The past few weeks I have put a huge effort into learning LateX for writing my thesis. However, making nice tables reamains a difficult job for me. I have provided a MWE of the 3 main tables I use below. I am wondering if some of you have some tips to make my tables look better. Besides those tips for the general improvement of my tables i'm wondering how:

  • The number of observations (last row of tables 1 and 3) can be in line with the numbers in the other rows?
  • The text under a table can be in line with the width of the table? As I assume this is a convention in making tables?
  • If there is another possibility to show my readers that the rows can be viewed as groups, without using horizontal lines? See the tables on page 2 and 4. Some dates belong to particular groups in table 1 and I want to make this clear to my reader. In table 3 I want to group certain variables, therefore I use the horizontal lines.

Thank you in advance for your help!


EDIT: the first MWE generated an error, due to the second table. I have deleted that table in the MWE below:

\caption{Estimation Results Equation 11}
output-exponent-marker = \text{e},
input-open-uncertainty  = ,
input-close-uncertainty = ,
table-align-text-pre    = false,
table-align-text-post = false,
table-space-text-pre    = (,
table-space-text-post   = ),
\begin{tabular}{lS[table-format=2.6, table-space-text-post = {***}] S[table-format=2.6, table-space-text-post = {***}]}
\multicolumn{1}{l}{Variable} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{US TP} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{US OIS} \\ \midrule
Constant                     & 0.059                     & -0.095                     \\
$\Delta y_{t-1}$             & -0.267***                 &  \\
\multicolumn{3}{c}{\textbf{QE 1}}                           \\
25-11-2008                   & 4.142                     & -29.389***                 \\
25-11-2008 ($t+1$)           & -1.899                    & -6.033                     \\
01-12-2008                   & 0.284                     & -19.282***                 \\
01-12-2008 ($t+1$)           & 5.071*                    & -5.366                     \\
16-12-2008                   & 0.894                     & -30.548***                 \\
16-12-2008 ($t+1$)           & -12.920***                & 0.733                      \\
28-01-2009                   & -7.161***                 & 13.256**                   \\
28-01-2009 ($t+1$)           & -3.065                    & 20.982***                  \\
18-03-2009                   & -17.389***                & -38.322***                 \\
18-03-2009 ($t+1$)           & -11.911***                & 7.639                      \\
\multicolumn{3}{c}{\textbf{QE 2}}                           \\
10-08-2010                   & -1.085                    & -4.305                     \\
10-08-2010 ($t+1$)           & -2.208                    & -4.024                     \\
27-08-2010                   & -0.260                    & 17.874***                  \\
27-08-2010 ($t+1$)           & -0.470                    & -12.380**                  \\
21-09-2010                   & -1.229                    & -12.582**                  \\
21-09-2010 ($t+1$)           & -3.621                    & 0.248                      \\
15-10-2010                   & 3.193                     & 4.264                      \\
15-10-2010 ($t+1$)           & 1.456                     & -5.798                     \\
03-11-2010                   & -0.211                    & -2.045                     \\
03-11-2010 ($t+1$)           & -7.182***                 & -3.722                     \\
\multicolumn{3}{c}{\textbf{FG \& OT}}                         \\
09-08-2011                   & 8.191***                  & -8.668                     \\
09-08-2011 ($t+1$)           & 2.114                     & -14.568**                  \\
21-09-2011                   & -0.099                    & -7.089                     \\
21-09-11 ($t+1$)             & -12.643***                & -4.917                     \\
25-01-2012                   & -2.363                    & -5.459                     \\
25-01-2012 ($t+1$)           & -1.170                    & -5.140                     \\
20-06-2012                   & -2.264                    & 3.829                      \\
20-06-2012 ($t+1$)           & -2.247                    & -2.510                     \\
\multicolumn{3}{c}{\textbf{QE 3}}                           \\
22-08-2012                   & 0.217                     & -10.419*                   \\
22-08-2012 ($t+1$)           & -4.278***                 & -0.952                     \\
