in LyX Math-mode

The problem I am having is I cannot have full "monospaced font" ERT code in LyX math-mode. In the picture below, you can see that in math-mode there is no red box and the argument in the curly ...
Alwin's user avatar
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Importing mathematical calculations processed by an external file

I usually work with software called Wolfram Mathematica. With this software I perform mathematical calculations and get their results. I usually do the following: Button Right Click -> Copy As -&...
LCarvalho's user avatar
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Widehat with no argument

I'm using \widehat to represent a mapping, so I would like to use it without arguments, for example, Consider a mapping $\widehat{} : A \to B$, where $\widehat{a} = $... Now the problem with this is ...
Luke Collins's user avatar
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Scale bold capital letters

I have my custom fonts. They are fine in terms of size. However the bold fonts for capital letters are too big and I do not know how to normalize their size. \documentclass{article} \usepackage[T1]{...
ar2015's user avatar
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Alternative separate font to mathfrak for small letters

I am looking for a second set of alphabets for my article. I have seen this post which looks great but it does not cover small letters (only capitals). \mathfrak is a good option too, except for ...
ar2015's user avatar
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Wrap/break equations text when exporting to PDF

So I just finished writing my homework in Lyx and I was about to print it after exporting to PDF, but I noticed that some of the centered equations were too long and their most-right part is exceeding ...
gbi1977's user avatar
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4 answers

Typesetting formula beside explanation of variables

I've been using the below snippet for quite a while now to typeset important formulas in my documents. Until now I always copy-pasted the snippet and manually tweaked it until the spacing looked ...
MaxD's user avatar
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Use smart greek letters recognizing \mathrm with mathastext-package

This is another follow-up question to this one with @wipet's great answer on how to create "smart greek letters" which in math mode are normally italic, but recognize the \mathrm command to become ...
Robert Seifert's user avatar
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Latex command \lll or \ggg not working

I'm trying to write ">>>" using the command "\ggg" or "\lll". Here is list of the packages I'm using: \usepackage{cite,graphicx,amssymb,amsmath,psfrag,bm} \...
Yousef Vh's user avatar
6 votes
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Align centered math-blocks

How can I align multiple math blocks, such that each block is centered. In my example the 1 should be printed centered above the 11 and so on. I guess this can be done with minipages, but I believe ...
user1's user avatar
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RevTex-4 footnote and updownarrow don't work together

I am working with the footnote command in RevTex-4, and LaTeC throws errors when I use this with the \updownarrow command. The following code has issues: \documentclass{revtex4-1} \begin{document} ...
Aaron's user avatar
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Using \newcommand to create a math symbol

I have seen some examples of using \newcommand to create a new math symbol, e.g., \newcommand\indep{\protect\mathpalette{\protect\independenT}{\perp}} \def\independenT#1#2{\mathrel{\rlap{$#1#2$}\...
PseudoRandom's user avatar
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How to use Latex to create 3 sets of equations with brackets

Could anyone can help me how to type the following equations in latex? Thank you very much
Chuong Nguyen's user avatar
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Conditional math symbols

In my private notes, I use non-standard mathematical symbols: I like using 0 to denote the empty set. Quite reasonably, my advisor does not like this if I do this in my paper. So I'd like to use 0 ...
Pteromys's user avatar
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Spacing before a `lgathered` and other `*ed` environments

I have the following situation: \documentclass[fleqn]{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{mathtools} \begin{document} \begin{gather*} [a,b]=c, \\ [c,d]=f, \\ \left. \begin{lgathered} ...
Mariano Suárez-Álvarez's user avatar
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How to add a little space between comparators and a number using siunitx?

I'm using siunitx package for the numbers and units. When I use a comparator, like \sim, the symbol is placed without any space. I'd like to set siunitx to add a little space like in inline math mode, ...
Daniel Valencia C.'s user avatar
2 votes
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Bug with \setmathfont range?

I am using XeLaTeX and unicode-math with the Libertinus Math font. Some symbols are missing therefore I'm using the range command. Then I get an unwanted crossed-square symbol beside big curly braces. ...
vap's user avatar
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Power of a parameter which is starred

How can I write star of a parameter in power of two? I wrote: $x^*^2$ but it is not what I am searching for.
codder code's user avatar
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Need single command which enforces roman in text and math environments

I am currently using an \rm command as a user-specified base typeface in software that writes output to .tex files. However, I noticed that if \rm gets placed in an equation, you don't get math ...
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Change font for newtxmath math alphabet together with fontspec

My setup for my thesis is that I use fontspec but leave the math to newtxmath because I prefer the appearance of this package's symbols over OpenType math fonts. Now my problem is that the Times ...
lblb's user avatar
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What are all the math packages about?

I have counted 48 packages in MikTeX Package Manager which have math as a part of their names. What are all those packages about? Who could provide a short or not-so-short review of these packages? ...
Igor Kotelnikov's user avatar
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What are the two math symbols here and how to get them in Latex? [duplicate]

I have been trying in vain to get the names for the below two math symbols and how to use them in Latex. Anyone who could help me please? Thanks.
Shubs's user avatar
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Inserting syntax hilighted code inside mathematical equations

I'm using some mathematical function notation for expressing relational algebra, in which I want to express the predicates using a specific functional language (e.g. OCaml). \[\sigma_{\begin{...
jackb's user avatar
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Three equations in two columns

I have a large matrix with 2 small matrices and I try to align it in the following way: I had like matrix C to be under B instead of in a new row. The code now is: \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{ c ...
Ben's user avatar
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How to create a (left/right) "\semicirc"?

I would like to have commands \leftsemicirc, \rightsemicirc in math mode which produce left/right semicircles the size of \circ. The best approximation of a solution I am aware is to use bbding and ...
Daniel Disegni's user avatar
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Different digits, commas and periods in text and math mode

In a document I'm using palatino for text (package newpxtext) and euler (package eulervm) for math. If I use the package eulervm with no options, the digits, the commas and the periods in math mode ...
user146193's user avatar
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Math mode siunitx line too long

How do I fit the numbers inside the textwidth without specifying manually a line break before each number? \documentclass[a4paper]{article} \usepackage[english]{babel} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \...
mdcq's user avatar
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environment of cases mess up the math operator

Thanks to another question, I have defined argmin operator. It works fine when I use it in equations except for when I apply it in cases environment. As you see, the x becomes an index instead of ...
ar2015's user avatar
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"Rare" polar form

I'm looking for ways to write this , similar to what the steinmetz package, but it must run in a \tikzpicture environment (via node) and in an \align environment, for example. Note that this form is ...
JOM's user avatar
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