Questions tagged [paragraphs]

{paragraphs} are distinct text divisions that begin on a new, usually indented line. In TeX, a paragraph is ended by the \par command or at least one blank line. If your question is about the \paragraph or \subparagraph sectioning commands, use {sectioning} plus {sections-paragraphs} instead.

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Paragraphs in \thanks

Paragraphs don't seem to work in a \thanks footnote, which surprised me. Why is that so, and what would be the best workaround? \documentclass{article} \begin{document} \title{Some Title} \author{My ...'s user avatar
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Making the indentation of a multi-line paragraph equal to the indentation of the first line

I have the following input that I receive from a third-party program: START OF SECTION This is a long sentence; really long that when rendered by PDFLatex it becomes a paragraph that spans a ...
Amine Marref's user avatar
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Locating \smallskip Correctly

Does the location of \smallskip matter in the following three examples? Version 1 applies \smallskip at the end of the previous paragraph. \documentclass{article} \begin{document} This is a sentence. ...
Junyong Kim's user avatar
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Uneven vertical spacing between paragraphs

Here's a MWE: \documentclass{book} \usepackage{geometry} \geometry{paperwidth=127mm,paperheight=203mm,totalwidth=92mm,totalheight=165mm} \usepackage{lipsum} \linespread{1.2} \begin{document} \vspace*{...
Frunobulax's user avatar
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Setting negative margin for one line

Consider the following code: \documentclass[11pt]{article} \usepackage{amsthm,amsmath} \newtheorem{thm}{Theorem} \begin{document} \begin{thm}[Locality] For two fields $A(z)$ and $B(w)$, the followings ...
Laplacian's user avatar
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Avoid start a paragraph after align environment

I highlighted my problem in red. As you can see, the highlighted line start with a paragraph, but I do not want this. How can I solve this problem? \[ F: M \times [0,T) \longrightarrow N \] such ...
George's user avatar
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Problem in paragraph shape [closed]

\begin{itemize} \item \textbf{Equilibrium Condition} It represents the internal forces on the interface of component $A$ are equal but opposite to the forces on the interface of component $B$. As ...
user224189's user avatar
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Environment not breaking with the end of the page

\documentclass{article} \usepackage{lipsum} \usepackage{titlesec} \titleformat{\section} {\normalfont\scshape} {\thesection} {1em} {} \titlespacing*{\section} {0pt} {2ex plus 1ex minus ....
blackened's user avatar
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\hangparas not working in Memoir

I am trying to get hanging paragraphs in my Memoir document. It isn't working. The MWE below doesn't cause errors, but the paragraphs are not indented. E.g. the word "that" is directly under ...
Peter Flom's user avatar
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Using the minted package breaks my paragraph indentation

I'm using the minted package for a paper that I'm writing and everything works perfectly fine and compiles without errors, except that, after the first time I use \begin{minted}{csharp} the usual ...
TheDawnAvenue's user avatar
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Highlighting citations along with some long sentences starting in the middle of paragraphs

I am trying to highlight my revised paper in latex, since when I highlight its PDF using Foxit the highlights are not shown after pressing generate PDF in journal's website. I have some troubles: I ...
m123's user avatar
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How to avoid spaces other than paragraph while using parskip package?

When I did not use parskip package table of content seems compact but when I used parskip package I see some other contents i.e. itemized items, table of content, enums etc. also getting spaces ...
Sazzad Hissain Khan's user avatar
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How to add indent even for starting line of paragraph? [duplicate]

\documentclass[10pt, a4paper, oneside]{scrartcl} \usepackage{lipsum} \title{\normalfont{Technical Report: Loren Ipsum}} \author{{Alex Murphy}} \date{} \begin{document} \maketitle \section*{...
Sazzad Hissain Khan's user avatar
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Paragraph Indentation in minipage

I am having some trouble with paragraph indentation in a minipage. Here is my MWE code: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{ragged2e} \begin{document} \begin{minipage}{0.8\textwidth} \...
Publius's user avatar
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Paragraph spacing with exam class

I use the exam class to prepare exams. I prefer to have questions with no indentation and a space between paragraphs, so I use parskip. However, I find the space between paragrapsh and between ...
Andre's user avatar
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Provided Definition and Example with an Outdent/Aligned text

I am not sure what to even search or how to describe what I'm trying to do here. I'm trying to do a definition-example type of thing. Here's an example: For the Term definition part, I am using \...
Publius's user avatar
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Parskip seems to reset after tabular environment

I am working on a document in which I include some tables. However, when I include the tables, the \parskip length seems to reset to 0 afterwards. Why is that and how can I circumvent that? The code I ...
shenflow's user avatar
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How to avoid starting a new paragraph at a new page?

