Questions tagged [wrap]

{wrap} is about formatting an object (e.g. images) so that it is surrounded by text

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tabu package table out of page

thank you for your help. When I have the following code the table created goes out of the page. How can I keep the table in the page using tabu? Also I would like the first column to not exceed a ...
vienna2021's user avatar
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Text wrap in the table cell

I have the following code: \documentclass[parskip=half-]{scrreprt} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[]{microtype} \usepackage{hyperref} \usepackage{geometry} \usepackage{...
Michael's user avatar
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Inserting a Centered Title in a Tikzpicture without Adversely Affecting Text Wrapping

I am producing a somewhat syntactically complex tikzpicture, which thanks to the help of David Carlisle, looks like this: The code which generates that picture is as follows. \documentclass[border=...
DDS's user avatar
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Long table headings not wrapping

The table headings are long, and at the same time, we need to have each heading for two years: that results into two columns under each heading. In this case, heading text is not wrapping. Guidance ...
Amos Machado's user avatar
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Looking to Insert a Figure and Wrap It Within a Customized Tikzpicture

This question inquires as to an extension of Daniel N.'s answer found in How to enhance the background of a Tikzpicture or a Tcolorbox Consider the slightly modified code: \documentclass[border=1cm]{...
DDS's user avatar
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Add space after period when underfull hboxes occur?

Consider this MWE: \documentclass[10pt,journal,compsoc]{IEEEtran} \hyphenation{veryverylongword} \begin{document} \textbf{The word word word word word.} The word-veryverylongword word word word word. \...
kostrykin's user avatar
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How to resize the longtable in latex? [closed]

I'm trying fit a longtable in latex, I've searched but all the examples was didn't worked for me because of the \begin{longtable}`[c]`{|l|l|l|l|l|}, the output is the following: The code is the ...
user2535338's user avatar
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Is there a way to wrap text around subfloats within a custom float?

I am a fairly proficient latex user, but have stumbled across a formatting challenge outside my experience. I am trying to create a custom "box" float - similar to what one might see in ...
Laura S.'s user avatar
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Error using the wrapfigure package

I have a problem using wrapfigure. I am trying to use the following code: %\begin{figure*}[h!] \begin{wrapfigure}[r]{0.5\textwidth} %\centering \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{...
maaikevsleuwen's user avatar
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Shift a tikz-cd diagram up when wrapping text around it

I want to include a tikz-cd diagram alongside text, wrapped around it. To do this, I am using the package wrapfig. The code looks like this: \documentclass[psamsfonts]{amsart} \usepackage{quiver} \...
Descartes Before the Horse's user avatar
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Text in svg is not wrapping around a box

I am trying to include an sag image in Latex like the following. \begin{figure}[H] \centering \includesvg[inkscapelatex=false, width=0.7\pdfpagewidth]{figure.svg} \end{figure} <?xml version=&...
sprog's user avatar
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\uline cannot wrap the line after texlive2021

I need to underline some text and hope the text automatically wrap at then end of the line. see Why does underlined text not get wrapped once it hits the end of a line ? The \uline works with ...
CSGrandeur's user avatar
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Figure interrupts sentences

While writing a paper I tried to include relatively large figures into my document. Since they are so big I don't want them to be placed inside sentences. The first part of the Text. \begin{figure}[ht]...
Marco Wagner's user avatar
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Consecutive colorbox items does not line break in a table

I want to create a table with the long text content. Each word in the text is color boxed. But when this is done, the text does not wrap and there is no line break. Below is sample code: \begin{table}[...
Foshiba's user avatar
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Wrapfigure and Wraptable next to eachother

I have probably a stupid question and how do I get rid of the extra space in this extra space on top of my table. This is what I wrote in latex. \documentclass[11pt]{scrartcl} \usepackage[utf8]{...
xyhlon's user avatar
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Show return symbol on listings line breaks

I was wondering if it was possible to make the listings package show a return symbol like "⮑" when a line break occurs. With default line numbering settings this is not needed, as the line ...
Polizi8's user avatar
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Word wrap in supertabular two column table entry

