I am trying to produce the Table of Contents same as shown in Picture separately. Is there any template for this? I just have "Table of Contents" but no document attached with it.enter image description here

My problems for this Stack exchange template are:

  1. Instead of "Contents" on the top I want "TABLE OF CONTENTS"
  2. I do not want "Acknowledgement" and "List of Table" listed as section but want as shown in picture attached.
  3. I want to manually control the page listing as in my code you can see all of page numbers are 2 but I want them as attached in picture.

minimal example:








\section{LIST OF TABLES}
\subsection{Evolution of Missing Data Estimation Method}
\subsection{Missing Data Mechanism}
\subsubsection{Missing Completely at Random}
\subsubsection{Missing at Random}
\subsubsection{Missing not at Random}

  • what documentclass do you use?
    – cmhughes
    Mar 12, 2014 at 22:26

2 Answers 2

  1. Use \section* and \addcontentsline. See the code below.

  2. See the code below.

  3. Simply set the page counter to the desired value (see the code below, where a \MyNum command allows you to specify the desired page number).

  4. In a comment it was requested to have 1 inch margins in the page. This can be achieved using


I suppressed the parts of the original code that were not esential to the question/solution. The easiest way to get the desired result is to use the \cftsetindents command for the sectional units



\renewcommand\contentsname{\MakeUppercase{Table of Contents}}







\section*{LIST OF TABLES}
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{LIST OF TABLES}
\subsection{Evolution of Missing Data Estimation Method}
\subsection{Missing Data Mechanism}
\subsubsection{Missing Completely at Random}
\subsubsection{Missing at Random}
\subsubsection{Missing not at Random}


enter image description here


If babel is loaded, the line

\renewcommand\contentsname{\MakeUppercase{Table of Contents}}

will have no effect. In this case, the redefinition will have to be done using

\addto\captions<language>{\renewcommand\contentsname{\MakeUppercase{Table of Contents}}} 

as described elsewhere in some other answers in this site.

  • Excellent Job .. You solved all my problems except for problem (2) where I do not want "Acknowledgement" and "List of Table" listed as section but want as shown in picture attached...
    – user35571
    Mar 13, 2014 at 0:56
  • @user35571 Ah, yes. Sorry. I've fixed it in my updated answer. Mar 13, 2014 at 1:00
  • Awesome!! One More thing ...can we have 1" margins on all sides of this page ? This is the last thing I wont bother you anymore
    – user35571
    Mar 13, 2014 at 1:06
  • @user35571 Sure. Please see my updated answer. Mar 13, 2014 at 1:10

Here is another solution, using the titletoc, titlesec and etoolbox packages. The latter allows to automatically add unnumbered sections to the table of contents if the value of a boolean is "true", incorporating the \addcontentsline… command into the. \titleformat{\section} command. I also added a dot after the section numbers, as in the OP's example.

        \documentclass[11pt, a4paper, twoside]{article}
        \usepackage[pagestyles, explicit]{titlesec}%

        \newbool{addtoc}%initial value:  false


        \titleformat{name=\section, numberless}[display]


        \renewcommand*{\contentsname}{Title of contents}







        \subsection{Evolution of Missing Data Evolution Method Evolution of Missing Data Evolution Method}

        \subsection*{Missing Data Mechanisms}

        \subsubsection{Missing Completely at Random Missing Completely at Random Missing Completely}
        \subsubsection{Missing at Random}

        \subsection{Missing Not at Random}

        \subsection{Strategies for Missing Data}

        \section{LITERATURE REVIEW}


enter image description here

  • @user35571: I've added another solution using titlesec/titletoc that automates the inclusion of unnumbered sections in the table of contents.
    – Bernard
    Mar 15, 2014 at 22:11

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