I try to expand a string using a counter. I will use a very simple example:

\expandafter\def\expandafter\st\expandafter{\st{ } \the\numexpr\value{i}}

One would expect the result to be '1'. Yet, the result is '2' because the counter increased after the expansion. So, I undestand that 'st' is always "interpreted" using the final value of 'i'. So, in an iteration of the counter 'i' one would get n n n n ... (where 'n' is the final value of 'i'). But I would like to get 1 2 ... n. How can this be done?

(I spent a lot of time trying to achieve this reault, alas, in vain!)

  • \edef rather than \def. But just use etoolbox macros. This would be done \def\st{} \setcounter{tmpi}{1} \eappto\st{\the\numexpr\value{tmpi}} \addtocounter{tmpi}{1} \texttt{\st}.
    – Manuel
    Dec 15, 2017 at 9:18
  • Yes, it works. Thanks. It also works with \appto. (Weird, I had already tried \appto among other things ... Maybe in the wrong way, though). BTW, why didn't you post this solution as a regular answer? I would then could upvote you.
    – Alkis
    Dec 15, 2017 at 11:04

1 Answer 1


You need full expansion. Also, you're adding unwanted braces and spaces.


%\renewcommand{\thei}{\arabic{i}} % it's default


  \advance\count255 1



enter image description here

At the first iteration, \st will gobble \space.

A different implementation with etoolbox


%\renewcommand{\thei}{\arabic{i}} % it's default


  \advance\count255 1
  \eappto\st{\ifdefempty\st{}{ }\thei}


  • Yes, this works too. Thanks. But it's a little more complicated than just using '\eappto' (instead of my '\expandafter') that Manuel suggested (See comments above).
    – Alkis
    Dec 15, 2017 at 11:23
  • I review my comment (I can't edit it anymore). I just isolated \edef\st{\st\space\thei} from your code and put it in mine. It's even simpler than \eappto\st{}{\the\numexpr\value{i}} !
    – Alkis
    Dec 15, 2017 at 11:40

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