I am using a standard letter from newlfm. I already adjusted it a bit to my needs (not in the below example code), but I cannot figure out how to reduce the space to the top (between the address and the top of the document). I tried \newlfmP{headermarginsize=0in} but it still seems to be too far down. Is it possible to shift the whole text a bit more up? I also tried something with geometry package, but it didn't seem to have an effect either.

 \usepackage{blindtext, xfrac}





 Insert address

\phonefrom{insert phone}

\emailfrom{insert email} 

\dateset{insert date}% Date


\textbf{Subject}: text text text text text text text text text \\

Dear Sir or Madam,\\


  • Actually a more important question: how do i remove/reduce white space in general in newlfm? I would for example like to reduce the space above "Dear Sir or Madam.." but I cannot figure out how
    – Dreica
    Apr 30, 2016 at 20:46

1 Answer 1


To adjust vertical whitespace in newlfm there are various commands. See the table at the end of this post.

For your specific need, I think the commands


will "reduce the space to the top (between the address and the top of the document)" as you request. Note how negative numbers can be used to reduce the space. For more information on newlfm, see LaTeX’s alternative letter class newlfm

enter image description here

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