I've seen (I don't know where) a couple of interesting metadata-oriented control sequences, and I was wondering if such a sequence exists for the job runtime. I can't expect it to give me the total run-time, but the run-time at that specific point would work well enough. I'm putting in a rather braggy colophon, for the interested.

My use case would be something like


This document was typeset with \XeTeX, which is based on the \TeX\ typesetting
system by Dr.~Donald~Knuth... which is very fast.  This entire work took only
\pdfjobtime\ seconds to compile!

1 Answer 1


pdftex and luatex have \pdfelapsedtime but xetex doesn't. For total run time you can always go

time xelatex myfile

and input the result on the next run

  • As an addendum - for those stuck on Windows, there is no time command directly available in the shell. However, PowerShell offers something good enough for me: Measure-Command {xelatex file}. Jul 17, 2013 at 21:07

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