How do I smooth this curve? Tried using gnuplot but its not working.

\begin{axis}[line width=2,enlargelimits=false,ylabel=Output Power(dBm)
,xlabel=Control       Voltage(V),
label style={font=\bfseries\Large},
legend style={at={( 0.8,0.2)}, anchor=north west, font=\small},
tick label style={font=\bfseries\large},
\addplot+[no markers, raw gnuplot] gnuplot{plot 'VCO_8hp_2.txt' smooth sbezier;};
\addplot+[no markers, raw gnuplot] gnuplot{plot 'VCO_8hp_2.txt' with points;};

I get the error saying 'Sorry the gnuplot result file could not be found.' My data looks like

Control Frequency
0 152.9
0.2 159.3
0.4 165.2
0.6 170.5
0.8 174.8
1 178.2
1.2 180.5
1.4 182
1.6 183
1.8 183.9
2.0 184.5
  • 3
    For data that's as smooth as that, you don't need gnuplot. Just say \addplot [mark=o, smooth] table {VCO_8hp_2.txt};
    – Jake
    Nov 6, 2013 at 17:36
  • Tried using table with smooth. For some reason this is the output.link
    – user29898
    Nov 6, 2013 at 17:45

1 Answer 1


As Jake said, this should work :

0 152.9
0.2 159.3
0.4 165.2
0.6 170.5
0.8 174.8
1 178.2
1.2 180.5
1.4 182
1.6 183
1.8 183.9
2.0 184.5
    line width=2,
    ylabel=Output Power(dBm),
    xlabel=Control Voltage(V),
    label style={font=\bfseries\Large},
    legend style={at={( 0.8,0.2)}, anchor=north west, font=\small},
    tick label style={font=\bfseries\large},grid=major
        \addplot[smooth,mark=*] table {datafile.dat};


  • For clarity, the key change is adding smooth to the \addplot call.
    – ZaydH
    Jan 8, 2022 at 18:09

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