31-08-2012                   & 2.075                     & -7.103                     \\
31-08-2012 ($t+1$)           & -0.130                    & 0.816                      \\
13-09-2012                   & 7.971***                  & -5.310                     \\
13-09-2012 ($t+1$)           & -0.834                    & 12.160**                   \\
12-12-2012                   & 0.063                     & 4.113                      \\
12-12-2012 ($t+1$)           & 0.035                     & 2.671                      \\
\multicolumn{3}{c}{\textbf{Tapering}}                         \\
22-05-2013                   & -2.957                    & 11.709*                    \\
22-05-2013 ($t+1$)           & 1.230                     & -1.666                     \\
19-06-2013                   & -7.186***                 & 18.181***                  \\
19-06-2013 ($t+1$)           & 8.391***                  & 6.099                      \\
18-12-2013                   & -3.518                    & 6.574                      \\
18-12-2013 ($t+1$)           & 0.310                     & 5.909                      \\ \midrule
$\Delta CESI_{vs}$           & -0.017*                   & 0.163***                   \\
$\Delta CESI_{EU}$           &                           &  \\ \midrule
Observations                 & 1973                      & 1994                       \\
R-squared (adj.)             & 0.135                     & 0.096                      \\ \bottomrule
\caption*{\textbf{Notes:} Dependent variables in first differences. For the US, the date dummies are equal to one on the specified date ($t$), while for the EU the date dummies equal one the day after the specified date. *,**,*** denote the 10 percent, 5 percent and 1 percent significance levels, respectively.}
\caption{Estimation Results Equation 12}
output-exponent-marker = \text{e},
input-open-uncertainty  = ,
input-close-uncertainty = ,
table-align-text-pre    = false,
table-align-text-post = false,
table-space-text-pre    = (,
table-space-text-post   = ),
\begin{tabular}{lS[table-format=2.6, table-space-text-post = {***}] S[table-format=2.6, table-space-text-post = {***}] S[table-format=2.6, table-space-text-post = {***}] S[table-format=2.6, table-space-text-post = {***}] S[table-format=2.6, table-space-text-post = {***}] S[table-format=2.6, table-space-text-post = {***}] S[table-format=2.6, table-space-text-post = {***}] S[table-format=2.6, table-space-text-post = {***}]S[table-format=2.6, table-space-text-post = {***}] S[table-format=2.6, table-space-text-post = {***}] S[table-format=2.6, table-space-text-post = {***}]}
\multicolumn{1}{l}{Variable} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{Austria} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{Belgium} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{Finland} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{France} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{Germany} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{Netherlands} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{Greece} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{Italy} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{Ireland} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{Portugal} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{Spain} \\ \midrule
Constant                  & -0.067    & -0.010     & -0.044    & -0.073     & 0.013     & -0.018      & 0.136     & -0.017     & -0.145    & 0.053      & 0.003      \\
QE 1                      & -1.849*** & -1.059     & -0.936*** & -3.690***  & -5.896*** & -4.783***   & 0.639     & 2.053      & 6.530***  & 0.442      & 0.658**    \\
QE 1 (2nd day)            & -3.500    & -4.230**   & -5.814*** & -5.979***  & -6.244*** & -5.755***   & -10.341** & -3.975***  & 1.967     & -5.376***  & -2.319**   \\
QE 2                      & 0.342     & -3.905***  & -0.504*   & 0.991***   & -1.894*** & -0.658      & 30.766*** & 5.638***   & 37.893    & 15.763***  & 6.831***   \\
QE 2 (2nd day)            & 0.522*    & -3.449***  & -0.855    & 0.594***   & 0.096     & -1.065***   & 11.103*** & -5.017***  & 31.425    & -10.836*** & -6.417***  \\
QE 3                      & -1.864*** & 3.147      & -0.864*** & -0.541*    & -3.056*** & -0.774***   & -3.950    & 1.622***   & -2.682*** & 18.524***  & 5.431***   \\
QE 3 (2nd day)            & -1.894*** & -7.920***  & -1.971*** & -1.683***  & -1.470*** & -1.841***   & 26.800*** & -15.558*** & 2.693***  & 0.911      & -12.520*** \\
FG                        & -0.410    & 0.341      & 2.411***  & 4.263***   & 3.445***  & 1.053***    & 8.496***  & -11.766*** & -5.652*** & 1.900      & -10.116*** \\
