I need this code to be compilable without errors:

\usepackage{amsmath, mathdots, paralist}
\usepackage{ltablex} % uncommenting this line will work


% & influential variables &
\textbf{Setting 1:} & This is my  description $X_{\text{bla}} \in \{1, \hdots , 20\}$.\\
\textbf{Setting 2:} & This splits into
        \item First item
        \item Second item
\end{compactitem} \\

I am getting the error Something's wrong--perhaps a missing \item. \end{tabularx}. If I remove the line \usepackage{ltablex} it will work. However, I need the ltablex package and therefore I am looking for a possibility to let the code above be compilable. Any suggestions?


2 Answers 2


ltablex changes too much really, if you must merge longtable and tabularx I'd probably use ltxtable, but 99% of the time that i see tables set with {lX} they would be better set as a list, which naturally expands to full width and naturally breaks over a page, without any of the contortions that tabularx and longtable do.

However ltablex has a \keepXColumns to make it be a bit more compatible:

\usepackage{amsmath, mathdots, paralist}
\usepackage{ltablex} % uncommenting this line will work


% & influential variables &
\textbf{Setting 1:} & This is my  description $X_{\text{bla}} \in \{1, \hdots , 20\}$.\\
\textbf{Setting 2:} & This splits into
        \item First item
        \item Second item
\end{compactitem} \\

A workaround consists in inserting your compactitem environment in a \parbox of a suitable size. However there is a small problem with the vertical spacing of the environment (see image). It can be solved with the enumitem version of the compact itemize. Moreover, enumitem lists are easily customisable.

\usepackage{amsmath, mathdots, paralist}
\usepackage{ltablex} % uncommenting this line will work


% & influential variables &
\textbf{Setting 1:} & This is my description $X_{\text{bla}} \in \{1, \hdots , 20\}$.\\
\textbf{Setting 2:} & This splits into\par
 \item First item
 \item Second item

% & influential variables &
\textbf{Setting 1:} & This is my description $X_{\text{bla}} \in \{1, \hdots , 20\}$.\\
\textbf{Setting 2:} & This splits into\par
\begin{itemize}[noitemsep, topsep=1pt, wide = 1em]
 \item First item
 \item Second item


enter image description here

  • but using a parbox forces you to specify a width which negates the point of an X column, you may as well not use tabularx and just use p which will have the same result but vastly more efficient. Nov 30, 2014 at 23:01

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