Questions tagged [urls]

{urls} is about handling URLs in (La)TeX documents, commonly by using the \url macro provided by the {url} or {xurl} and {hyperref} packages.

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UrlFont and kerning

How to set the UrlFont in a way that the kerning is correct? \documentclass[10pt,twoside]{scrbook} \usepackage{fontspec} \usepackage[hyphens]{xurl} \def\UrlFont{\itshape} \usepackage[colorlinks,...
hjele's user avatar
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Tilde sign in URL is appearing in superscipt position

The Tilde (~) sign in the URL appears in the superscript position. How can I change it so that it gets the same position (near the normal line) as in the text here? \documentclass[12pt,twoside]{report}...
raf's user avatar
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Overflowing URL in bibliography

I have this entry on one of the .bib files of my Bibliography: @misc{spreadsheets2, author = {Lima, Anderson B. E.}, title = {Statistical Analysis of Table 3 of: "Drought Monitoring and ...
BsAxUbx5KoQDEpCAqSffwGy554PSah's user avatar
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Bibtex: How can I set a urldate in @online?

I have some entries in my literature that are only URL, e.g. @online{cullen, url = {}, urldate = {2024-19-03}, } But in the document it ...
Lereu's user avatar
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Non-ASCII characters and space in link [duplicate]

We use relative links from a PDF document. Some files have non-ASCII characters like æøå and öä or spaces. \documentclass{article} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[obeyspaces]{url} \usepackage[...
Håvard's user avatar
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How to define a command to typeset a URL without the protocol?

There is a related question, but the answer shows how manually create a link with the URL text. That's not what I want. I want to create a command (call it \urlb) that will typeset a URL with a ...
GregRos's user avatar
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Change bibliogrpahystyle to only add URL to bibliography when field "howpublished = {online}"

I am looking to find a way to only add the URL to an entry in the bibliography IF the field "howpublished = {online}" for that bibentry. I am currently using the mla-good.bst which has the ...
Hans Tydecks's user avatar
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Extra Braces When \url Uses Variable

When using \url{} in the following example, it adds additional braces around the variable. So the code below renders: {} - Why is this happening, how can I avoid it? Is there a ...
matijahhh's user avatar
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url with `\urlstyle(same)` seems to force `lowtilde`

When using \urlstyle{same}, the url package will substitute a low 'faked' tilde, even if the lowtilde option is not specified: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{url} \urlstyle{same} \begin{...
oulenz's user avatar
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tex4ht breaks URL text leading to empty spaces between words generated in final HTML when \urldef

I use \urldef in order to make href, because the names are folder/file path which can contain many different strange characters. This works fine in PDF with lualatex. But I noticed that the HTML ...
Nasser's user avatar
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Overfull boxes in bibliography

I get overfull hboxes of urls in my bibliography, also the urls don't work even though they are correct. I can't find the problem. I am grateful for any help as it is urgent. \documentclass[12pt]{...
LeonieWagner's user avatar
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How do you avoid running hyperlinks that include the page's footer and header?

Please consider this MWE: \documentclass[paper=a6,fontsize=11pt]{scrbook} \usepackage{lipsum} \usepackage{hyperref} \begin{document} \chapter{My Chapter} \lipsum[2] \url{} \end{...
rmolina's user avatar
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href creates footnote instead of clickable link

I am using the hyperref package in my document. I would like to make a link to a webpage. However, this always creates a footnote. This is probably due to a package conflict, but cannot manage to find ...
Nick Sauerwein's user avatar
8 votes
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How to handle URLs with TeX-special charactors in a footnote

When I add a URL with TeX-special characters—such as % in the example below—to a footnote, it does not work. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{hyperref} \usepackage{xurl} \begin{document} 1\...
Dolphin's user avatar
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\clearfield{url} not working anymore after custom citecommand using biblatex

In order to neaten up the footnotes of my references, I used the code provided in this post. Before, I was just using \footfullcite{} and additionally \AtEveryCitekey{\clearfield{url}}, because I felt ...
Felix Fischer's user avatar
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Missing $ inserted issue bibliography LLNCS template

I'm getting a weird missing $ error in my bibliography \documentclass[runningheads]{llncs} \usepackage{hyperref} \usepackage{cleveref} \begin{document} % \title{adsnvuadsipnvewjl\thanks{Supported by ...
Hao S's user avatar
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Hash in an url inputed to \href inside \cite