FG (2nd day)              & -8.580*** & -11.539*** & 0.761***  & -11.181*** & 4.038***  & 0.399**     & 16.614*** & -9.676***  & -3.559**  & -24.045*** & -3.557***  \\
OT                        & -1.133**  & -2.001     & -1.381*** & -6.644***  & -0.789**  & -0.266      & -35.205** & -12.462*** & 10.440*** & -15.524*** & -19.544*** \\
OT (2nd day)              & -2.227    & -6.233***  & -1.103*** & 1.309***   & -0.874    & -1.443***   & 20.981    & 13.201***  & 8.346***  & 14.632***  & 4.904      \\
Taper                     & 4.832     & -1.255     & -2.462    & 2.029***   & 0.217     & 3.740***    & 45.099*** & 3.081***   & 11.397*** & -3.917     & 5.224***   \\
Taper (2nd day)           & 11.356    & -2.973     & -11.508   & -0.734     & 1.527***  & -1.603      & 62.386*** & 4.573***   & -7.958*** & -16.712    & 3.125***   \\ \midrule
VSTOXX                    & 0.096     & 3.966***   & -1.849*   & 1.574*     & -6.704*** & -1.683***   & 20.598*** & 14.519***  & 14.253*** & 21.830***  & 15.737***  \\
CDS10y                    & 0.226***  & 0.253***   & -0.085    & 0.163***   & -0.129*** & 0.076***    & 0.035**   & 0.526**    & 0.349***  & 0.548***   & 0.540***   \\
Quanto CDS                & -0.010    & 0.281***   & 0.029     & 0.125***   &           & 0.035       & -0.028    & 0.103**    & 0.092*    & 0.212***   & 0.246***   \\
Bid ask spread            & 0.072     & 0.216      & 0.004***  & 0.055*     & 1.062**   & -0.213      & 0.169     & 0.001      & 0.039     & 0.057      & 0.144      \\
CESI                      & -0.001    & -0.000     & -0.001    & -0.001     & -0.001**  & -0.000      & -0.003    & -0.000     & 0.001     & -0.001     & -0.000     \\
ECB ann.                  & -0.786    & -1.767**   & -1.430**  & -1.597***  & -0.788*   & -1.453*     & -2.866**  & -1.484*    & -1.805**  & -1.782*    & -2.131*    \\ \midrule
$\Delta y_{t-1}$          & -0.141**  & 0.049      & -0.195*** & -0.142*    & -0.185**  & -0.149***   & 0.079*    & -0.061*    & 0.056*    & 0.079*     & -0.049     \\
$\Delta y_{t-1,Italy}$    & 0.014     & 0.073*     & 0.021     & 0.014      & -0.056**  & -0.008      & 0.255**   &            & 0.105*    & 0.059      & 0.025      \\
$\Delta y_{t-1,Spain}$    & -0.031    & -0.037*    & -0.034    & -0.011     & 0.013     & -0.017      & -0.205    & -0.008     & -0.049    & -0.139*    &            \\
$\Delta y_{t-1,Portugal}$ & -0.010    & -0.012     & -0.001    & -0.011     & 0.002     & 0.001       & 0.111     & -0.011     & -0.004    &            & -0.029*    \\
$\Delta y_{t-1,Ireland}$  & 0.033     & 0.024*     & 0.022*    & 0.035*     & 0.016     & 0.001       & -0.020    & 0.027      &           & 0.005      & 0.032      \\
$\Delta y_{t-1,Greece}$   & -0.000    & -0.001     & -0.000    & -0.002     & 0.001     & -0.000      &           & -0.006*    & -0.004    & -0.006     & -0.005**   \\
ARCH                      &           &            &           &            &           &             &           &            &           &            &            \\ \midrule
Constant                  & 0.177**   & 0.540***   & 0.193**   & 0.328***   & 0.174***  & 0.183***    & 7.338***  & 0.516***   & 1.309***  & 0.366***   & 0.440**    \\
L.arch                    & 0.128***  & 0.075***   & 0.151***  & 0.055***   & 0.158***  & 0.167***    & 0.160**   & 0.057***   & 0.207***  & 0.218***   & 0.060***   \\
L(2).arch                 & -0.092**  &            & -0.117*** &            & -0.129*** & -0.133***   & 0.573*    &            & 0.279*    & -0.159***  &            \\
L.garch                   & 0.958***  & 0.909***   & 0.960***  & 0.936***   & 0.965***  & 0.959***    & 0.613***  & 0.932***   & 0.517***  & 0.942***   & 0.933***   \\ \midrule
Observations              & 2111      & 2190       & 2128      & 2039       & 2190      & 2111        & 2190      & 2190       & 1982      & 1965       & 2039       \\
AIC                       & 6.072635  & 6.174726   & 6.101     & 6.163      & 6.108     & 6.013       & 9.013     & 6.478      & 6.757     & 7.360      & 6.620      \\
BIC                       & 6.150320  & 6.247496   & 6.178     & 6.240      & 6.181     & 6.091       & 9.086     & 6.549      & 6.836     & 7.439      & 6.695     \\ \bottomrule
\footnotesize{\textbf{Notes:} The table present the estimation results of equation 12. The dependent variables are in first differences and the results are showed in basis points. Bollerslev-Woolridge standard errors have been used to compute the coefficient covariance matrix. *,**,*** denote the 10 percent, 5 percent and 1 percent significance levels, respectively.}

