With biblatex is very convenient to write something like this:

\ldots as presented by \textcite{shore,yoon,cicero}

Then biblatex will automatically render this to:

...as presented by Shore [2], Yoon et al. [3], and Cicero [1]

Sometime it would be helpful to not use and as conjunction but or. Is that possible?

BTW: Why is there no comma when there are only two items in \textcite{foo,bar}? When there are two authors and maxcitenames=2 this is rendered to:

"..as presented by Foo and Bar [1] and Bar and Foo [2]"

Possible duplicates:

This question is related to biblatex: Tighter integration of \textcite "in the flow of text", where this question was actually a comment, but as the comment trail was too long already I was asked to make a new question, so here it is.

Also the question might seem related to Change citation conjunction from "and" to "i" but this is asking for different conjunctions within a single bibkey connecting authors.

  • Can you give an actual example in which or is more suited than and? I can't think of any...
    – jub0bs
    Feb 26, 2014 at 9:20
  • 1
    In response to your BTW: the Oxford comma applies ONLY in a series of three or more terms. Feb 26, 2014 at 9:24
  • @Jubobs, I want to make it more clear that the literture list not complete with "or". When using "and" it sounds more like a complete list.
    – math
    Feb 26, 2014 at 13:04
  • @math I understand, but using "or" is dangerous because it can be misinterpreted as an exclusive "or". If you really want to convey the fact that the list of references is not exhaustive, you could write as presented by Shore [2], Yoon et al. [3], and Cicero [1], among others, or something like that.
    – jub0bs
    Feb 26, 2014 at 13:21

2 Answers 2


To make use of biblatex's localisation capabilities we can define a new bibliography string or.

  or = {or},
  or = {oder},

We can then define a new command that will change the "and" in \textcite to an "or".

      \addspace\bibstring{or}}% here was \bibstring{and} before

The \textcite commands can then very easily be patched to use "or" instead of "and" by adding \useor to the wrapper command.

For numeric and friends that would be


For authortitle/authoryear you would use


Look up the \DeclareCiteCommand{\textcite} in your .cbx file, copy the definition, change the name to \textciteor and add \useor to the wrapper command (that is the portion in square brackets just after \DeclareCiteCommand{\textciteor}, create this optional argument if its not there already).



  or = {or},
  or = {oder},



\ldots as presented by \textcite{shore,yoon,cicero,baez/article}.

\ldots as presented by \textciteor{shore,yoon,cicero,baez/article}.

Just to test \textcite{shore,yoon,cicero,baez/article}.

enter image description here

Of course you can also hook \useor into \AtNextCite:

Just to test \textcite{shore,yoon,cicero,baez/article}.
Just to test \AtNextCite{\useor}\textcite{shore,yoon,cicero,baez/article}.
Just to test \textcite{shore,yoon,cicero,baez/article}.

And then define


thanks to @Audrey for that solution.

Regarding your BTW: biblatex only uses the Oxford/serial comma for list with more than two items.

The standard definitions are:




One can of course force the \finalandcomma to appear always by


and the like.

  • Pretty sure the Oxford comma goes with “or” just as much as “and.” Feb 26, 2014 at 10:00
  • @LukeMaurer I suppose you are right, I deleted the passage, as it was probably more confusing than helpful anyway.
    – moewe
    Feb 26, 2014 at 10:10
  • 2
    @moewe Just go with \newrobustcmd*{\textciteor}{\AtNextCite{\useor}\textcite}. BTW: Thanks a bunch for your posts here.
    – Audrey
    Feb 27, 2014 at 0:32

You can define a new cite command \textciteor that does that.

The following code is required in the preamble:

     \addspace or}



     \addspace or}

\ldots as presented by \textcite{shore,yoon,cicero}

\ldots as presented by \textciteor{shore,yoon,cicero}


enter image description here

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