Questions tagged [table-of-contents]

{table-of-contents} is about the creation or modification of the Table of Contents or similar listings like List of Figures and List of Tables as well as custom lists. Popular packages are {tocloft}, {titletoc}, {tocbasic}, {minitoc} and {etoc}.

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3 answers

How to define {\renewcommand{\addvspace}[1]{} \listoffigures} in .cls file

I am trying to use {\renewcommand{\addvspace}[1]{} \listoffigures} to remove spaces between figure captions of two different chapters in the list of figures. {\renewcommand{\addvspace}[1]{} \...
charcoalblock's user avatar
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How to set TOC title above its content when using multicols and tocloft

Background: Hello there. I read this Q&A, which I thought would answer my question, but I am still confused (surely due to my newness to LaTeX). I have a two-column table of contents that uses ...
HermyS's user avatar
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How to set NO indent on 2nd line of a toc that is using multicols and tocloft

Background:: Hi there, new to everything here. I have a table of contents I'm producing in an Rnw file using \tableofcontents. I am formatting this toc to be two columns with the multicols package. I ...
HermyS's user avatar
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List of custom environments

I have defined a custom environment m and would like to create a list of all appearances of this environment in the whole document (similar to a table of contents or list of figures/tables). This list ...
Sirg's user avatar
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Formatting error in list of tables with alternative naming

When using an alternative prefix - namely a long one - for table indices, I receive an erroneous output in the list of tables. Minimal (non-) working example: \documentclass{report} \usepackage{...
FelixJN's user avatar
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How to show the section name only once in the TOC

Consider this MWE: \documentclass[aspectratio=169]{beamer} \usetheme{Madrid} \setbeamertemplate{caption}[numbered] \usepackage{animate} \mode<presentation> { \usepackage[font=footnotesize,...
NIT India's user avatar
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ToC and references list headers' labels issue with customized \section using titlesec and titletoc

I have customized the appearance of the \section command using the titlesec package, and I have also customized the appearance of the table of contents using the titletoc package. However, it appears ...
aglobalphenomenon's user avatar
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The items in the list of figures are to be hyperlinked

I have used \usepackage{hperref} The items in the Table of Contents are clickable hyperlinks, i.e., when I click the Chapter or section or subsection name in the list, I am taken to the relevant page. ...
Arivarignan Gunaseelan's user avatar
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Tools to convert from TEX to XSL-FO format for TOC template

I need to get an XSL-FO (XSL Formatting Objects) template of a TOC (Table of Contents) with two columns and for various reason I would like to obtain it starting from an equivalent template written in ...
andreagalle's user avatar
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pagenumber in table of contents not correct

The pagenumbers of the "part" appendix isn't consistent: in the table of contents is another number than on the page itself. I know thats because of the change from arabic and roman ...
Hanna Kretz's user avatar
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False hyperref when using Listoffigures in amsbook

it's me again. I'm working with amsbookat the moment and I want to include listoffigures and listoftables into my document. Since this document is supposed to be useable online, I included the ...
C'est La Tex's user avatar
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removing 'appendix'-prefix before bibliography in TOC

I have following code \documentclass[11pt,a4paper]{amsbook} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage[ngerman]{...
C'est La Tex's user avatar
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Start counting by 1 instead of 0, list of equations

I have code, I didn't write and I don't understand. It works just fine, but the equation counter isn't correct in the list of equations. In the document the counter starts with 1, as I want it to. But ...
Hanna Kretz's user avatar
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Defining subsubsubsection makes the last dot appear wrong

I am using the solution in the following link: How to add an extra level of sections with headings below \subsubsection. More specifically this part: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{titlesec} \...
Tobias Bowley's user avatar
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Make a subsection appear in the toc without a subsection existing

I have a section and within it several tables. Each one on a page. I intend that in the toc, the name of each one of these tables appears as if it were a subsection. I have tried the following command ...
Valveroz's user avatar
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How to get prefix for section numbering in Table of Contents using tocloft