Here in a separate MWE the table which gives the error: Package array Error: Empty preamble: `l' used. \end{tabular}}

\caption{Expected effect of the QE programs}
\begin{tabular}{l p{4cm} p{4cm} p{4cm} llll}
\toprule \toprule
\multicolumn{1}{l}{} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{QE 1}                       & \multicolumn{1}{l}{QE 2}           & \multicolumn{1}{l}{QE 3} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{FG} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{OT} & \multicolumn{1}{}{Taper} &  \\ \midrule
\multicolumn{7}{l}{\textbf{Term premium}}                                                                                                                                                                                                               &  \\
Incorporated ann.                                         & 16-12-2008 , 18-03-2009                        & 03-11-2010                         & 22-08-2012               & 09-08-2012             & 21-09-2011             & 19-06-2013               &  \\
Expected effect                                           & $-$                                            & $-$                                & $-$                      & $-$                    & $-$                    & $+$                      &  \\
\multicolumn{7}{l}{\textbf{Yield}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                      & \\
Incorporated ann.                                         & 25-01-2008, 01-12-2008, 16-12-2008, 18-03-2009 & 27-08-2010, 21-09-2010, 03-11-2010 & 22-08-2012, 13-09-2012   & 09-08-2012             & 21-06-2011             & 22-05-2013, 19-06-2013   &  \\
Expected effect                                           & $--$                                           & $--$                               & $--$                     & $--$                   & $--$                   & $++$                     &  \\ \bottomrule
\tiny{\textbf{Notes:} A  $-$ indicates a negative effect, while a  $+$ indicates a positive effect. $--<-$ and $++>+$.}
  • I cannot compile your not MWE on my system (! Package array Error: Empty preamble: `l' used.). Can you? Oct 25, 2016 at 18:22
  • I get the same error, but I can view the file using TexStudio. What can I do about the error?
    – peter
    Oct 25, 2016 at 18:35
  • 1
    Yannick, could you try to reduce your example to a minimum working example? Add a pdf to illustrate the problem? (I agree that setting tables in tex is not so funny - however sometimes it seems harder than it is if you try to be a bit flexible about the design and consider to tackle your table from a different perspective .... i.e. direct "translating" from excel style data is possibly not a good idea. I cannot tell if this could be your problem due to lacking table view :-/ )
    – Eva
    Oct 25, 2016 at 19:01
  • @Eva, I will try to minimize my working example, although I already deleted a lot of packages. Or do you mean that I only have to include one table per MWE? I will also upload a pdf in a minute.
    – peter
    Oct 25, 2016 at 19:20
  • @Eva , I have split the MWE's, see the EDIT. I hope my post is well readable now.
    – peter
    Oct 25, 2016 at 19:54

3 Answers 3


Your empty preamble is simply as the error message says a missing preamble (in a \multicolumn The error was not reported until the }} at the end of the table as you have the resizebox which forces the whole table to be scanned before processing starts.

If you can't spot such an error a useful technique is to comment out the resizebox (which typographically is always a disaster applied to tables anyway) but just for debugging so errors can be reported as the table is processed. You would then get the error

! Package array Error: Empty preamble: `l' used.

See the array package documentation for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.

l.25 ...olumn{1}{l}{OT} & \multicolumn{1}{}{Taper}
                                                   &  \\ \midrule

showing clearly the error is


which is missing the alignment it should be




or whatever you need

Also note that size change commands do not take an argument the syntax should be not

\tiny{\textbf{Notes:} A  $-$ ...


\tiny\textbf{Notes:} A  $-$ ...

with the scope of the size change ending at \end{table}

having removed the \resizebox to demonstrate debugging technique, it seems a shame to put it back (scaling tables in that way produces inconsistent sizing and should only ever be a really last resort) So here is the table, at \footnotesize with no further scaling applied.

enter image description here


\noindent X\dotfill X
\caption{Expected effect of the QE programs}
\toprule \toprule
\multicolumn{1}{l}{} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{QE 1}                       & \multicolumn{1}{l}{QE 2}           & \multicolumn{1}{l}{QE 3} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{FG} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{OT} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{Taper}   \\ \midrule
\multicolumn{7}{l}{\textbf{Term premium}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                \\
Incorporated ann.                                         & 16-12-2008 , 18-03-2009                        & 03-11-2010                         & 22-08-2012               & 09-08-2012             & 21-09-2011             & 19-06-2013                \\
Expected effect                                           & $-$                                            & $-$                                & $-$                      & $-$                    & $-$                    & $+$                       \\
\multicolumn{7}{l}{\textbf{Yield}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                      \\
Incorporated ann.                                         & 25-01-2008, 01-12-2008, 16-12-2008, 18-03-2009 & 27-08-2010, 21-09-2010, 03-11-2010 & 22-08-2012, 13-09-2012   & 09-08-2012             & 21-06-2011             & 22-05-2013, 19-06-2013    \\
Expected effect                                           & $--$                                           & $--$                               & $--$                     & $--$                   & $--$                   & $++$                      \\ \bottomrule


\textbf{Notes:} A  $-$ indicates a negative effect, while a  $+$ indicates a positive effect. $--<-$ and $++>+$.

Creating informative and visually appealing tables is a challenge, no doubt. You've come quite a ways already, though! Some comments:

  • Don't overuse bold face. With bold face, it's depressingly easy to come across as SHOUTING. Trust me: Very few readers like to be yelled at.

  • Unless the end of the world is near, don't use \resizebox to shoehorn the tables into the text block. Aside: What if the end of the world really is near? Easy: Don't finish the table -- nobody is going to care...

  • I suggest you use longtable for the first table, tabularx for the second, and tabular* for the third. The second and third tables should be set in landscape mode; I suggest you use sidewaystable environments for them.

  • The first and second tables can be typeset in the regular font size (11pt, right?). The third requires the use of \small. The third table will still be a bit too tall for the page block, but it won't be obvious. If you really care about this issue, change \small to \footnotesize. In the code below, I applied very abbreviations to some of the material in the first column of Table 3.

  • You get brownie points for using the line-drawing macros of the booktabs package. But: Don't ever use consecutive \toprule directives -- unless you want to make the table look vulgar. Do look into using that package's \addlinespace macro, though -- whitespace can be a very effective visual divider.

