I'm trying to align the baseline of the first line of a list environment with the baseline of a box. After working on this in various forms, I thought I was ready to tackle this issue. I also thought I was making good progress. But testing my approach in various situations has revealed that I'm still missing something.

I'm feeling a bit sheepish about asking yet another question about lengths and vertical alignment. But after working on this over the past 24 hours, I feel I'm out of ideas of what to do next.

My MWE consists of three parts:

  1. A file, newlist.tex, which defines a new environment to facilitate aligning a listing environment with a box's baseline,
  2. A file, showandtell.tex, which contains several macros designed to help show the heights and values involved,
  3. And the file to wrap around the MWE.

The file newlist.tex

%%  A box to line up against                                                
\def\aeQuick{\savebox{\aeQuickBox}{Tq \rule[-2ex]{0.1pt}{3ex}jay}%%'
%% THE STRUT                                                                
%% MY LIST                                                                  
%% new lengths created for access outside of environment                    
       {%% horizontal dimensions                                            
                                  \wd\aeQuickBox + 0.5em
                                  +\labelwidth +\labelsep -\itemindent
        %% vertical dimensions                                              
        %% test whether `\partopsep` has been added
        %% next is true only if this environment is within another list
       %% set \ae@enum@parskip here because wrong value of `\parskip` is 
       %% called within arguments to `list` environment.
       %% avoid `\lineskip` if being aligned with a very deep box

%% VERTICAL SPACE REMOVAL                                                   


The file showandtell.tex

%% cumulative lengths for stacking and making lengths visible               
%% COLORS                                                                   
%%   orange = strut height                                                  
%%   blue   = topsep                                                        
%%   gray   = parskip + parsep                                              
%%   red    = aeQucikBox depth                                              

%% VISUALLY REP FOR DIMS                                                    
%% show baseline                                                            
%% show depth                                                               

%% SHOW VALUES FOR DIMS                                                     
      \foreach \x in {#1}{ \makebox[1cm][r]{\x}  =  \the\csname \x\endcsname\\ }

The wrapper file:


  \aeshowbaseline\aeQuick  \par
    \item \aestrut\aeStackLengths\aeshowbaseline\, My first line: \aeshowLengths
    \item second line

  \item \aeshowbaseline\aeQuick
          \item \aestrut\aeStackLengths\aeshowbaseline\, My first line: \aeshowLengths
          \item second line

  \item  \verb=\par= inserted
           \item \aeshowbaseline\aeQuick \par
                   \item \aestrut\aeStackLengths\aeshowbaseline\, My first line: \aeshowLengths
                   \item second line

  \item No \verb=\par= inserted
           \item \aeshowbaseline\aeQuick 
                   \item \aestrut\aeStackLengths\aeshowbaseline\, My first line: \aeshowLengths
                   \item second line


These produce:

enter image description here

As seen from the image, everything seems to be working fine until I've buried my new environment within two other lists.

I don't understand how I've not taken into account all the space. I'm also finding it difficult to locate the documentation for how the various parameters are set at each list level. I can't find much of anything useful in source2.pdf.


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