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Paul Gaborit's user avatar
Paul Gaborit's user avatar
Paul Gaborit
  • Member for 11 years, 11 months
  • Last seen this week
14 votes

Tikz: Draw a RGB cube

9 votes

How do I position a node?

7 votes

Biblatex: Suppressing urldate does not work (\clearfield)

4 votes

Display tikzpiture environment in Righ to Left direction in a Document using a language with Left to Right direction as the main language

6 votes

Frankfurt theme show total number of slides

3 votes

Tikz shading doesn't produce proper RGB colors. RGB = 1,1,1 gives a dark gray, not white

11 votes

Error using \widthof inside tikzpicture

2 votes

Looking for tikz tips for this diagram

6 votes

Controlling edge shape in tikz

4 votes

Beamer, \column, pspicture: is this a bug, what am I doing wrong?

8 votes

Increase contrast in a specific colormap range in pgfplots

10 votes

Third grade spiral in TikZ - dimension too large

2 votes

How can I draw an arrow like this whose type is different from the default type using Tikz?

2 votes

Multiple bibliographies in biblatex without keyword

2 votes

Why do all of my latex figures say "chesches" next to it?

9 votes

Storing and re-using tikz coordinates for position and tangent vectors

57 votes

How does one pick control points to control Bézier curves in TikZ?

10 votes

Where is \@makefntext defined?

1 vote

MacTeX 2015 running much slower than MacTeX 2014?

1 vote

vco lowpass etc. don't work. Circuitikz

9 votes

Skip drawing one of the borders in a shape with TikZ

4 votes

Jagged arrow in tikz

6 votes

Creating a Droste Effect

6 votes

How to use macro inside \pdfpageattr

1 vote

How to inject a color into boxed objects?

6 votes

How can I access the value of `\pgfdecoratedpathlength` for use later in the document?

6 votes

Dotted lines with border around the dots?

5 votes

Imposition for an 8 page booklet using pgfpages

3 votes

Recursively import sub-document at arbitrary level

18 votes

Connecting from in the middle of |- line

8 9
11 12