Questions tagged [xetex]

XeTeX is a Unicode-capable variant of the TeX engine. Use this tag if your question is about Xe(La)TeX specific problems and is not related to standard (La)TeX.

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Relax a command inside minted

I'm using rich unicode in LaTeX as specified here. However I also use unicode in Julia language, so when I input Julia code in XeLaTeX I get an error because √ is bound to \sqrt in LaTeX, but is a ...
Adobe's user avatar
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How can I solve the vertical alignment with a CH2 and a ring?

I draw a picture like this: You may find that the right side of the molecule is under the base line. I know this problem is 'Vertical alignment' mentioned in P25 of the offical documantaion. After I ...
Leo Jacob's user avatar
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Line-breaking unformatted URLs that contain no hyphens

Minimal example: \documentclass{article} \begin{document} \end{...
user avatar
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Typesetting text in multiple languages without repeating the text

I am working on typesetting an Indian text in three languages using ITRANS + XeTeX. I have pasted an example below. How do I avoid having to repeat the text for getting three different outputs. Can I ...
ponderingfish's user avatar
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Computer Modern with fontspec in XeLateX (package mod)

I'd like to type my CV/resume form Friggeri's template ( that is based on Helvetica Neue fonts which I do not have on my computer and the ...
Julien's user avatar
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How can I include a PNG image using XeTeX?

I can include a pdf image using pdflatex as a compiler, and the code: \usepackage{graphicx} .... \begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics[scale=0.6]{chiaroscuro-victorian.png} \end{...
Jonathan's user avatar
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\CheckBox with hyperref: not able to check it

I'm using this simple example: \documentclass[hidelinks, english, a4paper, 11pt]{scrartcl} \usepackage{hyperref} % typeset hyperlinks \usepackage[ngerman]{babel} \begin{document} \begin{Form} ...
polemon's user avatar
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Changing font and using amsmath [duplicate]

I've read several threads about this, but none solves my problem. When I try to change font, it won't compile. Is there an other way to change font, that will still allow me to write stuff like: $\mu$ ...
Kalle Palm's user avatar
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XeLaTeX, xindy, imakeidx "Could not find file "tex/inputenc/utf8.xdy"

I'm trying to use XeLaTeX, imakeidx and xindy for a german book with multiple indexes. Based on an answer on this page, (which works) I tried to switch to xelatex and imakeidx. Calling xelatex --...
Blackface's user avatar
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Misplaced \omit when using \multicolumn within \multirow

I'm trying to put a \multicolumn within a \multirow environment in the following manner: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{multirow} \usepackage{array} \usepackage{mwe} \begin{document} \...
K G's user avatar
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How can I install a Chinese font in a Ubuntu 13.10 in a way that xelatex can see it?

I am trying to make the second example from the answer here work. It is copied here below: % Compile with xelatex % UTF-8 encoding \documentclass{article} \usepackage{xeCJK} \setCJKmainfont{SimSun} \...
merlin2011's user avatar
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Vertical Chinese text in Italic and bold with uplatex

I want to typeset some ancient writings in Chinese, but there is no derictly class of document to use. Then I try uplatex. I create a file whose content is: urml UniGB-UTF16-H simsun....
Eden Harder's user avatar
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Consolas: Straight Quotes

I am using the listings-Package to display code. As I am using The Consolas Font as the Monotype-Default I expected straight quotes which isn't the case (check my MWE) \documentclass[a4paper]{...
Kathiieee's user avatar
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How can I figure out which parameters are passed to xelatex by Rstudio?

I'm using Rstudio to create a nice pdf report using sweave and xelatex. I can process the sweave file in Rstudio, but I'm trying to wrap this into a script, so I need to figure out what parameters are ...
Jimbo's user avatar
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Double stroke fonts with unicode-math to match with Linux Libertine

After reading this question, Double stroke fonts with unicode-math like dsfont, I remembered that the font which comes with OpenOffice (Linux Libertine G) has a beautiful (but I don't know if useful) ...
Manuel's user avatar
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Xetex Hebrew PDF output problem in Lyx

I am trying to compile a document that contains both English and Hebrew. The problem is, that although I have selected Documents | Settings | Use non-tex fonts via XeTeX |LuaTeX, there is no option to ...
Brill's user avatar
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Adobe Acrobat's markup and annotate trough LaTeX?

