I am trying to use the cleveref package.

I have the following counters defined (hopefully this is the right way to do it!)


This works as I would like (i.e. Theorem 1.1, Corollary 1.2, Lemma 1.3, etc.)

My problem is \cref always returns Theorem 1.2, Theorem 1.3. I

Perhaps this is not right? (In my preamble)


1 Answer 1


The behaviour you describe comes from the standard LaTeX \newtheorem command; the problem can be solved by using the amsthm or ntheorem packages:






As shown in \cref{thm:test} and \cref{lem:test}


The \newtheorem commands have to come after the loading of cleveref. Additionally, the cleverref package has to be loaded after ntheorem or amsthm. In total this gives the following order:


By the way, the plural forms of theorem and lemma don't use an apostrophe, so you should use

  • thanks, I agree it works with what you have posted! Two strange things - (1) I have amsthm package loaded already and (2) I need to use \crefname, whereas it doesn't require you to? (I have split the file across multiple documents with \input{foo1.tex} if that makes a difference)
    – Qwirk
    May 26, 2011 at 12:08
  • @Qwirk: using subsidiary files and \input, it's necessary to use the \crefname commands as you did. Do not use the .tex extension in the argument of \input: use \input{foo1} instead of \input{foo1.tex}. Delete all auxiliary files (with extension .aux) and compile again. If your problem presists, please add to your question a minimal working example illustrating the problem. May 26, 2011 at 14:00
  • 4
    Thank you. I had to move the newtheorem definitions to after the cleverref package was loaded!
    – Qwirk
    May 27, 2011 at 1:02
  • 2
    After wasting an hour - let me repeat @Qwirk's remark. The definitions of the \newtheorem's have to come after the loading of cleveref!
    – Dror
    Aug 8, 2013 at 15:12
  • @Dror isn't that what my code shows? :-) Aug 8, 2013 at 15:16

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