For the parabolic plot shown in the MWE below. I need to replace the fill pattern (represented by the blue lines) with arrows pointing downwards towards the black line.

\draw[help lines,step=0.5](0,0) grid(15,24);
\draw[thick,color=black] (0,12) -- (12,12);
\draw[pattern=vertical lines,pattern color=blue, domain=0:12] plot (\x, {(0.075*2)*(4*\x/12)*(12-\x)});
\draw[thick,color=red, domain=0:12] plot (\x, {(0.075*2)*(4*\x/12)*(12-\x)});

Compilation Output

Other packages offer hatching patterns similar to that I mentioned above, but they deal with linear plots and not parabolic ones, I extracted the macros from such packages and placed it below:

1- stanli package:

%       lineload
%           \lineload{type}{initial point}{end point}[initial force value][end force value][force interval]
%               [initial force value][end force value][force interval] are optional
%           and accordingly for type 3      
%           \lineload{type}{initial point}{end point}[initial force value][end force value][lineload distance from inital point][force interval]
%               [initial force value][end force value][lineload distance from inital point][force interval] are optional
%           and accordingly for type 4      
%           \lineload{type}{initial point}{end point}[force interval][force length]
%               [force interval][force length] are optional

    \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{1}}{     %
        \coordinate (lineloadVarA1) at ($ (#2)!\lineloadDistance!90:(#3) $);
        \coordinate (lineloadVarB1) at ($ (#3)!\lineloadDistance!-90:(#2) $);
        \coordinate (lineloadVarA2) at ($ (#2)!{\lineloadDistance +#4cm}!90:(#3) $);
        \coordinate (lineloadVarB2) at ($ (#3)!{\lineloadDistance+#5cm}!-90:(#2) $);
            \draw [force,->] (lineloadVarA2) -- (lineloadVarA1);
            \draw [force,->] (lineloadVarB2) -- (lineloadVarB1);
        \draw [smallLine] (lineloadVarA1) -- (lineloadVarB1) node(xline)[right] {};
        \draw [normalLine] (lineloadVarA2) -- (lineloadVarB2);
        \fill (lineloadVarA2) circle (\normalLineWidth/2);
        \fill (lineloadVarB2) circle (\normalLineWidth/2);
        \foreach \i in {\lineloadIntervalBegin,\lineloadIntervalStep,...,\lineloadIntervalEnd}
        \draw [force,->] ($(lineloadVarA2)!\i!(lineloadVarB2)$)-- ($(lineloadVarA1)!\i!(lineloadVarB1)$);
    \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{2}}{     %
        \coordinate (lineloadVarA1) at ($ (#2)+1*(0,\lineloadDistance) $);
        \coordinate (lineloadVarB1) at ($ (#3)+1*(0,\lineloadDistance) $);
        \coordinate (lineloadVarA2) at ($ (#2)+1*(0,\lineloadDistance+#4cm) $);
        \coordinate (lineloadVarB2) at ($ (#3)+1*(0,\lineloadDistance+#5cm) $);
            \draw [force,->] (lineloadVarA2) -- (lineloadVarA1);
            \draw [force,->] (lineloadVarB2) -- (lineloadVarB1);
        \draw [smallLine] (lineloadVarA1) -- (lineloadVarB1) node(xline)[right] {};
        \draw [normalLine] (lineloadVarA2) -- (lineloadVarB2);
        \fill (lineloadVarA2) circle (\normalLineWidth/2);
        \fill (lineloadVarB2) circle (\normalLineWidth/2);
        \foreach \i in {\lineloadIntervalBegin,\lineloadIntervalStep,...,\lineloadIntervalEnd}
        \draw [force,->] ($(lineloadVarA2)!\i!(lineloadVarB2)$)-- ($(lineloadVarA1)!\i!(lineloadVarB1)$);