Im trying to make a customized Table of Content. The section numbering in the document is as follows: Title of section. (Underline, in running text, with the first letter capitalized) In table of ...
Sage Khan's user avatar
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Problem with table of contents, number of section overlap with their name [duplicate]

I have a problem with the table of contents, the section numbers overlap with their names, because I use a larger font for sections and subsections. Does anyone have an idea how I can improve this, or ...
Michał Szymankiewicz's user avatar
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Need additional space between chapter and leading section from PDF

I'm working on formatting my thesis in LaTex, and there are specific formatting requirements for the TOC. Let me warn you that I'm fairly inexperienced with LaTex, so forgive me for if there's ...
D. Young's user avatar
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How to get the Chapter names of Table of contents in Running Text (first letter capital and remaining in small letters) [duplicate]

I am customizing my table of contents style. The title of TOC should be CONTENTS (underlined and in the center). The headings of TOC have to be CHAPTER SUBJECT and PAGE NO like: I am unable to adjust ...
Sage Khan's user avatar
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LyX - How to lower ToC depth of multiple entries

Let's say I have a section with several entries: 1 1.1 1.2 But, I want to recategorize this section all into a subsection (and all of its subsections to become subsubsections, etc.) rather than a ...
Ari B's user avatar
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Conflict/overlap between header fancyhdr and table of contents

The second page of the table of contents is conflicting with the header of the page. \documentclass[letterpaper, xcolor=table]{report} \usepackage[top=2cm, bottom=2cm, left=2cm, right=2cm]{geometry} \...
Biorix's user avatar
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How to have the table of contents (and the list of tables) in a different color than black in LaTeX?

I am trying to make the toc a color, which I have predefined, however when I try to color it, the section page numbers stay black. I have tried multiple solutions such as this but it just does not ...
Koroks's user avatar
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Help making conditionals in a macro

I have this bit of code that list the author in bold and each their affiliations in italics everytime \AddAuthor is called and send all authors to TOC. \newcommand{\AddAuthor}[2]{} %container \...
Andre's user avatar
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allowframebreaks with pausesections in tableofcontents

It sounds, using allowframebreaks in \frame[allowframebreaks] simultaneously with pausesections in \tableofcontents causes pausesections in \tableofcontent[pausesections] not to work. Here is a code: \...
user1035648's user avatar
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How to hide appendix in table of contents in revtex4?

I would like to suppress the appendix sections in the table of content in a revtex4 document. I know that revtex4 package overwrites the standard commands related to toc. What shall I do in this case? ...
XuX's user avatar
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List of subappendices

I have subappendices within each chapter using the subappendices command from the appendix. I have the appendices show up in my table of contents within each chapter as follows. \AtBeginEnvironment{...
parasu's user avatar
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Cannot add to "after" hook of sectioning command

It seems one cannot add to the "after" hook of a sectioning command. For example the document \documentclass{article} \AddToHook{cmd/section/after}{\bfseries} \begin{document} abc \section{...
mbert's user avatar
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Using newpax for table of contents

I try to use newpax package to generate a linkable table of contents that include the sections from included pdfs. However, the toc links go always to the end of the document. MWE: doc-input.tex \...
Matthias's user avatar
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etoc: typeset locallistoffigures or locallistoftables elsewhere

As it is described in reference manual of etoc, p.34, it is possible to typeset a \localtableofcontents at any place of the document. One needs only to follow the steps: \...
anykey's user avatar
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how to reduce vertical space before parts and increase chapter size in table of contents

currently writing a Geometry textbook and the start of the table of contents looks like this: With this code, using the tocloft package for my TOC: Edit: Here is what the beginning of each chapter ...
Nate's user avatar
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Why do I have this big space in the list of figures?

