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Stephen's user avatar
Stephen's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
4 votes

Wrapfigure & Footnote, hyperlinks

4 votes

Is there any way to get real-time compilation for LaTeX?

4 votes

How can I write % into a file?

3 votes

Customized table of contents

3 votes

Why do line-broken glossary entries contaminate "marginpar"s with cross-referencability?

3 votes

Hyperref links generated by Glossaries pointing to wrong page

3 votes

Hyperref: possible page numbering conflict with \alph and \roman

3 votes

Different paper orientation in a document lyx

3 votes

Disappearing Footnote

3 votes

Missing footnote and marginpar with package thmbox or package thmtools with option thmbox

3 votes

Placing text and footnotes on separate pages

3 votes

Add Chapter Thumb to pages

3 votes

Dowloading Latex Dictionaries

3 votes

Doing something only if there is little room left on the current line

3 votes

After recent update of MikTeX, ! Package totpages Error: Can't use both, lastpage and totpages

3 votes

Chapter title placement

3 votes

How to make indexed words clickable in the text?

3 votes

Create a macro that appends some code an existing command, with arguments

3 votes

lastpage package: incompatibility with nameref package

3 votes

strange figure floats

2 votes

Macro to be used in a \section command that has no effect in the table of contents

2 votes

Quotchap editing space

2 votes

Why does backref refer to wrong page?

2 votes

Error with tablefootnote in newest version (1.1a) of package

2 votes

LaTeX - Portable Editing Environment

2 votes

Have the leveling commands of the bookmark package any effect on the bookmarks of the standard sections?

2 votes

exam class and align* environment

2 votes

Which package gives diacritics for commands like {\b b}

2 votes

pageslts error: very old endfloat in texlive 2013

2 votes

Rotate single PDF page when viewing