I have an enumerated list with points, intersected with comments to each point. I would like to align my comments vertically with the itemized points in the enumerated list. Below a MWE with its output.

\begin{enumerate}[align=left, label=\large{\textbf{\arabic*}}]
    \item Here is my first point.
\textbf{C:} Here is my comment to the first point.
\begin{enumerate}[resume, align=left, label=\large{\textbf{\arabic*}}]
    \item Here is my second point.
\textbf{C:} Here is my comment to the second point.

enter image description here

My desired output would be something like this (ignore the curly braces):

1 { } Here is my first point.

C { } Here is my comment to the first point.

2 { } Here is my second point.

C { } Here is my comment to the second point.

Edit: As David & Werner suggest:

\begin{enumerate}[align=left, label=\large{\textbf{\arabic*}}]
    \item Here is my first point.
    \citem Here is my comment to the first point.
    \item Here is my second point.
    \citem Here is my comment to the second point.

enter image description here

  • @lockstep Is my understanding of horizontal and vertical alignment wrong here? I assumed that when you want to align items on a (invisible or visible) horizontal line, that's horizontal alignment, and when you want to align items on a (invisible or visible) vertical line, that's vertical alignment. Since I aim to accomplish the latter, I thought it would be vertical, and not horizontal, alignment.
    – Sverre
    May 24, 2013 at 13:39
  • 2
    In light of Consistent typography, and depending on the usages, define something like \newcommand{\citem}{\item[\textbf{C:}]} and use \citem My comment.
    – Werner
    May 24, 2013 at 13:55
  • 1
    @Sverre Maybe think of it like this: aligning things vertically involves sliding them up or down, while aligning things horizontally involves sliding them left or right. May 24, 2013 at 14:16
  • 1
    @Sverre, the items and comments display their first character/letter at a certain $x$ coordinate. You want these coordinates to be the same. The $x$-axis is the horizontal axis, hence horizontal alignment. But anyway, its just terminology.
    – jmc
    May 24, 2013 at 14:17
  • 2
    @JohnWickerson, typographically speaking, wouldn't it be even better to have the comments indented a bit more then the items. Since they depend on the item above them (as opposed to introducing the item below them).
    – jmc
    May 24, 2013 at 14:19

2 Answers 2


Just use a single enumerate environment and use \item[C:] for your comments.


One possible solution is to define a list-like environment with the appropriate settings for the comments:


\setlist[mycomm]{align=left,label=\bfseries C:}

\begin{enumerate}[align=left, label=\large\bfseries\arabic*]
    \item Here is my first point.
\mycomment{Here is my comment to the first point.}
    \item Here is my second point.
\mycomment{Here is my comment to the second point.}


enter image description here

Notice that \large doesn't take arguments. Using resume* you don't have to specify again the previous settings.

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