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How to make a 3 level deep tree with tikz

With istgame: \documentclass{standalone} \usepackage{istgame} \begin{document} \begin{istgame} \setistNewNodeStyle{oval node}[draw=none] \xtShowTerminalNodes[oval node] \setistmathTF000 \...
I. Cho's user avatar
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forest: Even horizontal distribution of all nodes on the same level

I think a matrix of math nodes would be easier (and faster!) than forest, which tries to avoid crossing edges. For example, \documentclass[tikz,border=10pt]{standalone} % ateb: https://tex....
cfr's user avatar
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forest: Even horizontal distribution of all nodes on the same level

As Lorenzo and cfr pointed out, using the forest package does not seem to be the easiest approach here. Instead, I solved the problem by manually creating the Hasse diagram (thanks again to Lorenzo) ...
Zhorrid's user avatar
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3 votes

recreate a figure with TikZ from an entrance exam

Here's a way to do it in elementary steps in Tikz, which may be easier for a beginner. Let's arrive here in small steps: start simple and refine. I suggest: to have a look into the turtorials of the ...
MS-SPO's user avatar
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6 votes

recreate a figure with TikZ from an entrance exam

A version with tikz alone. Update: A tip to remove the small vertical line under the root To do this, I build the nodes without tracing the edges. I then build them manually. \documentclass{article} \...
AndréC's user avatar
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7 votes

recreate a figure with TikZ from an entrance exam

Please note that I think I ought not answer do-it-for-mes, but sometimes I do what I believe I ought not. I'd use Forest. Others would use something else. MetaPost, plain TikZ, tikz-trees etc. The ...
cfr's user avatar
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3 votes

Plotting tree diagrams

I would use Forest, though this is largely a matter of personal preference. But using some tree-specific package or other will make things a lot easier. The following defines a style nice tree for the ...
cfr's user avatar
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0 votes

Plotting tree diagrams

May be you serve, using forest package: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage{forest} \newcommand{\dotikz}{\tikz{\fill (0,0) circle (2pt);}} \begin{document} \begin{figure} \...
Darío's user avatar
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