I'm using biblatex and hyperref. If I type \href{<url>}{<name>} where the url contains a #, I get the desired result, but if I type \cite[\href{<url>}{<name>}]{<label>} (...
Elías Guisado Villalgordo's user avatar
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trouble with \url and line breaks

Listing picture credits in a book. Many of them are websites, with long addresses. Here's one: \figc{II056}: Victoria and Albert Museum.\url{
Anthony Phillips's user avatar
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Long url doesn’t break in theorem optional argument (under amsthm, hyperref, xurl)

In most situations, the xurl package (presented here) ensures that long urls break across lines appropriately. However, inside the optional “caption” argument of a theorem, long urls stay unbroken, as ...
Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine's user avatar
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Suffixing a URL with that domain's favicon (custom external link symbol)

In an existing thread, it is shown how to suffix a hyperref URL with the generic "external URL" symbol. In another thread, the top answer shows how to use FontAwesome for inserting the ...
Mew's user avatar
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\bibliographystyle{quantum} has problems breaking URLs

I am having trouble breaking a specific URL in a bibliography styled as: \bibliographystyle{quantum} Here is a minimal example that highlights the problem: \documentclass[twocolumn]{article} \...
fcrp's user avatar
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"Issue with Line Breaks in URLs within lstlisting Environment

The line breaks within lstlisting environments do not function properly for URLs, even though breaklines and breakatwhitespace are both set to true. The URLs are not being broken, and the text exceeds ...
anas's user avatar
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Website address exceeds the margin of the article [duplicate]

When I use cas.refs.bib to insert my references with sites (url). The website address goes beyond the margin. How do I correct this? enter image description here Look at my code: @misc{EPE17, ...
Lucimeire Cordeiro's user avatar
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Manually breaking URL in bibliography adds ASCII characters [duplicate]

I'm trying to break a URL in the bibliography. I used \\, thinking that it would solve the problem but while it broke the URL it also added the ASCII code for \. \documentclass{report} \usepackage{...
Dunno's user avatar
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Are hyperlinks broken in Texifier using TexpadTeX as typesetter?

I don't seem to be able to typeset hyperlinks correctly using Texifier (formerly Texpad) with TexpadTeX as Typesetter. The following MWE reproduces the behaviour: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{...
DummyVariable's user avatar
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How to replace multiple URLs for one bibtex reference with url symbols

I am using multiple url links in my bib source file and at the same time I would like to replace them with link symbol (e.g., \faLink from fontawesome5 in my example). I insert the character directly ...
JardaFait's user avatar
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using xurl package with \href and a long \url within the longtable package

I am having trouble getting the href's to automatically wrap at the appropriate spot within my \longtable. I tried using the \ltablex package, but that made no difference. Any guidance is much ...
Steven's user avatar
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Wrapping long url hyperlinks that contain no spaces within a table [duplicate]

For some reason, I have been unable to wrap an href within a table using the solutions presented here: Wrapping long lines that contain no spaces And, here: Forcing linebreaks in \url Any suggestions ...
Steven's user avatar
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obeyspaces for \href

I am trying to link to local files in the pdf using absolute file path which contains spaces (this cannot be avoided since the files are being stored in iCloud whose local file path already contains a ...
Jinwen's user avatar
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Modify the \url to open links in new tabs

I am in LaTeX, and I just wrote this line: \renewcommand*{\url}[1]{\href{#1}{\nolinkurl{#1}}}. But, it does not modify the behavior's of all my \url usages across the document, why? How can I make all ...
Alix Blaine's user avatar
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Why are my biblography/references not showing the URLs

I am using overleaf to write my document. Here is my pre-amble: \documentclass[12pt]{report} \usepackage[english]{babel} \usepackage{appendix} \usepackage[utf8x]{inputenc} \usepackage{amsmath} \...
probablysid's user avatar
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\url with \ldots

Using \url from \usepackage{hyperref}. Trying to do \url{\dots/path/to/somewhere}, pdflatex complains ! Undefined control sequence. <argument> ...tect \global \let \OT1\textellipsis ...
HASM's user avatar
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Underlining Command preventing line breaks

Based on a code by Alex Chan and help from Jinwen here, I made a custom underlining command with nice results: as you can see on the pictures (here and in Jinwen's post edited by me), the underline ...
Vincent Krebs's user avatar
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Linebreaking an URL without any hyphens - only letters

Does anyone know how I can make a linebreak in my LaTeX output so that the link doesn't go "out of bounds"... There aren't any hyphens so I can't make any of the xurl, url, hyperref work. ...
Alexander Strarup's user avatar
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How to use Chinese characters in URLs?

