I would like to use the math mode without writing special orders for using umlauts. I'm using LuaLatex and babel.

What would be needed for a nice umlaut support? I do know how to work without out it.


It would be nice to write just:
$Höhe > 1$

instead of: 
$H\ddot{o}he > 1$

textnormal and texit are getting the best output
$\textnormal{\textit{Höhe}} > 1$


enter image description here

For People searching how to have umlauts displayed - here is a better Question.

  • i'm not a lualatex user, but whatever the tex engine, this looks like a word, and should thus be treated as one, not as a string of separate letters representing variables -- the spacing is not appropriate for a word. Aug 10, 2016 at 17:03

2 Answers 2


The input Höhe is wrong: in math letters are single entities, they don't build words and so Höhe is the same as H ö h e, a product of 4 variables.

Using \mathit or \textnormal\textit as you did in your example is a good solution. If you have lot of such words I would suggest to define a semantic command:



$\mathit{Höhe} > 1$

$\textnormal{\textit{Höhe}} > 1$

$\mathword{Höhe} > 1$

When using unicode-math you will have to remap \mathit as the default definition don't support umlauts:




$\mathit{Höhe} > 1$

$\textnormal{\textit{Höhe}} > 1$

$\mathword{Höhe} > 1$

enter image description here

  • Is surrounding \textit with \textnormal necessary? \textit by itself would appear to suffice.
    – Mico
    Aug 10, 2016 at 18:50
  • @Mico add \bfseries to see the difference. Aug 10, 2016 at 18:55
  • The input Höhe is wrong: in math letters are single entities, they don't build words and so Höhe is the same as H ö h e, a product of 4 variables. Thank you very much! That makes everything crystal clear. My fault, I haven't thought about it!
    – TimK
    Aug 11, 2016 at 13:16
    It would be nice to write just:
    $\textIT{Höhe}^\textIT{Höhe} > 1$


enter image description here

By the way: Why do you use luainputenc? UTF8 is the default input encoding.


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