  • Be careful with the argument of the table-format option: Don't specify too many digits.

  • Variable names should not be typeset in TeX's math mode. Use either math-roman or math-italic. In the code below, I use \mathrm.

  • If you want to apply simple centering to material in an S column, encase the material in curly braces.

The following screenshot shows only the third table. I trust you can figure out how to compile and display tables 1 and 2 on your own. :-)

enter image description here


\sisetup{input-open-uncertainty  = ,
         input-close-uncertainty = ,
         table-align-text-pre    = false,
         table-align-text-post   = false,
    *{2}{S[table-format=-2.3, table-space-text-post = {***}]}@{}}

\caption{Estimation Results Equation 11}\label{tab:results11}\\
\multicolumn{1}{@{}l}{Variable} & {US TP} & {US OIS} \\ 
\multicolumn{3}{@{}l}{Table \ref{tab:results11}, cont'd}\\
\multicolumn{1}{@{}l}{Variable} & {US TP} & {US OIS} \\ 
\multicolumn{3}{r@{}}{(cont'd on following page)}\\
Constant            & 0.059            & -0.095        \\
$\Delta y_{t-1}$    & -0.267***        &  \\
\multicolumn{3}{c}{\textbf{QE 1}} \\
25-11-2008          & 4.142            & -29.389***    \\
25-11-2008 ($t{+}1$)  & -1.899           & -6.033        \\
01-12-2008          & 0.284            & -19.282***    \\
01-12-2008 ($t{+}1$)  & 5.071*           & -5.366        \\
16-12-2008          & 0.894            & -30.548***    \\
16-12-2008 ($t{+}1$)  & -12.920***       & 0.733         \\
28-01-2009          & -7.161***        & 13.256**      \\
28-01-2009 ($t{+}1$)  & -3.065           & 20.982***     \\
18-03-2009          & -17.389***       & -38.322***    \\
18-03-2009 ($t{+}1$)  & -11.911***       & 7.639         \\
\multicolumn{3}{c}{\textbf{QE 2}} \\
10-08-2010          & -1.085           & -4.305        \\
10-08-2010 ($t{+}1$)  & -2.208           & -4.024        \\
27-08-2010          & -0.260           & 17.874***     \\
27-08-2010 ($t{+}1$)  & -0.470           & -12.380**     \\
21-09-2010          & -1.229           & -12.582**     \\
21-09-2010 ($t{+}1$)  & -3.621           & 0.248         \\
15-10-2010          & 3.193            & 4.264         \\
15-10-2010 ($t{+}1$)  & 1.456            & -5.798        \\
03-11-2010          & -0.211           & -2.045        \\
03-11-2010 ($t{+}1$)  & -7.182***        & -3.722        \\
\multicolumn{3}{c}{\textbf{FG \& OT}} \\
09-08-2011          & 8.191***         & -8.668        \\
09-08-2011 ($t{+}1$)  & 2.114            & -14.568**     \\
21-09-2011          & -0.099           & -7.089        \\
21-09-11 ($t{+}1$)    & -12.643***       & -4.917        \\
25-01-2012          & -2.363           & -5.459        \\
25-01-2012 ($t{+}1$)  & -1.170           & -5.140        \\
20-06-2012          & -2.264           & 3.829         \\
20-06-2012 ($t{+}1$)  & -2.247           & -2.510        \\
\multicolumn{3}{c}{\textbf{QE 3}} \\
22-08-2012          & 0.217            & -10.419*      \\
22-08-2012 ($t{+}1$)  & -4.278***        & -0.952        \\
31-08-2012          & 2.075            & -7.103        \\
31-08-2012 ($t{+}1$)  & -0.130           & 0.816         \\
13-09-2012          & 7.971***         & -5.310        \\
13-09-2012 ($t{+}1$)  & -0.834           & 12.160**      \\
12-12-2012          & 0.063            & 4.113         \\
12-12-2012 ($t{+}1$)  & 0.035            & 2.671         \\
\multicolumn{3}{c}{\textbf{Tapering}} \\
22-05-2013          & -2.957           & 11.709*       \\
22-05-2013 ($t{+}1$)  & 1.230            & -1.666        \\
19-06-2013          & -7.186***        & 18.181***     \\
19-06-2013 ($t{+}1$)  & 8.391***         & 6.099         \\
18-12-2013          & -3.518           & 6.574         \\
18-12-2013 ($t{+}1$)  & 0.310            & 5.909         \\ 
$\Delta \vn{CESI}_{\vn{US}}$  & -0.017* & 0.163***      \\
$\Delta \vn{CESI}_{\vn{EU}}$  &         &  \\ 
Observations        & {1973}           & {1994}        \\
R-squared (adj.)    & 0.135            & 0.096         \\ 
Notes: Dependent variables in first differences. For the US, the date dummies are equal to 1 on the specified date ($t$), while for the EU the date dummies equal 1 the day after the specified date. *,**,*** denote the 10 percent, 5 percent and 1 percent significance levels, respectively.

