I used \psbezier to draw a triangle with pushed-in edges:

    \psdot(0,0) \uput[180](0,0){$a$}
    \psdot(3,1) \uput[45](3,1){$c$}
    \psdot(3,-1) \uput[-45](3,-1){$b$}


Now, I can't find a smart way (not using trial-and-error guessing coordinates) to connect the (unnamed) bullets on the bezier curves specified through ArrowInside and ArrowInsidePos through a straight line.

Alternatively, it would be sufficient for me to connect the intersections of a straight line with those two bezier curves. But again: I can't think of a smart way doing this using PStricks even after browsing through the comprehensive User's Guide by Timothy Van Zandt.

Any suggestions how to solve that problem?


2 Answers 2


A Bézier curve is specified as a polynomial of third order in its x and y coordinates. Here is how you can use \psparnode (from pst-node) to place nodes at any distance on the curve:

I used the formulas from the PostScript redbook, p. 565 (http://www.adobe.com/products/postscript/pdfs/PLRM.pdf‎:

\documentclass[margin=12pt, pstricks]{standalone}
      \pst@tempa /y0 ED /x0 ED
      \pst@tempb /y1 ED /x1 ED
      \pst@tempc /y2 ED /x2 ED
      \pst@tempd /y3 ED /x3 ED
      /cx { x1 x0 sub 3 mul } def
      /bx { x2 x1 sub 3 mul cx sub } def
      /ax { x3 x0 sub bx sub cx sub } def
      /cy { y1 y0 sub 3 mul } def
      /by { y2 y1 sub 3 mul cy sub } def
      /ay { y3 y0 sub by sub cy sub } def
      ax t mul bx add t mul cx add t mul x0 add
      ay t mul by add t mul cy add t mul y0 add \tx@UserCoor}{#6}%      
    \psdot(0,0) \uput[180](0,0){$a$}
    \psdot(3,1) \uput[45](3,1){$c$}
    \psdot(3,-1) \uput[-45](3,-1){$b$}

The result is:

enter image description here

Note, that the positions of \psbeziernode and ArrowInsidePos do not fully coincide for the same values.

The ArrowInside arrows are shifted a bit, which can be seen, when comparing the original nodes to ArrowInsidePos=0 and ArrowInsidePos=1.


A TikZ-based version:


\begin{tikzpicture}[marker/.style={circle,fill,draw,inner sep=1pt,pos=#1}]
\foreach \place/\angle/\name in {{(0,0)}/180/a,{(3,1)}/45/c,{(3,-1)}/-45/b}
\filldraw[black] \place circle (1.5pt) 
node[label={\angle:$\name$},inner sep=0pt](\name){};
\draw (a) edge[bend left=15] 
  node[marker=0.75](a-b){}% marking the path a-b: select the position [0,1]
  (b) ;
\draw (c) edge[bend right=15] 
  node[marker=0.7](c-b){}% marking the path c-b: select the position [0,1]
  (b) ;
\draw (c) edge[bend left=15](a);

\draw[red](a-b)--(c-b); % interconnecting the two markers

The result:

enter image description here

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