As many before me I need consecutive caption numbers for figures and tables instead of chapter-based numbers like Figure 1.2. I use scrreprt and the caption-package for my document. I also need roman table numbers and achieved it by changing the caption label format like this:


Since they start again with Table I for every chapter looking very oddly in the list of tables I tried the chngcntr-package. It solved the numbers of figures nicely but it overrides the roman numbers. What can I do?

  • thx, your speed is awesome. :) I chose the second alternative because I tried different places for the chngcntr-package before I posted the question without any change in result. And now it works great. Feb 11, 2013 at 17:09

2 Answers 2


There are two alternatives. The first possibility is


that I consider clearer. The second is


which is slightly more efficient (maybe some nanoseconds faster).

The difference is that the *-version of \counterwithout doesn't change the definition of \thetable, while the plain \counterwithout applies the default definition with \arabic.


Since you load the caption package anyway you could load it with either within=none (to get figure and table numbering consecutive) or tablewithin=none (to get table numbering consecutive only), e.g.


This way you need no extra package and don't need to fiddle around with chngcntr-hyperref load order.

  • that works, too. thanks. with that many possibilities it looks like I didn't try to solve it by myself.. I really did but I didn't find the within-option. ;) Feb 11, 2013 at 19:26

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