    \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{3}}{     %
                \p1 = (#2),
                \p2 = (#3)
                coordinate (lineloadVarA1) at ($(\p1)+1*(0,\lineloadDistance+\helpVarA)$)
                coordinate (lineloadVarB1) at ($(\x2,\y1)+1*(0,\lineloadDistance+\helpVarA)$)
                coordinate (lineloadVarA2) at ($ (\p1)+1*(0,\lineloadDistance+\helpVarA+#4cm)$)
                coordinate (lineloadVarB2) at ($ (\x2,\y1)+1*(0,\lineloadDistance+\helpVarA+#5cm)$);
        \draw [tinyLine,loosely dotted] (lineloadVarA1)--($(#2)+1*(0,\hingeRadius)$);
        \draw [tinyLine,loosely dotted] (lineloadVarB1)--($(#3)+1*(0,\hingeRadius)$);
            \draw [force,->] (lineloadVarA2) -- (lineloadVarA1);
            \draw [force,->] (lineloadVarB2) -- (lineloadVarB1);
        \draw [smallLine] (lineloadVarA1) -- (lineloadVarB1) node(xline)[right] {};
        \draw [normalLine] (lineloadVarA2) -- (lineloadVarB2);
        \fill (lineloadVarA2) circle (\normalLineWidth/2);
        \fill (lineloadVarB2) circle (\normalLineWidth/2);
        \foreach \i in {\lineloadIntervalBegin,\lineloadIntervalStep,...,\lineloadIntervalEnd}
        \draw [force,->] ($(lineloadVarA2)!\i!(lineloadVarB2)$)-- ($(lineloadVarA1)!\i!(lineloadVarB1)$);
    \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{4}}{     %
        \coordinate (lineloadVarA1) at ($ (#2)+1*(0,\lineloadDistance) $);
        \coordinate (lineloadVarB1) at ($ (#3)+1*(0,\lineloadDistance) $);
        \foreach \i in {0,\lineloadIntervalStep,...,\lineloadIntervalEnd}
        \draw [force,->] ($(lineloadVarA1)!\i!(lineloadVarB1)$) -- ($(lineloadVarA1)!\i+\lineloadForceLength!(lineloadVarB1)$);


2- structmech package

%     Command 4: UDL
% \UDL[1]{2}{3}[4]{5}
\NewDocumentCommand{\UDL}{O{N} m m O{} G{1}}{
\draw[\fillColor,fill=\fillColor,fill opacity=\fillOpacity](#2)--(#3)--($(#3)+(\Angle+\FAC*90:#5)$)--($(#2)+(\Angle+\FAC*90:#5)$)--cycle;
\foreach\x in{0,.1,.2,...,1}{

3- As for pst stru package/library, I don't think it is recomended is such case

  • "Other packages" other than what? I do not know these packages, and you do not explain how they are relevant for your question!? Nov 25, 2020 at 20:18
  • @hpekristiansen, First, as I mentioned bove, since many do not know such packages thus I did not use them in the MWE. Second, regarding their relevance to the question above, here is an example with stanli "Structural aanlysis package = Stanli package (renamed in the last update)" texample.net/tikz/examples/transversal-loads, also see page "5" of this manual ftp.ntua.gr/mirror/ctan/graphics/pgf/contrib/structmech/doc/…
    – Silva
    Nov 25, 2020 at 20:39
  • If you want to achieve the result using the stanli TikZ Library, then you should start a new question. I do not know this libary, and can not help. This library is not relevant for your current question. Nov 25, 2020 at 20:52
  • I only placed the "macros" from such packages as an aid no more.
    – Silva
    Nov 25, 2020 at 21:00
  • Before you pasted your "aid", you already got two answers and you have not explained why they are not useable. I do not think that you will get more answers, as it is very unclear what you want. Nov 26, 2020 at 11:18

2 Answers 2


I do not think that you can get an arrow pattern without manipulating PGF code. Why not just draw the arrows yourself? - like this:

\draw[help lines,step=0.5](0,0) grid(15,24);
\draw[thick,color=black] (0,12) -- (12,12);
\foreach \x in {0.2 ,0.4 , ...,11.8}
   \draw[thick, blue, ->] (\x, {(0.075*2)*(4*\x/12)*(12-\x)}) -- (\x,0);
\draw[thick,color=red, domain=0:12] plot (\x, {(0.075*2)*(4*\x/12)*(12-\x)});

Pattern with arrows

  • That is quite a good suggestion, to be honest, I modelled this example using tikz package so that anyone can get what I mean. However, Other paclages shown in this post tex.stackexchange.com/questions/561524/…, they offer hatching pattern but only for linear loads. Regarding hatching patterns, I added the code of the macros in each of those packages above, but I doubt if you can get use of it.
    – Silva
    Nov 25, 2020 at 20:00

If you use a path picture, you do not need to know the parametrization of the boundary. The distance between the lines is stored in vline pars/d, which is set to 3mm in the code below, and the arrow style is just the argument of the vlines style that got added here.

\tikzset{vlines/.style={path picture={
\path let \p1=($(path picture bounding box.east)-(path picture bounding box.west)$),
\p2=(path picture bounding box.north east),
\n1={int(scalar(\x1/\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/vline pars/d}))},
\n2={0.5*(\x1-\n1*\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/vline pars/d})} in
foreach \xyz in {0,...,\n1} {
([xshift=\n2+\xyz*\x1/\n1]path picture bounding box.north west) edge[#1]
([xshift=\n2+\xyz*\x1/\n1]path picture bounding box.south west)
}},vline pars/.cd,d/.initial=3mm}
\draw[help lines,step=0.5](0,0) grid(15,24);
\draw[thick,color=black] (0,12) -- (12,12);
plot (\x, {(0.075*2)*(4*\x/12)*(12-\x)});
\draw[vlines={blue,-latex},thick,color=red, domain=0:12] plot (\x, {(0.075*2)*(4*\x/12)*(12-\x)});

enter image description here

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