I would like to remove the dot that appears just after chapter's title. enter image description here

How could I do that? This is my mwe using TeXShop Version 3.75 :


    %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%numéros page%%%%%%%%%%%%
    \usepackage[automark]{scrlayer-scrpage}% See scrguien.pdf, chapter 5
    \ihead{\headmark}% running head at the inner edge of the page head
    \ohead*{\pagemark}% page number at the outer edge of the page head (plain pages too)
    \ofoot*{}% no page number at the outer edge of the page footer (plain pages too)
    \addtokomafont{pageheadfoot}{\scshape\small}%changed to small caps in headers

    \usepackage [french]{babel}


%%%%%%%%%%%%Numérotation des chapitres et section%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%






    \part{Objet et méthode}

  • 1
    When I compile your code, I don't get any dots after the chapter-level headers. Which TeX distribution do you employ?
    – Mico
    Apr 13, 2019 at 18:24
  • Off-topic: Do not use package tocloft with a KOMA-Script class.
    – esdd
    Apr 13, 2019 at 18:30
  • I get your dot after the chapter number only using the option "numbers=enddot".
    – Typo
    Apr 13, 2019 at 18:43
  • @esd: Why? I already wrote my thesis using that package. I just want to remove the dot after the title number.
    – domi
    Apr 13, 2019 at 19:16
  • 1
    in the title and text of your question, you say you want to remove the dot after the chapter title. In a comment, you say you want to remove the dor after the number. Which is it? If appropriate, please rephrase the question. Apr 13, 2019 at 20:51

1 Answer 1


To remove the dot only after chapter numbers in the chapter title redefine \chapterformat¹:




%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%numéros page%%%%%%%%%%%%
\usepackage[automark]{scrlayer-scrpage}% See scrguien.pdf, chapter 5
\ihead{\headmark}% running head at the inner edge of the page head
\ohead*{\pagemark}% page number at the outer edge of the page head (plain pages too)
\ofoot*{}% no page number at the outer edge of the page footer (plain pages too)
\addtokomafont{pageheadfoot}{\scshape\small}%changed to small caps in headers

%\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}% can be removed with an uptodate TeX distribution
\usepackage [french]{babel}
%\usepackage{chngcntr}% can be removed with an uptodate TeX distribution








\part{Objet et méthode}


enter image description here

¹ To remove the final dot after all numbers (chapter, section, ..., figure, table) use class option numbers=noenddot.

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