I am using LaTeX to write a thesis now and there exists a problem that every time a new paragraph can not be fully situated on the current page, the system will put it completely on a new page, ...
J ANDY's user avatar
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Apply \parshape from the last line of a paragraph

I would like to format paragraphs as shown in the picture below, i. e. paragraphs such that the last n lines of the paragraph are centered and of linearly decreasing width. (n is constant from ...
Bastien's user avatar
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Removing extra white space between paragraphs before a new section [duplicate]

I'm happy with the space management that LaTeX applies to the documents. However, there are times when the next section cannot be included on the current page and goes to the next page. This makes the ...
Víctor Martínez's user avatar
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Setting paragraph indention

How can I set include an indent for each new paragraph? I tried multiple things but I can't seem to fix it. This is my current main file: \documentclass[a4paper,man,floatsintext,natbib]{apa6} \...
Nino Oostrom's user avatar
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Make Part look like Section and make Section look like paragraph; but with all the numbering preserved?

So I am trying to write a book summary, a few pages long. Is there any way to make part look just like section, except preserving the Roman numbering for part; and make section look just like ...
Kai Yang's user avatar
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vertical spacing around align* equations to match custom paragraph spacing

Context: I find that I have to add custom vertical space between paragraphs using the Lyx gui. Problem: Normal equations appear fine but multi-line align* equations have incorrect vertical spacing. ...
Penelope's user avatar
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Single command/package in the preamble to achieve space between paragraphs [duplicate]

I was trying to figure out a way to instigate spaces between paragraphs on LaTex articles - that is, I want a gap between paragraphs like this. Whereas in LaTex, if you hit the enter key (I've hit it ...
global05's user avatar
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Creating multi-line indent with hangparas

I'm trying to have all the text in a theorem or definition indented as it is usually done in books, however the hangparas environment just doesn't work for me and I have no idea why. Here is the ...
nDARQ's user avatar
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Paragraph indentation: A contradictory request

\documentclass{article} \usepackage{blindtext} \usepackage{titlesec} \titleformat{\section} {\normalfont\scshape}{\thesection}{1em}{} \titlespacing*{\section} {0pt}{2ex plus 1ex minus .2ex}{1ex ...
blackened's user avatar
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scrartcl produces \par in last line of document

You can see here \documentclass[parskip=half]{scrartcl} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \begin{document} |\hfill|\\ %\setlength{\parfillskip}{0pt plus 1fil} Datum, Ort \hfill Unterschrift Mieter% ...
Michael Banucu's user avatar
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Removing excess spacing between subsections in Springer template

I am preparing a paper for a journal in Springer and am using svjour3.cls as my permeable. I see some weird spacing at some parts of my document. Any idea how to fix that?
Hossein's user avatar
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Changing paragraph spacing in a specific part

I am working with the exercise and in some of my questions (when I have large equations), I would like to have a different paragraph spacing. Is there a way to do this? This is what I have: \...
jrglez's user avatar
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3 answers

Ignore double \newline on page break

When I want two paragraphs of text to be separated by an empty line in between, I use: \newline \newline However, I would like that extra empty line to be ignored if it happens that the page breaks ...
Markus Gratis's user avatar
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Titled paragraphs in IEEE conference paper templates

Titled paragraphs are very commonly used in CVPR and ICCV papers, like in here: \section{Related Work} \paragraph{Convolutional Neural Networks.} Such networks are also usually referred to as deep ...
AgvaniaRekuva's user avatar
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List with arrows in two different directions

The goal is to reproduce this formatting in LaTex (in proving if and only if): where the entire paragraph is indented except the arrows. Additionally, two arrows are pointing to different directions. ...
Null_Space's user avatar
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Add a letter after the paragraph heading

I've currently set the \paragraph command to function like "subsubsubsection". But I would like to add a letter "a" after each \paragraph numbering. I am not familiar with all the commands in LaTeX. ...
ferris's user avatar
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How to wrap paragraphs in XML tags?