From a Freeman CV Template: With a two column table defined as following: \begin{supertabular}{rl} % Start a table with two columns, the table will ensure everything is aligned %----------------------...
miqem's user avatar
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How to avoid unnecessary extra whitespace in wrapfig

My goal is simple to accomplish in most word processing programs and it really should work here. I want at the top of a section, a photo on the right of the person the section is about, and I would ...
AgilePro's user avatar
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Positioning a tikzfigure to be on the left of a text block

I am making a poster for my dissertation presentation and I am trying to move an image from the centre of my text block to the left side but I can't work out how to do it. I had a look in the ...
kian5749's user avatar
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Circuitikz with wrapfig problem

I have a problem with circuitikz. I can't manage to display my circuits as I want to. More specifically, I can't change where the text next to the image begin, I've already tried things like \hspace, \...
aure4's user avatar
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Three continuous columns, outer wrapped round inner

I'm trying to have text such that One set of paragraphs appear in the center of the page; when there is no more room, the text flows onto the next page (see blue area). Left of that, text wrapped ...
alice19's user avatar
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Problem with wrapping text in Multirow!

I am really struggling to make a simple table. But my problem is that the dear LaTeX doesn't wrap my text in one column which has a multirow. I have made a photo out of the main pdf which indicates ...
Pouya Mahdavi's user avatar
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How to use input in newcommand?

I want to implement an insert text wrapped in some additional tags using the \input command. But I get LaTeX Error: There's no line here to end.. How to do it properly? Here is my minimal reproducible ...
Mikhail Murugov's user avatar
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wrapping a box in multi line

\documentclass{book} \usepackage{stackengine} \usepackage{ulem} \renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{4} \begin{document} \stackunder{\uline{this a text this a text this a text this a text this ...
Russel's user avatar
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Long text string wrapping in a LaTeX table

I am currently trying to create a simple 4-column table and I've been trying to sort out the wrapping issue. \begin{table}[ht] \centering \caption{- Main silicate HFSE-hosting minerals from ...
Wolfe79's user avatar
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How do I put text around a picture in irregular lengths?

First time asking a question because I really couldn't find one similar. I have a background picture which is a paper texture + a graphic on the bottom right corner. The reason for this, is because ...
Andreas Grigoriadis's user avatar
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Alltt package: Wrap Text

I have some text files that I what to include in a LaTex file. I would like to execute any (La)TeX commands in the text, but ignore any non-LaTex. Here is the text: Contrary to popular belief, \...
james's user avatar
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How to expand (Square Wrap text) image in a two column document

I am writing a document using an overleaf template IJMPI Template. I need to expand my images to more than 1 column but not necessary to expand the images for both columns. My expectation is the ...
mostafiz67's user avatar
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I need help centering my table and wrap my text

I hope you could help me with my noob question. I have this code \begin{center} \begin{table}[!htb] \caption{\label{tab:vantagens}bus network} \vskip 1cm \begin{tabular}{ |c|m{7cm}| } \hline ...
latexnewbie's user avatar
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Text going past page

I want it to automatically wrap paragraphs around the page just like other text editors like microsoft word. Is there any way to do this? maybe something I can add in the premable? here's my code for ...
Palestina's user avatar
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Block out corner of slides for Zoom recording

I'm preparing slides for lectures which I will present and record on Zoom. My camera feed will appear in the top right-hand corner of the screen so that students can see me, and I'd like the text on ...
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Making a margin figure wider than the margin

I'm using the Tufte class and I want to create a margin figure that is larger than the margin, making the text wrap around it. Any tips of how I might do that? I tried adapting the @tufte@margin@...
brunobg's user avatar
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What's the code in shapepar manual? [closed]

In this manual, How the author did this wrapping by use \cutout and \shapepar. would one write a code? please.
J.R's user avatar
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What's the problem in this simple \parpic code?

\documentclass{article} \usepackage[a6paper]{geometry} % for the sake of presentation \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{picins} \usepackage{picinpar,lipsum} \usepackage{mdwlist} \begin{document} ...
Mamoun Mohammed's user avatar
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Could I use \cutout to put text at the center of paragraph?