If the URLs contain Chinese characters, the tex will output error. I used PdfLaTeX. Here is my situation. \begin{CJK}{UTF8}{gbsn} \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem{ref1} \href{https://zh.wikipedia....
Tony Chow's user avatar
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\href urlbordercolor not visible in pdf

I am trying to put a colored border around links but have not been successful so far. Here is a minimal example: \documentclass[ 12pt, titlepage]{article} \usepackage{xcolor} \usepackage{hyperref} % ...
EconCat's user avatar
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hyperref doesn't open URLs

when I use \url{} for instance, the url becomes clickable but if i click it i get a promt saying "Program can not be opened, -50" This is my code: \documentclass[11pt,a4paper]{...
Henri's user avatar
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How do I insert this url in a footnote I've tried href, hyperref, URL, or none at all, just \...
Alexander's user avatar
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No URL line break in description

there are several ways to make a line break in URLs. But does somebody know how to break the URL in this example? Thanks, Harald \documentclass[ 10pt, twoside, toc=listofnumbered, ...
hjele's user avatar
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Interaction with beamer pause and urlbordercolor of hyperref results in a graphical glitch

I noticed a weird interaction between pdfborderstyle and the pause command of beamer. How I can get rid of it? This code will produce a graphical glitch: \documentclass{beamer} % suppresses all ...
Emanuele Nardi's user avatar
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Using a tilde in a .bib file

We have a bibliographic entry which is like this: @misc{entry, title={Some Title}, year={2023}, url="" } The problem is that the ...
mich's user avatar
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How to write something in Latex Beamer Ilmenau dark blue top bar

I'm trying to make a latex presentation using beamer and ilmenau. I wanna include an image and have its source in the dark blue bar below the very dark blue bar that shows how far into the ...
User1986's user avatar
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pdf latex auto open url or hyperlink

This example is latex, a line code using automatic. Did not find any related answers about this \href{} {autopen} How to open auto hyperlink via pdf latex. Like opening the pdf, the ...
martin's user avatar
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How to break URL links that include long alphanumerical strings?

How to break url links that include long alphanumerical strings? Here an example: \documentclass[12pt,a4paper,twoside]{article} \begin{filecontents}[overwrite]{ref.bib} @misc{Reuters_2023, author = ...
Ommo's user avatar
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Prevent an unnecessary empty line between references using apacite

So I had a seemingly typical problem: I wanted to put URLs in my references, which were quite long. Let me provide you an MWE: % citations.bib @incollection{levi1973where, author={Levi, J. N.}, ...
vaulttech's user avatar
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URL removes Slashed Zero

I am using the fontspec and xurl packages. I have found that the command \url removes the Numbers=SlashedZero OpenType feature. Obviously, I want the Slashed Zero to work, even when typesetting urls. ...
User23456234's user avatar
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Why is it impossible to click on the entire URL?

Its only possible to click on the first piece of the link: \documentclass[a4paper, pointlessnumbers, %draft, parskip=half, automark ]{scrartcl} \setlength{\parindent}{...
chickenoncrack's user avatar
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Why are the URL's not displayed when I run the pdf?

I can't find the mistake here: \documentclass[a4paper, pointlessnumbers, %draft, parskip=half, automark ]{scrartcl} \setlength{\parindent}{0pt} \usepackage[a4paper, left=2.2cm, right=2.2cm, ...
chickenoncrack's user avatar
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Reference alignment problem with Overleaf [duplicate]

I am using the LNCS template from overleaf for my seminar, and I have an alignment problem with my references. I use a mybibliography.bib file to store my exported references. The references are ...
Jin's user avatar
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How can I have automatic line-breaking for URL containing Unicode characters?

Some URLs include unicode characters. For example–Watson_statistics. All (most?) webbrowsers are able to handle such URLs but some PDF viewers (like Mac's Preview ...
Ryo's user avatar
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