Top new questions this week:
How to include \sqrt{8} inside \qty{...}{\metre}?
My Code:
% works
% works
I have questions about the following functions in LaTeX3:
How do they behave with the ...
I have drawn a blob using hobby following this question and would like to add an arrow denoting the span of my blob. I have tried following the answer to this question to no avail because the bounding ...
I have a long string of text that I want to shorten for example truncate hash
how to do it?
While preparing a table on musical modes I came accross this situation:
entering the 7 pitches as one column looks bad after compile, once accidentals occur
finally I had to provide 7 columns instead ...
If we try to apply this answer in 2024, we get:
Package everypage Warning: Functionality similar to this package has recently
(everypage) been implemented in LaTeX. This package is now ...
On one side, xindy seems to be the modern replacement of makeindex,
and in my distribution, there is a frequent update of the xindy version,
but it seems to be always 2.5.1-xxx.
Stackexchange has a ...
Greatest hits from previous weeks:
I have seen several cases of people using the \tab command to insert a specific amount of space between objects (as opposed to the \hfill command which uses any remaining space). However, I have ...
I have an equation contained inside \[...\], which automatically makes a \sum with sub- and superscripts turn big--so that the summation sign looks awkward inside parenthesis. Any idea how to make ...
I have a table that is just a little too wide for a 3.33" column. Is there a way to simply shrink the table a little to make it fit? I'm OK if the 10pt font becomes 9pt-something. Here is an example.
The code I used to write
is this one
But I don't know how to write this one
Also, what if I want to write this
I have a basic tex file and a bibliography which is exported from Mendeley
However, when I want to cite in the author-year style, I get the error:
Package natbib Error: Bibliography not compatible ...
This question led to a new package:
Does anybody have a quick and easy way to typeset some relatively long MATLAB code in the appendix? I looked up a few methods, and the mcode ...
For images, we can use \centering. Is there anything available to align the image to the right side or the left side of the page.
Can you answer these questions?
I would like to group rows within my \pgfplotstable environment. In this context, a group is defined to have the same content in column "Type".
Let's say, I have a sorted list like this:
This code, that uses the default Madrid theme, compiles correctly:
However, using my ...
I am trying to extract data from an excel sheet with a lua script and therefore need luacom. TeXlive (2024, Windows) doesn't recognize this library when requiring, because it doesn't come with it.