Does Musixtex really not have a command to write rinforzando (rfz)? I've searched through their guide https://icking-music-archive.org/software/musixtex/musixdoc.pdf but haven't found it, not even in the index. Is it really not in the package?

2 Answers 2


You can define it, based on similar definitions. Changing an example from the manual and adding the definition:


\def\rfz{{\ppff r\p@kern f\f@kern z}}




enter image description here

You might prefer

\def\rfz{{\ppff rf\f@kern z}}

that gives

enter image description here


If you just need a rfz once in a piece, you can simply write a {\bi rfz} within \notes … \en, which I have done in the first case. In the second case I have defined it as egreg did, but by using \bi and kern the letters by points:

\def\rfz{{\bi r\kern-0.5pt f\kern-0.7pt z}}% The kerning in tenths of point is a matter of personal taste

\notes\qqsk\ccharnote{-4}{\bi rfz}\qu f\qu g\bsk\hsk\en\bar%
\notes\ccharnote{-4}{\rfz}\qu h\ql j\ql k\ql j\hbsk\en\bar%

examples rfz: not kerned and kerned

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