Actually, I need to use \shapepar with \cutout or \begin{ctuout} but I have two problems 1.Could I use \cutout to put text at the center of paragraph? 2.And to add \includegraphics \documentclass{...
Mamoun Mohammed's user avatar
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Could I use cutout for round images?

I think if we can use the cutout for round images, then we don't need to use wrapfig environment. I know we can use shapedcutout for circular images but manually by adjust the line length.
Mamoun Mohammed's user avatar
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How could I make a text wrap around the irregular photo? [duplicate]

Please I don't need a fish I need one learn me hunting, Also I looked at all the answers, about this question on StackExchange, so would you give us a new answer.Please
Mamoun Mohammed's user avatar
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How could I use ImageMagick to wrap text about figure?

I downloaded ImageMagick, then I convert the convert.exe file name to imgconvert.exe. but the code still don't work. what should I do? \documentclass{book} \usepackage{lipsum} \usepackage[latin]{babel}...
Mamoun Mohammed's user avatar
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Error: File `pullquote.sty' not found

When I run these two, I get this error: File `pullquote.sty' not found. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{lipsum} \usepackage[latin]{babel} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{pullquote} \begin{...
Mamoun Mohammed's user avatar
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Kile: re-fill wrapped paragraph after editing

Is there a possibility to refill/reshape a wrapped paragraph after making changes? I configured Kile to hard-wrap after 70 characters, but when I insert or delete words in a paragraph there are ...
cem's user avatar
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Kile remove horizontal scrolling

I always love kile. But I hate the problem that a long paragraph in kile goes beyond the screen and results in horizontal scrolling. I know this should a trivial problem and easily solved using some ...
user43280's user avatar
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lstlisting long line wrapping [duplicate]

I would like to wrap "2cf24dba5fb0a30e26e83b2ac59e29e1b161e5c1fa7425e73043362938b9824" into the frame of lstlisting. \documentclass[conference]{IEEEtran} \usepackage{xcolor} \usepackage{amsmath} \...
Daniluq Lebedev's user avatar
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Wrap text in cell while table remains centered

Based on feedback, here is the updated code. The text now wraps, but it still is formatted to the left instead of center. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{...
Ashley's user avatar
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How to make a table with fixed length and width, and the text with various length in it can automatically wrap

I want to create a table with fixed length and width, and the text with various length in it can automatically wrap and the text should be centered vertically and horizontally. I try many ways but no ...
GuoFeng Wang's user avatar
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How to use lettrine and wrap text around an irregular shape in the same paragraph?

Background: Using the lettrine package, I can add a drop cap to the start of a paragraph. Also, using the cutwin package, I can wrap text around an irregular shape (c.f., this answer). However, when ...
alderman's user avatar
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Wrapping Figure within multicolumn text

I got the problem that my image is not positioned correctly within the first text column. I only want that the image is not overlapped with some text. How to wrap the text around the image correctly ...
Ramón Wilhelm's user avatar
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Lyx: Two column document - problem with table and table caption positioning

I have a two-column document in Lyx with a table. First obstacle I had is that table respected the two-column rule, so it tried to fit it in one column only and ended up overflowing. I tried to fix ...
Pavel Pek's user avatar
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uline wraps failure and use Chinese characters produce Too many }'s

encountered a very strange problem, using Chinese characters would produce Too many} 's errors. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{ctex} \usepackage{ulem} \newif\ifanswer \newlength{\keylength} \...
user140272's user avatar
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Unable to Wrap Text inside Table in Beamer

I am trying to add a table in my beamer presentation. Please see the code below: \documentclass{beamer} \usetheme{Madrid} \usepackage{array} % break long word in tabular % src: https://tex....
ravi's user avatar
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A problem with automatic text wrapping in longtable

I wrote a script that generates LaTeX tables from a pandas.DataFrame, hence they may have different numbers of columns. I want to wrap text therein automatically. Following this advice, I went for \...
Tomasz Kania's user avatar

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