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kiss my armpit's user avatar
kiss my armpit's user avatar
kiss my armpit
  • Member for 12 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than 8 years ago
0 votes

How to create a 32 by 32 grid?

0 votes

How to draw squares on the sides of a quadrilateral and triangle in tikz?

0 votes

Labeling a point at which a perpendicular is dropped

0 votes

Rescaling many images which are scaled with \includegraphics

0 votes

How to page break a code print in a latex document into more pages instead of one

0 votes

Plotting functions and denoting equation on the figure

0 votes

Fill the area under minimum of two functions using tikz and pgfplots

0 votes

How to pass the abscissa of a node to the first 2 mandatory arguments of \psplot?

0 votes

Short cut method to draw multiple dots with label on a curve

0 votes

How can we correctly implement a list of two (calculated) variables?

0 votes

Include multiple pdf pages on single sheet

0 votes

Why doesn't PStricks put nodes where I want?

0 votes

Right triangle annotations on vectors

0 votes

What is the most elegant way to get a diagram showing elimination method to solve simultaneous equations?

0 votes

How do I make my document look like this?

0 votes

Is there a better way to draw parallel lines between two nodes that are neither aligned vertically or horizontally

0 votes

Aligning a set of equations with one equation number

0 votes

\nodexn and savedNodeCoors not playing nicely with each other

0 votes

Rotating a custom shape independently of the text

0 votes

How to create same text structure every time?

0 votes

How to not have an equation in the first line using the align environment?

0 votes

Need *.aux file in separate folder

0 votes

Without using intersection method, can we find the following vector component?

0 votes

How to crop a pstricks figure

0 votes

Why does \psPrintValue not allow 2 \rput to work at the same time?

0 votes

What makes nodes gradually move down?

0 votes

How to randomly extract some pages of a PDF file, sort their pages, and finally bundle them into a new PDF?

0 votes

cropping problem with includegraphics and trim in beamer

0 votes

Beginners Guide to PSTricks for TeXShop users for math functions

0 votes

Draw a triangle with horizontal lines with PSTricks