When using a multicolumn table of contents, the column breaks commonly occur between subsections which is ugly as hell.

Solution from esdd which allows several permutations was this:

%Two column ToC: comment lines to get combination of v.kern and column break you want
\BeforeStartingTOC[toc]{\begin{multicols}{2} }  %this keeps heading "Contents" out of two column block
%\AfterStartingTOC[toc]{\end{multicols}} %keep cols equal i.e. vertical kern
\AfterStartingTOC[toc]{\null\end{multicols}} %2nd column is shorter, no v.kern
\RedeclareSectionCommand[toconstartsamelevel={}]{subsection} %Only break Column at Section,not sub-section.

See: Prevent column break in multicolumn index , except I am trying to do it for Table of Contents...

enter image description here

I am trying to put the ToC at the bottom of the 1st page thus )...

\BeforeStartingTOC[toc]{\begin{multicols}{2}} %could be in preamble...

Is there a direct way to make the toc float at bottom of page (i.e. not using table)?

Note: \BeforeStartingTOC makes the heading "Contents" above the two columns section, so it looks better that example above.



%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% User specified LaTeX commands.
%Two column ToC: comment lines to get combination of v.kern and column break you want

\BeforeStartingTOC[toc]{\begin{multicols}{2} }  %this keeps heading "Contents" out of two column block
%\AfterStartingTOC[toc]{\end{multicols}} %keep cols equal  vertical kerns
\AfterStartingTOC[toc]{\null\end{multicols}} %2nd column is shorter, no v.kern
\RedeclareSectionCommand[toconstartsamelevel={}]{subsection} %Only break Column at Section,not sub-section.



 \title{A Koma Article}



  • 1
    Why a table float? Also, why also setting the chapter title in two-column mode? Also, why not posting a minimal working example? It is very hard to constuct something that matches your output, and we still cannot be sure it matches your code and a solution will work for you. In case it does not work, because your code is different, one of use would have wasted his/her time.
    – Johannes_B
    Dec 1, 2016 at 7:43
  • How else to float the toc to the bottom of the page? Is there a neater way (like a koma option for position)?
    – Henry Crun
    Dec 1, 2016 at 11:14

1 Answer 1


The result of your MWE is

enter image description here

scrartcl avoids a break between a section entry and its first subsection entry.

I am not sure if you really want no break between subsection entries. The result could be really ugly:


enter image description here



enter image description here



%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% User specified LaTeX commands.
%Two column ToC
\BeforeStartingTOC[toc]{\begin{multicols}{2} }


 \title{A Koma Article}


enter image description here



%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% User specified LaTeX commands.
%Two column ToC
\BeforeStartingTOC[toc]{\begin{multicols}{2} }


 \title{A Koma Article}
  • Looks like what I want, but I get error - Package scrbase Error: unknown option ` toconstartsamelevel={} '. Member .dsc' of family KOMAarg' cannot handle option `toconstartsamelevel'. So it cannot be set. (Komascript is V3.15, jan2015)
    – Henry Crun
    Dec 1, 2016 at 19:01
  • Option toconstartsamelevel needs at least KOMA version 3.20. Current version is 3.21
    – esdd
    Dec 1, 2016 at 20:33
  • Thanks it works great[my bad, I assumed miktex packagemanager showed current versions]. Is there any option to force position to bottom of page, or better way that using a table float? BTW It would be great if you commented the key lines. for example I have no idea why /null/end is doing what it does. I have updated my MWE.
    – Henry Crun
    Dec 1, 2016 at 22:45

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