I am using an itemize as shown in this example:

    \item \textbf{The First}\\
    Some text here over fifty lines.... bla blah
    \item \textbf{The Second}\\
    Other text here over multiple lines... bla blablaaah
    \item \textbf{...}\\

The results looks as expected for me. :-) Result

But because of the \\ I get some underfull box messages. I also tried to use \newline or \linebreak insted.

How to avoid these overfull box messages?

  • Never use \\ at the end of a paragraph it can never do anything useful there,. So just delete (at least) the\\ before \end{itemize} But probably you should delete all the \\ and use description not itemize then \item[The First] Some text.... Mar 9, 2016 at 7:47

2 Answers 2


Avoid using \\ out of tables, and never use it at the end of a paragraph.

enter image description here




\begin{description}[style=nextline,format=--- \textbf]
\item[The first]
 Some text here over fifth lines\ldots{} bla blah

\item[The second]
Other text here over multiple lines\ldots{} bla blablaaah

  • but the text of the new paragraph is indented. here you'd want an explicit \noindent for the first paragraph, because an indentation probably is wanted if the rest of the text for an item has multiple paragraphs. Mar 9, 2016 at 14:17
  • 1
    @barbarabeeton no you wouldn't want a \noindent but you might want to set up more list parameters to specify more of the shape required for this type of list, and the indentation required for first and subsequent paragraphs in each item. (Also of course you can then make that the default layout for description and not need the option at all within the document. Mar 9, 2016 at 14:28

Like this :



\item \textbf{The first}
  \begin{itemize}[label=, leftmargin=0mm,]
  \item Some text here over fifth lines\ldots{} bla blah

\item \textbf{The second}
  \begin{itemize}[label=, leftmargin=0mm]
  \item Other text here over multiple lines\ldots{} bla blablaaah

\item \ldots



enter image description here

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