\caption{Expected effect of the QE programs}
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{@{}l *{6}{L} @{}}
& QE 1 & QE 2 & QE 3 & FG & OT & Taper \\ 
\multicolumn{7}{@{}l}{\textbf{Term premium}} \\
Incorporated ann. & 16-12-2008 , 18-03-2009 & 03-11-2010                & 22-08-2012 & 09-08-2012 & 21-09-2011 & 19-06-2013 \\
Expected effect & $-$ & $-$ & $-$& $-$ & $-$ & $+$ \\
\multicolumn{7}{@{}l}{\textbf{Yield}} \\
Incorporated ann.  & 25-01-2008, 01-12-2008, 16-12-2008, 18-03-2009 & 27-08-2010, 21-09-2010, 03-11-2010 & 22-08-2012, 13-09-2012  & 09-08-2012 & 21-06-2011 & 22-05-2013, 19-06-2013 \\
Expected effect  & $--$ & $--$ & $--$ & $--$ & $--$          & $++$\\ 

Notes: A $-$ indicates a negative effect, while a $+$ indicates a positive effect. ${--}<{-}$ and ${++}>{+}$.

\caption{Estimation Results Equation 12}
\sisetup{input-open-uncertainty  = ,
         input-close-uncertainty = ,
         table-align-text-pre    = false,
         table-align-text-post = false,
\begin{tabular*}{\textwidth}{ l @{\extracolsep{\fill}}
                        table-space-text-post = {***}]} }
Variable & {Austria} & {Belgium} & {Finland} & {France} & {Germany} & {Netherl.} & {Greece} & {Italy} & {Ireland} & {Portugal} & {Spain} \\ 
Constant         & -0.067    & -0.010     & -0.044    & -0.073     & 0.013     & -0.018      & 0.136     & -0.017     & -0.145    & 0.053      & 0.003      \\
QE 1             & -1.849*** & -1.059     & -0.936*** & -3.690***  & -5.896*** & -4.783***   & 0.639     & 2.053      & 6.530***  & 0.442      & 0.658**    \\
QE 1 ($t{+}1$)   & -3.500    & -4.230**   & -5.814*** & -5.979***  & -6.244*** & -5.755***   & -10.341** & -3.975***  & 1.967     & -5.376***  & -2.319**   \\
QE 2             & 0.342     & -3.905***  & -0.504*   & 0.991***   & -1.894*** & -0.658      & 30.766*** & 5.638***   & 37.893    & 15.763***  & 6.831***   \\
QE 2 ($t{+}1$)   & 0.522*    & -3.449***  & -0.855    & 0.594***   & 0.096     & -1.065***   & 11.103*** & -5.017***  & 31.425    & -10.836*** & -6.417***  \\
QE 3             & -1.864*** & 3.147      & -0.864*** & -0.541*    & -3.056*** & -0.774***   & -3.950    & 1.622***   & -2.682*** & 18.524***  & 5.431***   \\
QE 3 ($t{+}1$)   & -1.894*** & -7.920***  & -1.971*** & -1.683***  & -1.470*** & -1.841***   & 26.800*** & -15.558*** & 2.693***  & 0.911      & -12.520*** \\
FG               & -0.410    & 0.341      & 2.411***  & 4.263***   & 3.445***  & 1.053***    & 8.496***  & -11.766*** & -5.652*** & 1.900      & -10.116*** \\
FG ($t{+}1$)     & -8.580*** & -11.539*** & 0.761***  & -11.181*** & 4.038***  & 0.399**     & 16.614*** & -9.676***  & -3.559**  & -24.045*** & -3.557***  \\
OT               & -1.133**  & -2.001     & -1.381*** & -6.644***  & -0.789**  & -0.266      & -35.205** & -12.462*** & 10.440*** & -15.524*** & -19.544*** \\
OT ($t{+}1$)     & -2.227    & -6.233***  & -1.103*** & 1.309***   & -0.874    & -1.443***   & 20.981    & 13.201***  & 8.346***  & 14.632***  & 4.904      \\
Taper            & 4.832     & -1.255     & -2.462    & 2.029***   & 0.217     & 3.740***    & 45.099*** & 3.081***   & 11.397*** & -3.917     & 5.224***   \\
Taper ($t{+}1$)  & 11.356    & -2.973     & -11.508   & -0.734     & 1.527***  & -1.603      & 62.386*** & 4.573***   & -7.958*** & -16.712    & 3.125***   \\ 
VSTOXX           & 0.096     & 3.966***   & -1.849*   & 1.574*     & -6.704*** & -1.683***   & 20.598*** & 14.519***  & 14.253*** & 21.830***  & 15.737***  \\
CDS10y           & 0.226***  & 0.253***   & -0.085    & 0.163***   & -0.129*** & 0.076***    & 0.035**   & 0.526**    & 0.349***  & 0.548***   & 0.540***   \\
Quanto CDS       & -0.010    & 0.281***   & 0.029     & 0.125***   &  & 0.035       & -0.028    & 0.103**    & 0.092*    & 0.212***   & 0.246***   \\
Bid-ask spr.   & 0.072     & 0.216      & 0.004***  & 0.055*     & 1.062**   & -0.213      & 0.169     & 0.001      & 0.039     & 0.057      & 0.144      \\
CESI             & -0.001    & -0.000     & -0.001    & -0.001     & -0.001**  & -0.000      & -0.003    & -0.000     & 0.001     & -0.001     & -0.000     \\
ECB ann.         & -0.786    & -1.767**   & -1.430**  & -1.597***  & -0.788*   & -1.453*     & -2.866**  & -1.484*    & -1.805**  & -1.782*    & -2.131*    \\ 
$\Delta y_{t-1}$ & -0.141**  & 0.049      & -0.195*** & -0.142*    & -0.185**  & -0.149***   & 0.079*    & -0.061*    & 0.056*    & 0.079*     & -0.049     \\
$\Delta y_{t-1,\vn{Italy}}$    & 0.014     & 0.073*     & 0.021     & 0.014      & -0.056**  & -0.008      & 0.255**   &   & 0.105*    & 0.059      & 0.025      \\
$\Delta y_{t-1,\vn{Spain}}$    & -0.031    & -0.037*    & -0.034    & -0.011     & 0.013     & -0.017      & -0.205    & -0.008     & -0.049    & -0.139*    &            \\
$\Delta y_{t-1,\vn{Portugal}}$ & -0.010    & -0.012     & -0.001    & -0.011     & 0.002     & 0.001       & 0.111     & -0.011     & -0.004    &   & -0.029*    \\
$\Delta y_{t-1,\vn{Ireland}} $  & 0.033     & 0.024*     & 0.022*    & 0.035*     & 0.016     & 0.001       & -0.020    & 0.027      &  & 0.005      & 0.032      \\
$\Delta y_{t-1,\vn{Greece}}$   & -0.000    & -0.001     & -0.000    & -0.002     & 0.001     & -0.000      &  & -0.006*    & -0.004    & -0.006     & -0.005**   \\
ARCH  \\ 
Constant         & 0.177**   & 0.540***   & 0.193**   & 0.328***   & 0.174***  & 0.183***    & 7.338***  & 0.516***   & 1.309***  & 0.366***   & 0.440**    \\
L.arch           & 0.128***  & 0.075***   & 0.151***  & 0.055***   & 0.158***  & 0.167***    & 0.160**   & 0.057***   & 0.207***  & 0.218***   & 0.060***   \\
L(2).arch        & -0.092**  &   & -0.117*** &   & -0.129*** & -0.133***   & 0.573*    &   & 0.279*    & -0.159***  &            \\
L.garch          & 0.958***  & 0.909***   & 0.960***  & 0.936***   & 0.965***  & 0.959***    & 0.613***  & 0.932***   & 0.517***  & 0.942***   & 0.933***   \\ 
Obs. & {2111} & {2190} & {2128} & {2039} & {2190} & {2111} & {2190} & {2190} & {1982} & {1965} & {2039}\\
AIC              & 6.072635  & 6.174726   & 6.101     & 6.163      & 6.108     & 6.013       & 9.013     & 6.478      & 6.757     & 7.360      & 6.620      \\
BIC              & 6.150320  & 6.247496   & 6.178     & 6.240      & 6.181     & 6.091       & 9.086     & 6.549      & 6.836     & 7.439      & 6.695     \\ 

