How can I suppress the title completely on the continuation slides when using allowframebreaks in beamer?

In the example below, Title should only appear on the first slide.


A\\ A\\ A\\ A\\ A\\ A\\ A\\ A\\ A\\ A\\ A\\ A\\ A\\
B\\ B\\ B\\ B\\ B\\ B\\ B\\\framebreak B\\ B\\ B\\ B\\ B\\ B\\


3 Answers 3


You can patch \beamer@continueautobreak so that it doesn't call \frametitle or \framesubtitle:


\patchcmd{\beamer@continueautobreak}{\frametitle}{\beamer@gobbleoptional}{}{\errmessage{failed to patch}}
\patchcmd{\beamer@continueautobreak}{\framesubtitle}{\beamer@gobbleoptional}{}{\errmessage{failed to patch}}

A\\ A\\ A\\ A\\ A\\ A\\ A\\ A\\ A\\ A\\ A\\ A\\ A\\
B\\ B\\ B\\ B\\ B\\ B\\ B\\\framebreak B\\ B\\ B\\ B\\ B\\ B\\
  • Thanks for the solution. Is it possible to do something similar if the first slide doesn't have a title? I want to get rid of the space at the top of the slide which is normally taken by the title in this case.
    – user41974
    Dec 3, 2013 at 2:13
  • @user41974: If there is no title, then it doesn't take any space (at least in the default beamer theme), so I am not quite sure what you are asking. You can add the option [t] to the frame to get it to align at the top of the slide instead of the vertical center, if that helps? Dec 3, 2013 at 9:28

Redefine the template frametitle continuation to clear the current title:

\setbeamertemplate{frametitle continuation}{\gdef\beamer@frametitle{}}

A\\ A\\ A\\ A\\ A\\ A\\ A\\ A\\ A\\ A\\ A\\ A\\ A\\
B\\ B\\ B\\ B\\ B\\ B\\ B\\\framebreak B\\ B\\ B\\ B\\ B\\ B\\

\begin{frame}{New Title}
A\\ A\\ A\\ A


This is an alternative via \setbeamertemplate{frametitle continuation}. Inspired by the fact that a simple \setbeamertemplate{frametitle continuation}{} still print the Title name, without numbering though. So print the Title again with white color.

enter image description here enter image description here

\setbeamertemplate{frametitle continuation}{\frametitle{\color{white}Title}}
A\\ A\\ A\\ A\\ A\\ A\\ A\\ A\\ A\\ A\\ A\\ A\\ A\\

B\\ B\\ B\\ B\\ B\\ B\\ B\\ 

B\\ B\\ B\\ B\\ B\\ B\\
\begin{frame}{Not a title frame}

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