I want to understand why I have this huge space in my list of figures, after the title? My code is this one: \chapter*{List of Figures} \thispagestyle{plain} \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of ...
Ana Laura Bianco's user avatar
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Table of Contents and Title Page [closed]

On the PDF version of my file, when I click on the first entry of the TOC, it leads to the title page. How to fix that? Here is my title page: \thispagestyle{empty} \begin{titlepage} \hspace{-1....
Ana Laura Bianco's user avatar
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How to have linebreak in part name but have it deleted in toc? [duplicate]

In the same text as in previous question, I would like to have parts with names with linebreaks. Purpose of this new style is to avoid roman numbering of parts that happen on the same place (see ...
Václav's user avatar
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Questions about the table sideways in Latex

My table is very big, so I have to put it sideways in latex. this is my code \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage{rotating} \begin{document} \begin{sidewaystable}[h] \centering ...
James's user avatar
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How to remove Bibliography from local ToC?

I am using the etoc package to print local ToCs on the scope of parts, but there is a problem: I have a global bibliography at the end of my document, which is not supposed to belong to the last part, ...
mapf's user avatar
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Vertical spacing of \tableofcontents in Beamer

I would like to spread the titles of the ToC with two columns, like in just calling \talbeofcontents alonw. I tried with multicol and minipage, but it didn't work. MWE: \documentclass{beamer} \...
Kazh's user avatar
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TOC glitch in mixed English/Hebrew document using polyglossia

I'm using xelatex with polyglossia to typeset a mixed English/Hebrew document, with the majority of the text in English. The body of the document is fine. The table of contents is the problem. I run ...
Scott Hazelhurst's user avatar
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Table of contents doesn't show list of acronyms [duplicate]

I'm having issues making my table of contents show the location of the list of acronyms. I followed this and managed to make it work for the List of Figures and List of Tables, with the following: \...
ktorn's user avatar
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Content does not jump into next page

I am writing a two-page document. However, I found that using @twocolumnfalse or strip environment my content does not follow on a new page. The snippet of the code is: \documentclass[journal, a4paper,...
Yi Qiang Ji's user avatar
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Control the distance between table of contents elements

I want to understand what are the lengths dimension #1 and #2 in the following example. Moreover, is the blue dimension in the picture equals the length of \parskip? How can I control the dimensions #...
tush's user avatar
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memoir: Add "part space" before backmatter chapters

I would like the vertical space before the backmatter chapters in the table of contents to be the same as before a part. I would have thought that the code below would have resulted in this, but the ...
Fredrik P's user avatar
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Manually typed table of contents with two columns

I'm trying to write a customized table of contents, let's say one with three values per row, and displayed in two columns, like this: I understand the best option would be to use tabular to have the ...
Raphael's user avatar
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How can I create a document with bilingual headings and table of contents in KOMAScript?

I am writing a book and so far it has been completely in English. Now as a convenience for, say, German readers I'd like to provide a German translation for every heading and for the table of contents....
ComFreek's user avatar
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Add a list of acronyms to a latex template

I tried to add a list of acronyms to the latex template below: I added the ...
Questioner's user avatar
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Format table of contents header to match section headers

I am trying to format my document to have the Table of Contents header look like all of my section headers. The section headers are centered and a different font size that what I can get with the ...
Mac McMahan's user avatar
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How to remove section number in TOC while keeping the nummeration

I have a bibliography whose items are inside a LaTeX-script (as in journal templates). Here "How to make sections in a bibliography" someone helped me to create sections in my bibliography. ...
louis's user avatar
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page number in table of contents is right after the section name instead of at the end

Hi my table of contents aligns all the page numbers at the end, except in the last line. The bibliography entry has its pagenumber right after it says bibliography. Does any one know what i did wrong, ...
katle's user avatar
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How to have a section without number and not in ToC

I have a document: \documentclass[12pt]{amsart} That's how I produce the title and ToC: \maketitle \tableofcontents I have a section \section*{Acknowledgement} for which I do not want a listing in ...
principal-ideal-domain's user avatar
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How to change the name of the ToC when I use poemscol [closed]

I am writing a poetry book using the poemscol package. It has its own commands for creating a ToC. However, my poetry book isn't in English, so I want the title of my ToC not be "Contents" ...
Berkin Kirbiyik's user avatar
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How to customize the heading of the table of content page

I am writing in the book class, and I want to underline the "CONTENTS" heading on the table of content page. However, as soon as I attempted to customize it in the following way - \...
Omkar Rambadey's user avatar

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