I am using the acmsmall to do an essay; I have a custom cls and I've re-defined all of {title, author, etc}font to be more appropriate. However, I am having trouble getting the normal font to be anything but 10pt. If I set \fontsize{26}{30}\selectfont in my document it works, but how do I get it in the cls?

\ProvidesClass{essay}[2015/04/01 Essay]


% these don't appear to do anything

% title works

% debug
\newcommand\FontSize{{font size: \f@size~pt}}







Title font size: 16 pt
Normal font size: 10 pt.
  • Welcome! Please always post a minimal working example (MWE) to help others to help you effectively. Try \AtBeginDocument{...}. However, this is a hack and you should not really do it like this. Since I don't know where the class is to be found, it is hard to give a good answer. But do you really want 26pt for the default font size for an essay?
    – cfr
    Apr 4, 2015 at 3:06
  • \AtBeginDocument hack works for me; thanks. You don't do all your documents in 26pt? :] (I wanted to differentiate between 10pt.)
    – Neil
    Apr 4, 2015 at 23:38
  • Why are you using this class for an essay? That is, if you are not writing a paper for that journal, why are you using their class? There are more constructive exercises in frustration to be had than fighting a class which is designed to disallow just the kind of changes you want to make.
    – cfr
    Apr 4, 2015 at 23:42
  • It's just so pretty.
    – Neil
    Apr 4, 2015 at 23:44

1 Answer 1


This is not a bug but a feature.

Publishers' styles, unlike generic article etc , usually do not allow the users to change body fonts. All papers in the given journal must have matching look. I usually add to my classes commissioned by publishers some warnings when the class sees an attempt to invoke options like 12pt: "please do not do this".

Full disclosure: I did not write acmsmall, but I patched it for ACM.

For a derived class you need to redefine \normalsize, \small etc. Look how it is done in base class and change accordingly.

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