Here my attempt to add a shadow to a block:


% add a background image
\setbeamertemplate{background canvas}{\includegraphics[height=\paperheight]{example-image}}

% use rounded blocks with shadow

  \frametitle{Block with shadow and with background image}

  \begin{block}{Block with shadow}

The (poor) result:

enter image description here

The shadow hides my background!

Edit: beamer offered this feature for some time, but it is incompatible with the latex-dvips-ps2pdf route. I suppose this feature could be optional...


3 Answers 3


A possible first approach, redefining \beamerboxesrounded and \endbeamerboxesrounded (as defined in beamerbaseboxes.sty) to use a change of opacity through \pgfsetfillopacity; the lines of code that were included are marked with % NEW; the desired opacity can be changed using the \opacity command (initially set to 0.5):



  \setkeys{beamerboxes}{upper=block title,lower=block body,width=\textwidth,shadow=false}%
  % Typeset head
  \bmb@dima=\bmb@temp\advance\bmb@dima by2.2bp%
  \bmb@dimb=\bmb@temp\advance\bmb@dimb by4bp%
      \advance\bmb@dima by-2pt%
      \advance\bmb@dima by8bp%
  \pgfsetfillopacity{\opacity}% NEW
    \pgfsetfillopacity{1}% NEW

  \advance\bmb@temp by.5pt%
  \bmb@dima=\bmb@temp\advance\bmb@dima by2.2bp%
  \bmb@dimb=\bmb@temp\advance\bmb@dimb by4bp%
\pgfsetfillopacity{1}% NEW
        \advance\bmb@temp by-1bp%
      \pgfsetfillopacity{\opacity}% NEW
        \advance\bmb@temp by-4bp%
        \pgfsetfillopacity{\opacity}% NEW
        \advance\bmb@temp by 4bp%
        \advance\bmb@dima by\bmb@prevheight%
        \advance\bmb@dima by 4bp%
        \advance\bmb@dima by-4bp%
        \advance\bmb@dima by-1bp%
        \advance\bmb@temp by4bp%
      \pgfsetfillopacity{1}% NEW
        \advance\bmb@dima by\bmb@prevheight%
        \advance\bmb@dima by 1bp%
        \advance\bmb@dima by 1bp%
        \advance\bmb@dima by 1bp%
        \advance\bmb@temp by 1bp%
        \advance\bmb@dima by 1bp%
        \advance\bmb@temp by 1bp%
        \advance\bmb@dima by 1.5bp%
        \advance\bmb@temp by 1bp%
    \vskip4bp minus 2bp%
  \egroup% of \vbox\bgroup

% background image
\setbeamertemplate{background canvas}{%
  \tikz[remember picture,overlay]%
  \node at (current page) {\includegraphics[height=\paperheight]{example-image}};

% blocks with shadow

  \frametitle{Block with shadow and with background image}

  \begin{block}{Block with shadow}

enter image description here


To get real transparency for box shadows with beamer, you could use this patch from the beamer repository. At this time, this patch is not included in beamer (see discussion).

If you use pdflatex, you can use the patched version of beamerbaseboxes.sty.

Here is the result of my MWE:

enter image description here

Here is the patched version of beamerbaseboxes.sty (put it in the same directory as your beamer document to get real transparency):

% Copyright 2003--2007 by Till Tantau
% Copyright 2010 by Vedran Mileti\'c
% This file may be distributed and/or modified
% 1. under the LaTeX Project Public License and/or
% 2. under the GNU Public License.
% See the file doc/licenses/LICENSE for more details.

\def\beamerboxesdeclarecolorscheme#1#2#3{% scheme name, upper color, lower color
  \setbeamercolor{@scheme upper #1}{fg=white,bg={#2}}
  \setbeamercolor{@scheme lower #1}{bg={#3}}

\define@key{beamerboxes}{scheme}{\def\bmb@upper{@scheme upper #1}\def\bmb@lower{@scheme lower #1}}
\define@key{beamerboxes}{shadow}[true]{\csname bmb@shadow#1\endcsname}


  \setkeys{beamerboxes}{upper=block title,lower=block body,width=\textwidth,shadow=false}%
  % Typeset head
  \bmb@dima=\bmb@temp\advance\bmb@dima by2.2bp%
  \bmb@dimb=\bmb@temp\advance\bmb@dimb by4bp%
      \advance\bmb@dima by-2pt%
        \advance\bmb@dima by8bp%

  \advance\bmb@temp by.5pt%
  \advance\bmb@boxheight by4bp%
  \advance\bmb@boxheight by\bmb@prevheight%
        \pgftext[left, at=\pgfpoint{4bp}{4bp}]{\pgfuseshading{bmb@shadowvert}}
        \pgftext[base, at=\pgfpoint{\bmb@boxwidth+4bp}{8bp}]{\pgfuseshading{bmb@shadowhorz}}
        % clipping is needed because shadow is typeset on top of box
          \pgfpathrectangle{\pgfpoint{4bp}{8bp}}{\pgfpoint{\[email protected]}{\bmb@boxheight-2bp}}
  \bmb@dima=\bmb@temp\advance\bmb@dima by2.2bp%
  \bmb@dimb=\bmb@temp\advance\bmb@dimb by4bp%
    \vskip4bp minus 2bp%
  \egroup% of \vbox\bgroup

% Shadings

  • Wow, nice! Was just wondering about this.
    – Thriveth
    Feb 18, 2015 at 21:29

This problem is fixed in beamer v. 3.51 (and only this version), see https://github.com/josephwright/beamer/pull/469

Your code now gives the following output:

enter image description here

If you have another beamer version, try to place the following two files in your working directory:

It won't work for dvi-based compilation chains.


Since version v3.60 beamer again has native support for transparent shadows

  • 1
    Note: using these files will only work for PGF 3.1.5b or older. If your PGF is more recent, you'll have to downgrade. Older versions may be found here: github.com/pgf-tikz/pgf. Oct 13, 2020 at 10:08

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