This is related to labeling an equation which is related or can be obtained as a consequence of the other. Say I have equation, (1.1). How can I label two more equations related to that like, (1.1)', (1.1)''? Any help is much appreciated.


1 Answer 1


You can use \tag or \tag* to insert whatever you want for an "equation number":

enter image description here




  f(x) = \mbox{First equation} \label{eq:first}
  g(x) &= \mbox{Second equation} \tag*{(\theequation)'} \label{eq:second} \\
  h(x) &= \mbox{Third equation} \tag*{(\theequation)''} \label{eq:third}
See equations~\eqref{eq:first}, \ref{eq:second} and~\ref{eq:third}.
  i(x) = \mbox{Another equation}


\eqref inserts the surrounding (..), so use \ref if you are managing the parentheses yourself. Some people use (1') and (1'') rather than (1)' and (1)'', allowing you to use \eqref as usual.

If the equations do not follow one another, you could use \ref instead of \theequation.

  • Thank you. I almost get I wanted, except the ' above, but I need that to be a "prime" as in derivatives.
    – Eureka
    Apr 13, 2018 at 17:10
  • 1
    @Fib1123: Try with $'$.
    – Werner
    Apr 13, 2018 at 17:14

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