The following code:


\usetikzlibrary{matrix, positioning}

    matrix of nodes,


        \matrix (M) [matrixstyle]{
            .1 & .1 \\
            .1 & .1 \\

        \begin{scope} [local bounding box=MA, shift={(M.west)}, left = 0cm of M.west]
            \matrix (M11) [matrixstyle]{
                .1 & .0  \\
                .5 & .0 \\
            \matrix (M12) [matrixstyle, right = 0cm of M11]{
                .2 & .0  \\
                .3 & .9 \\
            \matrix (M21) [matrixstyle, below = 0cm of M11]{
                .0 & .0  \\
                .0 & .2 \\
            \matrix (M22) [matrixstyle, right = 0cm of M21]{
                .3 & .0  \\
                .3 & .9 \\

        \matrix (N) [matrixstyle, left = 1cm of MA.west]{
            .2 & .2  \\
            .2 & .2 \\


produces the following output:

enter image description here

The output should show six matrices. Four in the middle. And one matrix each on the right and left side of the matrix array. However, I did not manage to place the matrix M to the right of the matrix array MA. The error is probably in the following line

\begin{scope} [local bounding box=MA, shift={(M.west)}, left = 0cm of M.west]

What is the right way to do it? Why does my approach not work?

2 Answers 2


like this?

enter image description here

matrices you can consider as nodes, so their positioning is with positioning library is straightforward:

\usetikzlibrary{matrix, positioning}

     node distance = 1mm and 2mm,
every matrix/.style = {matrix of nodes,
                      column sep=-\pgflinewidth,
                      row sep=-\pgflinewidth}
\matrix (m1) 
.2 & .2  \\
.2 & .2 \\
\matrix (m11) [above right=of m1.east]
.1 & .0  \\
.5 & .0 \\
\matrix (m12) [right=of m11]
.1 & .1 \\
.1 & .1 \\
\matrix (m21) [below right= of m1.east]
.0 & .0  \\
.0 & .2 \\
\matrix (m22) [right = of m21]{
.3 & .0  \\
.3 & .9 \\

\matrix (m2) [right = of m1 -| m12.east]
.2 & .0  \\
.3 & .9 \\
  • What does right = of m1 -| m12.east mean? Especially the -| part.
    – Gilfoyle
    Jan 12, 2019 at 16:21
  • Is it possible to define the four matrices in the middle as a single object that can be moved and resized? I want to resize the four matrices in the middle to have the same size as the matrices on the left and on the right.
    – Gilfoyle
    Jan 12, 2019 at 16:27
  • @Samuel, this is new question in which you need to show (by sketch), how you like scale and shift a group of matrices. probably solution require a different solution as is shown in both answers. i think, that both answers perfectly solve the problem described in this question, therefore it is time, that you accept one of them.
    – Zarko
    Jan 13, 2019 at 0:21

Although not exactly the same, something very similar can be done with some tabular and without TiKZ.




\mytab{.1}{.0}{.5}{.2} & \mytab{.1}{.1}{.1}{.1}
\mytab{.0}{.0}{.0}{.2} & \mytab{.3}{.0}{.3}{.9} 

enter image description here

EDIT: or even better with ytableau package




\mytab{.1}{.0}{.5}{.2} & \mytab{.1}{.1}{.1}{.1}
\mytab{.0}{.0}{.0}{.2} & \mytab{.3}{.0}{.3}{.9} 

enter image description here

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