Notes: The table present the estimation results of equation 12. The dependent variables are in first differences and the results are showed in basis points. Bollerslev-Woolridge standard errors have been used to compute the coefficient covariance matrix. *,**,*** denote the 10 percent, 5 percent and 1 percent significance levels, respectively.
  • Thank you! As I have a strict page limit, I have to use the resizebox command. Table 1 has to fit on one page. And table 2 needs to fit horizontally on one page, as I have text below this table. Your version of table 3 looks much better :)
    – peter
    Oct 25, 2016 at 20:20
  • @peter - Do consider deleting all non-essential stuff from tables 1 and 2. :-)
    – Mico
    Oct 25, 2016 at 20:22
  • how can I round the numbers in my table to 2 digtis after the point? If I change S[table-format=-2.3,table-space-text-post = {}]} into S[table-format=-2.2, table-space-text-post = {}]}, the numbers have still 3 digits after the point.
    – peter
    Oct 26, 2016 at 13:10
  • @peter - To change the rounding behavior,you must also change round-precision=3 to round-precision=2.
    – Mico
    Oct 26, 2016 at 13:26
  • thank you. Last question regarding your initial comment: you use ''\mathrm''. Does this package fits the overall style of my document? I use the lmodern font. Furthermore, it seems that your version of table 3 looks different than the other tables ( in terms of font).
    – peter
    Oct 26, 2016 at 21:15

