I'm writing a book in which I would like certain sections to have a "surtitle" like this:

enter image description here

I would probably like the table of contents entry to look like "Science and Society: The Galileo Affair," and the page header to say "The Galileo Affair."

The closest I can think of is something like this:

\section[The Galileo Affair]{Science and Society: The Galileo Affair}

But this won't give me the visual layout shown above, and the initial part of the title won't appear in the TOC.

Is there any package that gives a straightforward way to accomplish this?

  • titlesec may be able to do this, but with complicated layouts I generally just start a document class from scratch. Then again, I have a tendency to re-invent the wheel. Jan 10, 2015 at 20:06
  • Is this the equivalent of the \part? Jan 10, 2015 at 20:18
  • @UweZiegenhagen: No, the surtitle only applies to section 1.7 in my example. Section 1.8 would not be about science and society.
    – user6853
    Jan 10, 2015 at 20:27

2 Answers 2


You can try this code. Use \sectionsurtitle{....} before the sections where you want the surtitle. Note that you can used a starred version \sectionsurtitle* for unnumbered sections.







\sectionsurtitle{Science and society}
\section{The Galileo Affair}

\section{The Michelangelo Affair}

\section{A normal section}

\section*{A unnumbered section}


enter image description here


After your comment I think that you can use this code:



\newcommand\sectionsurtitle[2]{\printsectionsurtitle{#1}\section[#1: #2]{#2}\sectionmark{#2}}





\sectionsurtitle{Science and society}{The Galileo Affair}

\sectionsurtitle{Art}{The Michelangelo Affair}

\section{A normal section}

\sectionsurtitle*{Nothing}{A unnumbered section}


enter image description here

and the ToC

enter image description here

  • Thanks, that was very helpful! I had in mind something slightly different for the table of contents. Also, since I have leading dots in my ToC, your code produced an extra line of them. What worked for me was to do the following variation on your code: \newcommand\sectionwithsurtitle[3]{\printsectionsurtitle{#1}\section[#1: #3]{#2}\sectionmark{#3}}
    – user6853
    Jan 10, 2015 at 21:03
  • @BenCrowell You're welcome. See the edit. Jan 10, 2015 at 21:54

I'd go with a key-value syntax:




\keys_define:nn { crowell/section }
  surtitle .tl_set:N = \l_crowell_section_surtitle_tl,
  toc      .tl_set:N = \l_crowell_tocentry_tl,
  header   .tl_set:N = \l_crowell_header_tl,

  \keys_set:nn { crowell/section }
    surtitle = {},
    toc = { #3 },
    header = { #3 },
       \tl_if_empty:NF \l_crowell_section_surtitle_tl
        { \l_crowell_section_surtitle_tl : ~ }

\NewDocumentCommand{\printcurrentsurtitle}{ }
  \tl_if_empty:NF \l_crowell_section_surtitle_tl





\Section[surtitle=Science and Society]{The Galileo Affair}

\Section{No surtitle for this one}


  surtitle=Science and Society,
]{The Galileo Affair}



enter image description here

Here is the TOC

enter image description here

Note that the value given for toc= is what's added next to the surtitle in the TOC; in the header you'll get the section title, or what's specified as value for header= (in this case page 3 will have “TGA”.

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