I was requested to re-write my CV in the Europass format, and I would like to do it using (preferably) XeLaTeX. I came across the europecv package, which seems to do the job just fine, but I would like to know if there are any better, more complete and up-to-date package to achieve a nice result.

2 Answers 2


europecv is indeed the package to use to typeset a Europass CV in LateX. If you're looking for some information, I wrote a post on my blog about it a few years back: http://www.raphink.info/2007/08/europecv-latex-cv-class.html

The post links to an example.

  • This is the nicest Europass CV I've ever seen. May 1, 2013 at 21:59

You can also use the class europecv2013 (see europasscv-template project on GitHub), with better support to pictures (also including the possibility to embed a qrcode) and better support to academic curricula (i.e. support to scientific results).

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