Closely Related: Changing paragraph begin/end commands Is there a LaTeX "hook" for automatically wrapping paragraphs in boxes, or preferably XML tags? I would like to load the outputted file into an ...
elika kohen's user avatar
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Disable indentation for one paragraph

I have written the following : \par{first paragraph} \par{second paragraph} \par{third paragraph} Now, I want to disable indentation for the third paragraph. I naturally add \noindent command as ...
thoo-ma's user avatar
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Exam class: Indent each question, part and subpart to that of the upper-level indent [duplicate]

I've been working with the class exam, and I have been grappling with how I can set the indents for questions and their subparts, and have so far tried every combination of \setlength{\labelsep}{}, \...
SRSR333's user avatar
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undefined control sequence after `\paragraph`

I try to use \paragraph{xx}, but I get the error (in the next line with text, after the \paragraph: ! Undefined control sequence. <everypar> ...ubpenalty \@M \begingroup \@svsechd \endgroup \...
Albert's user avatar
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How can I ignore empty lines before, after, and inside an equation environment?

I would like an equation environment that doesn't care about empty lines. Normally, empty lines before and after equation start a new paragraph, resulting in additional vertical spacing around the ...
danijar's user avatar
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How to properly justify the small paragraph which has some equations in it

I have a small question and answer kind of a paragraph, I wanted it to justify properly. how to do that \documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{article} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{...
Vijay Kumar S's user avatar
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Line breaking after \paragraph{}

I know that I can it with \mbox{}\\ (\paragraph{}\mbox{}\\) but that's kinda messy and using titlesec to redefine \paragraph{} doesn't cut it for me either, because I most of the time want to have ...
r1amu's user avatar
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Separately align paragraph numbers and paragraphs

I am numbering unindented paragraphs and want the numbers to line up with section headings (that are not numbered) and all paragraph lines including the first line, to justify left like so: Section ...
pollywog's user avatar
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Subsubsubsection (paragraph) not showing in TOC

To add a sub-sub-sub-section (aka a paragraph), I followed the instructions here: How to add an extra level of sections with headings below \subsubsection Now, this works great, however, I noticed ...
Aziz's user avatar
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Subparagraph numbering not working after changing to aspect

I am facing an issue with \subparagraph numbering. Here is my code : \documentclass{book} \begin{document} \setcounter{secnumdepth}{6} \setcounter{tocdepth}{6} \renewcommand{\theparagraph}{\Alph{...
Guliup's user avatar
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Getting an Error \hbox badness

\twocolumn[{ \maketitle \begin{abstract} Abstract text goes here. \end{abstract} \keywords{keyword1, keyword2, keyword3 etc.} }] sample.tex LaTeX Warning: Label(s) may have changed. Rerun to get ...
Ramnath Kini's user avatar
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Find the line number inside a vbox (at end of paragraph), and change the behavior of a macro that follows next

Edit: I have added a luatex solution as an answer to my question. I have a \vbox in which I plan to typeset long material (long poetry), the way it is typeset is slightly unique. There is a special ...
codepoet's user avatar
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Spacing from left margin for text in sections

Is it any simple command in LaTeX to add space from left margin for all text in the sections? What I mean by that: I used the geometry package to set up margins size: \usepackage[top=1.5cm, bottom=...
begginer's user avatar
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Wrapping a displaymath equation in surrounding text

I don't really understand the behaviour of the indentation/paragraph building/whatever is going on (my understanding is limited...) with displaymath equations in paragraphs. When placing an equation ...
pschulz's user avatar
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TeX rules for determing a \par after comment

I'm confused about how comments, newlines, and \pars interact in TeX. Consider the following: ab a b a b a% b a % b a b a% b which produces the output ab a b a b ab a b a b a b I ...
Jason Siefken's user avatar
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Remove Extra Space After Each Paragraph

I am writing my dissertation in LaTex using report class. I have to write it using double spacing which I used \doublespacing for. However, I am getting an extra space after each paragraph, more than ...
user212010's user avatar
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Title formatting with titlesec

I am trying to format titles using titlesec. Here is what I want to do: \subsubsection: \paragraph: And this is my code: \setcounter{secnumdepth}{4} \renewcommand{\thesubsubsection}{\arabic{...
Guliup's user avatar
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