I am unluckily on a Windows machine and that seems currently tough to be changed. I want capital letters to appear before each block in the index. This is my current .ist file:

headings_flag 1
heading_prefix "\\textbf\{"
heading_suffix "\}"

By running this in the preamble:


I get the following output:

enter image description here

Things I don't like: I would prefer the word "Símbolos" rather than "Symbols". I also would prefer words like "álgebra" to be in the A group (to this I might just resign to do something like \index{algebra@álgebra} but hopefully there is going to be a better way. I have seen the post here Sorting index entries with accented words for the case of portuguese. It uses xindy but I am not sure if it works on a Windows machine because I have tried for a long time to do what is stated in the post and I don't seem to get their results. When I type xindy directly on the command line I get an error saying that xindy is not a valid command.

I would appreciate if someone can give a user-friendly explanation of how I can achieve to to this. Here is the essential part of the code I am using:

% ----------     BibLaTex     ------------ %
\usepackage[backend=bibtex, citestyle=numeric,bibstyle=authoryear,url=true,firstinits=true]{biblatex}
  bibliography = {Referencias},
% ----------      Hyperref    ------------ %
% ---------    Cuerpo del documento  -------------- %
% ------     Referencias  ---------- %
% ------     Índice  ---------- %
  • 1
    The package esindex sorts entries correctly with makeindex and provides some useful tools (mainly for spaces and particles, which may be ignored, and to take into account italics and the like). Jan 23, 2014 at 14:16

1 Answer 1


Add to your .ist file the line

symhead_positive "Símbolos"

to change The Name "Symbols" in your index to that you want.

With MakeIndex you will need to use


for a better sorting.

How to install Xindy with MiKTeX please have a look to question How to use Xindy with MiKTeX.

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