Adobe Acrobat has the feature that enables the user to markup words or lines and to add an annotation to these markups. These features do not only exits in Acrobat. The markup looks like this: Is it ...
ClintEastwood's user avatar
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Smart replacement of missing fonts

The Open Sans Condensed fonts only have Bold and not Bold italic, so when I use \setmainfont{Open Sans Condensed Bold} and then try to use \textit{Foo}, it doesn't render it in italic, since there ...
Lorem Ipsum's user avatar
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'r' rendered improperly in Devanagari ligature [closed]

Have bumped into a LaTeX-specific problem (on my current system at least) in typesetting Devanagari: 'r' in conjunct consonants such as 'ntrya' does not render properly (e.g., as न्त्र्य, see image ...
camatkara's user avatar
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How to change a card template?

I have a slight problem with a little project I'm working on. I downloaded a template online (from where I'm not exactly sure, since it's been a few months) to make my own business cards. This ...
user avatar
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Missing bullet points when using unicode-math in beamer

I'm using XeLaTeX on TeXShop trying to set up a presentation with the Beamer class, and wanted to take advantage of the Zapfino font in the frame titles. If I'm understanding correctly, in order to do ...
user1675482's user avatar
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"fo"-ligature makes PDF code look strange in xetex

I'm trying to extract table data from a PDF. To this end, I need the precise locations of the beginning and end of a piece of text, and that's where my question comes in. For testing, I generated some ...
srs's user avatar
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Font issue when including EPS from Metapost into XeLaTeX

I've run into strange problems with fonts in figures included in XeLaTeX document. I have figures generated from Metapost sources with rotated math labels. When I include resulting EPS into document ...
Werkov's user avatar
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How do I create a table that meets the following specifications?

Following this question: I want to create an environment for a table with the following specifications: The left column is a vertically centered rotated text, saying Övning. The right column contains ...
pg-robban's user avatar
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2 answers

Math mode spacing (or glyph bounds) with mathspec

With mathspec, when you change the math font to an OpenType font, the spacing within equations is not fine: it is the same than the text mode spacing. For example in the equation $e^j$, the 'j' will ...
Lierre's user avatar
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How to avoid overlapping when using single quotes (German)

when using the following example I get (probably not surprisingly) overlapping between single quotes and the letter at the beginning of a word (for example starting with A) or the end of a word (for ...
Calis's user avatar
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3 answers

Hyphenation of bibliographies with multiple languages using xelatex,xgreek and biblatex

I am trying to use XeLaTeX to produce a document written in Greek that includes both English and Greek bibliography. i am using for this purpose a combination of xgreek, biblatex packages and biber. ...
Nick Papas's user avatar
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applying math formatting to a non-math font

This post summarizes a digression that began in comments to a different post with User JFBU. The basic question here is what commands are needed to get the full character-set of a non-math font (in ...
brannerchinese's user avatar
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XeLaTeX and EPS figure with consistent fonts

I'm using Miktex 2.9 and XeLaTeX plus some EPS figures. For consistent fonts throughout the document, I used to play with psfrag or directly use pstricks. I'm facing the situation where none of the ...
pluton's user avatar
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Why does EB Garamond fail when Greek is the default language in Polyglossia?

I am trying to typeset some text in ancient Greek. (Whether it is ancient or modern doesn’t seem to make a difference.) I would like to do it using EB Garamond, which has polytonic Greek characters. ...
AthanasiusOfAlex's user avatar
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Is there a way to confine the effect of \XeTeXinterwordspaceshaping=2 to a paragraph within a page?

I am typesetting in Burmese language. Setting \XeTeXinterwordspaceshaping=2 gives me the desired line breaking when paragraphs are fully justified. I've tried several ways, only this option works ...
Pyi Soe's user avatar
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Mixing spot colors in xespotcolor

I have been asked to produce a PDF file with PANTONE spot colors. I used the following code (from a previous post) in XeLaTeX: \documentclass{article} \usepackage[pantone]{xespotcolor} \...
yannis's user avatar
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Hyperref bug with index entry containing quoted | character

For this MWE, run with xelatex in TexLive 2020 on Windows 10: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{makeidx} \usepackage{hyperref} \makeindex \begin{document} \index{foo} % OK, but without this line, ...
alephzero's user avatar
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Using Libertinus Math and XeTeX, binomial coefficients don't diplay correctly in inline mode