Table 1 can perfectly fit on one page, with a \small font size, redesigning the table layout, so it splits into two tables (the multiplication of the tables miracle ;o)):

heightrounded, showframe ]{geometry}
\usepackage{booktabs, makecell}
\caption{Estimation Results Equation 11}
output-exponent-marker = \text{e},
input-open-uncertainty = ,
input-close-uncertainty = ,
table-align-text-pre = false,
table-align-text-post = false,
table-space-text-pre = (,
table-space-text-post = ),
\begin{tabular}[t]{l*{2}{S[table-format=2.6, table-space-text-post = {***}]}@{}}
\multicolumn{1}{l}{Variable} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{US TP} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{US OIS} \\
Constant & 0.059 & -0.095 \\
$\Delta y_{t-1}$ & -0.267*** & \\
\multicolumn{3}{c}{\textbf{QE 1}} \\
25-11-2008 & 4.142 & -29.389*** \\
\makecell{25-11-2008\\ ($t+1$)} & -1.899 & -6.033 \\
01-12-2008 & 0.284 & -19.282*** \\
\makecell{01-12-2008\\ ($t+1$)} & 5.071* & -5.366 \\
16-12-2008 & 0.894 & -30.548*** \\
\makecell{16-12-2008\\ ($t+1$)} & -12.920*** & 0.733 \\
28-01-2009 & -7.161*** & 13.256** \\
\makecell{28-01-2009\\ ($t+1$)} & -3.065 & 20.982*** \\
18-03-2009 & -17.389*** & -38.322*** \\
\makecell{18-03-2009\\ ($t+1$)} & -11.911*** & 7.639 \\
\multicolumn{3}{c}{\textbf{QE 2}} \\
10-08-2010 & -1.085 & -4.305 \\
\makecell{10-08-2010\\ ($t+1$)} & -2.208 & -4.024 \\
27-08-2010 & -0.260 & 17.874*** \\
\makecell{27-08-2010\\ ($t+1$)} & -0.470 & -12.380** \\
21-09-2010 & -1.229 & -12.582** \\
\makecell{21-09-2010\\ ($t+1$)} & -3.621 & 0.248 \\
15-10-2010 & 3.193 & 4.264 \\
\makecell{15-10-2010\\ ($t+1$)} & 1.456 & -5.798 \\
03-11-2010 & -0.211 & -2.045 \\
\makecell{03-11-2010\\($t+1$)} & -7.182*** & -3.722 \\
\multicolumn{3}{c}{\textbf{FG \& OT}} \\
09-08-2011 & 8.191*** & -8.668 \\
\makecell{09-08-2011\\ ($t+1$)} & 2.114 & -14.568** \\
\begin{tabular}[t]{l*{2}{S[table-format=2.6, table-space-text-post = {***}]}@{}}
\multicolumn{1}{l}{Variable} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{US TP} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{US OIS} \\
20-06-2012 & -2.264 & 3.829 \\%
\makecell{20-06-2012\\ ($t+1$)} & -2.247 & -2.510 \\%
 21-09-2011 & -0.099 & -7.089 \\%
\makecell{21-09-2011\\ ($t+1$)} & -12.643*** & -4.917 \\%
 22-08-2012 & 0.217 & -10.419* \\%
\makecell{22-08-2012\\ ($t+1$)} & -4.278*** & -0.952 \\%
 25-01-2012 & -2.363 & -5.459 \\%
\makecell{25-01-2012\\ ($t+1$)} & -1.170 & -5.140 \\%
 \multicolumn{3}{c}{\textbf{QE 3}} \\
 31-08-2012 & 2.075 & -7.103 \\
\makecell{31-08-2012 \\($t+1$)} & -0.130 & 0.816 \\
13-09-2012 & 7.971*** & -5.310 \\
\makecell{13-09-2012\\ ($t+1$)} & -0.834 & 12.160** \\
12-12-2012 & 0.063 & 4.113 \\
\makecell{12-12-2012\\ ($t+1$)} & 0.035 & 2.671 \\
\multicolumn{3}{c}{\textbf{Tapering}} \\
22-05-2013 & -2.957 & 11.709* \\
\makecell{22-05-2013\\($t+1$)} & 1.230 & -1.666 \\
19-06-2013 & -7.186*** & 18.181*** \\
\makecell{19-06-2013\\ ($t+1$)} & 8.391*** & 6.099 \\
18-12-2013 & -3.518 & 6.574 \\
\makecell{18-12-2013 \\($t+1$)} & 0.310 & 5.909 \\%
 $ \Delta CESI_{vs}$ & -0.017* & 0.163*** \\
$\Delta CESI_{EU}$ & & \\ \midrule
Observations & {1973} & {1994} \\
\makecell{R-squared\\ (adj.)} & 0.135 & 0.096 \\
\caption*{\textbf{Notes:} Dependent variables in first differences. For the US, the date dummies are equal to one on the specified date ($t$), while for the EU the date dummies equal one the day after the specified date.\\ *, **, *** denote the 10 percent, 5 percent and 1 percent significance levels, respectively.}


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