I'm using the chemfig package for some chemical reactions and I need to draw an arrow like the one below:

enter image description here

It's essentially \arrow{-U>} but with the curved arrow positioned below the straight one. I found a solution in this previous post which works perfectly when I try it on Overleaf, but it does not work on my own TeX installation (TeXLive 2019, Windows 10). Every time I try it I get several "undefined control sequence" errors.

Any idea on why this isn't working and how to fix it? Barring that, is there any other way I can get the kind of arrow I want?

Here's an MWE (copied from the link above):


    \expandafter\draw\CF@tmp@str (uarrow@arctangent)%
    arc[radius=\CF@compound@sep*\CF@current@arrow@length*\CF@uarrow@radius,start angle=\CF@arrow@current@angle+90,delta angle=\CF@uarrow@absangle]node(uarrow@start){};
    \expandafter\draw\CF@tmp@str (uarrow@arctangent)%
    start angle=\CF@arrow@current@angle+90,%
    delta angle=-\CF@uarrow@absangle]%
    \ifdim\CF@uarrow@radius pt>\z@

%       \schemedebug{true} % Activate if you want to see the nodes etc.

1 Answer 1


If you look into the chemfig manual, then you will find on in section 1.3 that the private char has changed from @ to _, with more details specified in section 10. Following the instructions there, one gets


    \expandafter\draw\CF_tmpstr (uarrow@arctangent)%
    arc[radius=\CF_compoundsep*\CF_currentarrowlength*\CF_uarrowradius,start angle=\CF_arrowcurrentangle+90,delta angle=\CF_uarrowabsangle]node(uarrowstart){};
    \expandafter\draw\CF_tmpstr (uarrow@arctangent)%
    start angle=\CF_arrowcurrentangle+90,%
    delta angle=-\CF_uarrowabsangle]%
    \ifdim\CF_uarrowradius pt>\z@

%       \schemedebug{true} % Activate if you want to see the nodes etc.

enter image description here

  • Yep that's it! It should have occurred to me that something must have changed in the definitions in between updates, but I guess it didn't. Thank you so much.
    – johnymm
    Sep 8, 2019 at 5:23

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