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kiss my armpit's user avatar
kiss my armpit
  • Member for 12 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than 8 years ago
5 votes

TikZ - How can I draw a line through a point on a line, with the new line perpendicular to the old line?

11 votes

Convert PSTricks to TikZ

12 votes

File size generated from Pdflatex is too big

11 votes

PSTricks figure turned 90 degrees

3 votes

PSTricks rotation driven by auto-pst-pdf

2 votes

tikz package for drawing thermodynamic cycles

3 votes

Plotting several functions with TikZ/pgf

7 votes

Graphing an exponential function and its inverse on the same Cartesian plane

2 votes

Uncheckered chess board using the chessboard package

0 votes

How to create a 32 by 32 grid?

3 votes

Labels that are parallel with edges of a triangle

3 votes

Drawing a curve in Tikz

7 votes

Easiest way to fill the region defined by a number of paths

7 votes

How to fill an annulus (region bounded by two concentric circles)?

4 votes

How can I draw circled integers with the same size by TikZ?

5 votes

Tikz-picture - Fill area

136 votes

Nice scientific pictures show off

9 votes

Aligning tangents of graphs

4 votes

Move Moon on its orbit around the Earth

2 votes

How to make a simple 2D pressure vessel drawing in tikz?

5 votes

Rounding a number to its hundred

2 votes

Hatching a rectangle leads to solid line in beamer

1 vote

Standalone: unique page per equation without white space

4 votes

Drawing an obtuse triangle, and marking its height

2 votes

Why do I get black areas instead of pattern fills when compiling with xelatex?

7 votes

How can I draw this cycloid diagram with TikZ?

6 votes

How to draw a line passing through a point and perpendicular to another?

2 votes

PS-Tricks + Beamer Problem

14 votes

How can I draw this reservoir diagram with TikZ?

2 votes

Beginner: Drawing using Tikz

3 4
6 7