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kiss my armpit's user avatar
kiss my armpit
  • Member for 12 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than 8 years ago
1 vote

drawing arrows on curves and shading regions in TikZ

7 votes

How can I limit the maximum number of lines in a page?

1 vote

Treating psTree object as a figure

1 vote

pst-plot graph offset on page when graph has non-zero origin

0 votes

How can I draw this graph?

0 votes

tikz apply fill between two lines

4 votes

Graphing a rational function and a vertical line using pgfplots

4 votes

Graph of x*cos(1/x)

0 votes

Nodes not printed on x-axis

1 vote

Tikz: define label font size under the node

1 vote

Scale Y and X axis in pgfplots

4 votes

Plotting 1/(x^2) - graph looks weird near x = 0

5 votes

Like to know how my code can be improved!

2 votes

PSTricks compilation problem

6 votes

Domain and range

0 votes

Unable to get required Orientation of arrow

5 votes

How to generate a simple cartesian plane system?

4 votes

tikz plot of two sine waves, showing the phase difference

8 votes

Using pstricks, I need to created the following grid sheet, which fits well with A4 paper

1 vote

How to plot the four regular star polyhedra with tikz?

5 votes

How to use special colour in LaTeX

1 vote

Convert Tex File into an image

2 votes

How to Draw This Free Body Diagram on TikZ or PGFPlots

1 vote

how to control indentations in code

4 votes

How to automatically include several text documents into a LaTeX document?

2 votes

Drawing an ellipse with TikZ

6 votes

Why is LaTeX always divided in two programs?

5 votes

How to plot smoothly an implicit function using gnuplot and tikz-pgf?

7 votes

I need help with a banner in LaTeX

2 votes

problems with ellipse TikZ

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