I would like to make an 2-line equation tag, for a single equation. I am using the \tag command, and it works as long as I don't store a label for the equation. The moment I store a label, LaTeX barfs at me. In other words this code fails:

\tag{\parbox[c][3em][c]{4em}{1st tag \\ 2nd tag}}
x = y^2

But this code works:

\tag{\parbox[c][3em][c]{4em}{1st tag \\ 2nd tag}}
x = y^2

Any ideas?

1 Answer 1


The value for \label is written into the .aux file, thus you need \protect for the fragile \parbox:

\tag{\protect\parbox[c][3em][c]{4em}{1st tag \\ 2nd tag}}
x = y^2


A tabular fixes at least the right white space:

\tag{\protect\begin{tabular}{@{}l@{}}1st tag \\ 2nd tag\protect\end{tabular}}
x = y^2


But I would avoid two line tags, too many problems remain:

  • Confusion for the reader: two tags for one equation.
  • The parentheses are too small.
  • Two line references would not look too well.

Therefore I would use one line, e.g.:

\tag{1st tag/2nd tag}
x = y^2


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