I have a table that is typeset using a tabular environment. (I want to keep it in a tabular environment.) The inter-line spacing in each table is determined by \\[1.2\normalbaselineskip]. What spacing should I use between the text preceding the tabular environment and the tabular environment? What would the analog to \\[1.2baselineskip] be in text mode?



\noindent {\textbf{Example}} \vskip1.25mm
The following functions are increasing on the interval $[0, \, \infty)$. \\
\begin{tabular}{r @{\ }l}
\textbf{i.)}    &       $\sqrt[\uproot{1} \leftroot{-1} 3]{x^{3} + 2x^{2} + 3x - 7}$ \\[1.2\normalbaselineskip]
\textbf{ii.)}   &       $x^{3} + 2x^{2} + 3x - 7$ \\[1.2\normalbaselineskip]
\textbf{iii.)}  &       $x^{2} + \sqrt{x}$ \\[1.2\normalbaselineskip]
\textbf{iv.)}   &       $\displaystyle{\frac{-1}{x^{2} + 1}}$

\noindent {\textbf{Example}} \vskip1.25mm
Solve the following equations. \\
\begin{tabular}{r @{\ }l}
\textbf{i.)}    &   $\displaystyle{\frac{3}{50} \, x + \frac{3}{20} \, \Bigl(10 - x\Bigr) = \frac{3}{4} \, x}$ \\[1.2\normalbaselineskip]
\textbf{ii.)}   &   $\displaystyle{\left(2\sin{x} - \sqrt{3}\right) = 0}$ \\[1.2\normalbaselineskip]
\textbf{iii.)}  &   $2\tan\theta\sin\theta + \sqrt{3}\tan\theta = 2\sqrt{3}\sin\theta + 3$ \\[1.2\normalbaselineskip]
\textbf{iv.)}   &   $\displaystyle{\frac{x}{4} = 2^{\log_{x}8}}$

  • 1
    most obvious analogue is \\[1.2baselineskip] why the horrible \noindent {\textbf{Example}} \vskip1.25mm mix of tex primitives and latex font commands instead of \section*{example} ? You should never need to have explicit spaces like 1.2mm in the document they should be part of the definition of the relevant heading. Feb 29, 2016 at 14:46
  • 3
    also within the table you should not have \\[1.2\normalbaselineskip] on every row, the option should be for special rows which need an extra gap for some reason. \renewcommand\arraystretch{1.2} will make the table use 20% bigger row spacing with a normal \\ at the ends of rows. Feb 29, 2016 at 14:48

1 Answer 1


I would do something like this

enter image description here




The following functions are increasing on the interval $[0, \, \infty)$.
\item  $\displaystyle \sqrt[\uproot{1} \leftroot{-1} 3]{x^{3} + 2x^{2} + 3x - 7}$
\item  $\displaystyle x^{3} + 2x^{2} + 3x - 7$
\item  $\displaystyle x^{2} + \sqrt{x}$
\item  $\displaystyle \frac{-1}{x^{2} + 1}$

Solve the following equations.
\item $\displaystyle \frac{3}{50} \, x + \frac{3}{20} \, \Bigl(10 - x\Bigr) = \frac{3}{4} \, x$
\item $\displaystyle (2\sin{x} - \sqrt{3}) = 0$
\item  $\displaystyle 2\tan\theta\sin\theta + \sqrt{3}\tan\theta = 2\sqrt{3}\sin\theta + 3$ 
\item  $\displaystyle \frac{x}{4} = 2^{\log_{x}8}$


Note this uses structural elements like sections and lists rather than font changes and spacing. the heading here is centred small caps as that is the amsart style, if you used article it would be bold and flush left.

Note that \displaystyle does not take a {...} argument, and if you use it you should use it in all cases, otherwise positioning of subscripts etc will be inconsistent.

  • I agree that I am using a hodgepodge of basic TeX commands and this is inconsistent with the code of others. Please post a link to your manual for this package. Does topsep=10pt separate the baseline of the text preceding the enumerate environment with the top of the box containing the first item of the enumerate environment. Is 10pt "artistic license"?
    – Adelyn
    Mar 1, 2016 at 15:42

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