I have to write a calculation that takes two lines. I need to put number only at the last step. How do I do that? I used \nonumber at the end of the first line where I don't want to put equation number. But the number is being shown on the first line and not on the last line.

for example:

\dot{\epsilon}&=& u_\mu u_\nu\Bigl(\dot{I}^{\mu\nu}_{(0)+}+\dot{I}^{\mu\nu}_{(0)-}\Bigr)\\
&=& u_\mu u_\nu\int\mathrm{dp}~p^\mu p^\nu\bigl(\dot{f}_{(0)}+\dot{\bar{f}}_{(0)})
  • Can you please show an example of code?
    – egreg
    Apr 18, 2018 at 9:04
  • i have added the code but, I don't know how to write like LaTex in here. So, I just copy pasted it. Apr 18, 2018 at 9:08
  • 1
    That's the correct way; we don't use MathJax here because we're interested in TeX/LaTeX code. You paste the code, select it and click on the {} small icon on the top of the editing box.
    – egreg
    Apr 18, 2018 at 9:12
  • for future purpose can tell me how did you do it? Apr 18, 2018 at 9:13
  • Adding four spaces in front of each row activates the syntax highlighting. There is also a button in the toolbar that helps you adding these four spaces for a larger amount of selected lines.
    – Tiuri
    Apr 18, 2018 at 9:16

3 Answers 3


Don't use eqnarray ! It yields bad spacing. Replace it with one of the amsmath environments. Here you can use an aligned environment, with option [b], nested in equation:




\dot{\epsilon}&= u_\mu u_\nu\Bigl(\dot{I}^{\mu\nu}_{(0)+}+\dot{I}^{\mu\nu}_{(0)-}\Bigr)\\
&= u_\mu u_\nu\int\mathrm{dp}~p^\mu p^\nu\bigl(\dot{f}_{(0)}+\dot{\bar{f}}_{(0)})


enter image description here


\nonumber at the end of the first line works. But be careful: At the end of the first line means before the line-breaking \\ that ends the first line.


\dot{\epsilon}&=& u_\mu u_\nu\Bigl(\dot{I}^{\mu\nu}_{(0)+}+\dot{I}^{\mu\nu}_{(0)-}\Bigr) \nonumber\\
&=& u_\mu u_\nu\int\mathrm{dp}~p^\mu p^\nu\bigl(\dot{f}_{(0)}+\dot{\bar{f}}_{(0)})

enter image description here

  • Okay thanks. I was using it wrong. I was putting the \nonumber after the '\\'. that is why it was not waotking. Apr 18, 2018 at 9:15

You should never use eqnarray, the reasons are explained at eqnarray vs align and they should also be clear from a visual comparison. I also made some small changes, notably to the dimension of the parentheses and to the treatment of differentials.




This is not the best way to cope with the problem:
\dot{\epsilon}&=& u_\mu u_\nu\Bigl(\dot{I}^{\mu\nu}_{(0)+}+\dot{I}^{\mu\nu}_{(0)-}\Bigr)\nonumber\\
&=& u_\mu u_\nu\int\mathrm{dp}~p^\mu p^\nu\bigl(\dot{f}_{(0)}+\dot{\bar{f}}_{(0)})
Perhaps you are better served with \texttt{split} (note
the option \texttt{tbtags}):
&= u_\mu u_\nu\bigl(\dot{I}^{\mu\nu}_{(0)+}+\dot{I}^{\mu\nu}_{(0)-}\bigr)\\
&= u_\mu u_\nu\int\prediff p p^\mu p^\nu\bigl(\dot{f}_{(0)}+\dot{\bar{f}}_{(0)})
With the differential at the end it would be
&= u_\mu u_\nu\bigl(\dot{I}^{\mu\nu}_{(0)+}+\dot{I}^{\mu\nu}_{(0)-}\bigr)\\
&= u_\mu u_\nu\int p^\mu p^\nu\bigl(\dot{f}_{(0)}+\dot{\bar{f}}_{(0)})\diff p


enter image description here

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