I'm using Libertinus Math as my math font in XeTeX, and $\binom{n}{k}$ gives me a binomial coefficient in which the lower entry (k) sticks out below the parentheses. Display math works fine [ \binom{n}...
user23924's user avatar
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Using tex4ht to convert from XeLaTeX source that uses Unicode-named macros to Word (.docx) format

I asked a very similar question several years ago on the tex4ht listserv and received a very helpful answer from Michal Hoftich. He described certain limitations for working with Unicode and tex4ht ...
Alex Roberts's user avatar
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Font "FontAwesome" cannot be found when switching fonts in moderncv using XeLaTeX [duplicate]

I'm trying to change the font of the template in . For that, I need to use XeLaTeX and, as I understand, set \usepackage{fontspec} \...
user40276's user avatar
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Problems with second beamer slide and displaying notes on second screen with XeLaTeX [duplicate]

I am trying to automatically add a slide to the end of a beamer presentation, but when I show notes on a second screen the text of that added slide does not appear on the slide. Here is a MWE: % !TeX ...
banbh's user avatar
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\psrotate behaving differently under XeLaTeX

When compiling the following mwe with XeLaTeX, the \psrotate command doesn't have the intended effect of rotating 90 degrees. Compiling with LaTeX on the other hand works. Is this a know issue or am ...
Michael's user avatar
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Precompiled header with XeLaTeX not working

I have been using precompiled headers to speed up my compilation times (both in pdfLaTeX and XeLaTeX) for some time. For XeLaTeX, in order to use the fontspec package, I have always used etoolbox ...
illanxr's user avatar
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! Missing \endcsname inserted. <to be read again> \def l.252 ... \UnicodeEncodingName {}{"007E}

I have no idea what happedned. This code worked just couple of days ago. Now suddenly it stopped with an error which I don't understand at all ! Missing \endcsname inserted. <to be read again> ...
Humahep's user avatar
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Log paragraphs with more than n hyphenations

The (large) body of text I have written has a few paragraphs with an large number of hyphenated words. My goal is to examine these paragraphs, with the aim of rewording them. Is there a way I can make ...
Hugh's user avatar
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How to configure TexStudio to compile using XeLatex for Calibri Font? [closed]

I am trying to make the Calibri font work in TexStudio. Following several posts on here I included the command in the preamble: \usepackage{fontspec} \setmainfont[Mapping=text-tex]{Calibri} And ...
Fraïssé's user avatar
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With the package metalogo and XeLaTeX, error occurs when typing two dots above the letter

\documentclass{article} \usepackage{metalogo} \begin{document} \"A \"b \"U \XeLaTeX \LaTeX \end{document}
plzhou's user avatar
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Combination of newtx and fontspec breaks siunitx

I am trying to use newtx and fontspec on XeLaTeX, and it looked OK until I used siunitx. The problem is negative signs are not printed by \num etc. How can I fix this? Here is MWE: \documentclass{...
a user's user avatar
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How to insert QR Code in CV

Given this CV/Resume template in xelatex (see picture below), how can I add an image above "contact" and a QR Code to the side panel under the category "programming"?
Til Hund's user avatar
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Font 'Kaiti SC Regular' does not contain script 'CJK'

I use xelatex to support Chinese, \usepackage{xeCJK} \defaultfontfeatures{Mapping=tex-text} \setCJKmainfont[BoldFont=Kaiti SC Bold]{Kaiti SC Regular} but it occurs warnings: *fontspec warning: "...
chenzhongpu's user avatar
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How to use CJK font in Mac OS?

OS: Mac OS X 10.10 I am trying to write an article in Chinese and English. The preamble is: \usepackage{fontspec} \usepackage{xeCJK} \setmainfont{Times New Roman} % Set main font for ASCII \...
Zelong's user avatar
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Using sans-serif font for chemfig

In my document, I'm currently using chemformula for chemical formulae. To draw reaction mechanisms I'm trying to use chemfig, but it's proving very difficult to get chemfig to use the same sans-serif ...
angelsl's user avatar
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fontspec and textcomp

On various sites, they recommend not loading the textcomp package under XeLaTeX but to simply use the combination of fontspec & xunicode (the latter being loaded automatically by the former). This ...
Pieter Stroobants's user avatar
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Print “Box drawing characters” from shell in lstlisting

I have some output from the tree command, which looks something like this: . ├── Maildir/ └── scripts/ ├──* └── OLD/ ├── └──* ...
forquare's user avatar
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